At one point do you go from white to non-white?
I'm A6. Italian. Would that be considered white?
At one point do you go from white to non-white?
I'm A6. Italian. Would that be considered white?
fuck off dude
can't you see that I am just celebrating my first post best post?
Fuck off Vinchenzo
If you have to ask, you're not white.
That doesn't my answer my question.
At one point do you come from white to non-white? I'm confused and insecure as fuck because I'm tanned but I have a very high IQ.
"White" is more of a state of mind than a color or a race. It's the idea of something being the cream of the crop, the best in it's class. Think about how the lightest-skinned Caucasoid people, Celts, are only sometimes considered white, while yellow-skinned Mongoloid Japanese people are sometimes spoken of as if they were white.
11A do i count?
You're probably mixed
oh shit, I made it. Am I white now?
If you where acting like a nigger then your a nigger
If you act white your white.
F2 here. A-am I still white?
t. civic nationalist cuckold
>implying your skin tone is the deciding factor of your race
Albino Subsaharan Africans still aren't white, and a well tanned Nord with a dark complexion isn't black.
If you're parents were white, you're white. Your race is decided by your genealogy, not your skin tone.
>tfw 28% Jewish
C-Can I still be spared on the day of the rope? My skin is so pale you can clearly see virtually every vein in my body, like I'm a C1 here, and my nose is big but it's not hooked, a-and um...I have rosacea, which is called the "curse of the celts"!!
Everything in 1-4 is "light," but only 1-2 are "white" all the way down. E4 and F5 are a little iffy, but still "light," D5, C5, B5, and A6 are all the cutoff points--anything beyond them is either "dark," "non-white," or debatable.
Only the red zone is white. Orange is non-nigger tier.
>t. civic nationalist cuckold
t. Seamus O'Connor
>yfw you're completely white
Feels good desu
I'm A1 and I'm a nigger
Italian's aren't white, Italian American offspring are.
The fuck makes you think my opinion would have any sort of impact on such a thing?
Im so white im not even on the fucking chart. Maybe I should go out more..
F1 here
keep out of the sun
y'all get cancer y'hermie
If your palms are the same color as the back of your hand, you're white. Even the slightest change in color signifies brownness.
also brown eyes or black hair = non-white