How plausible would this be, Sup Forums?
How plausible would this be, Sup Forums?
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Good guys won?
In hitler world, you would have been exterminated, stupid
Fuck hitler and fuck germanics
very, Hitler could have easily turned the war around at the last minute. He was just a quitter.
How the fuck did mexico survive.
>mom is ethnical German
>dad's grandparents were German and parents are Portuguese and German
No I fucking wouldn't, you banana nigger. South Brazil would be one of the best places on Earth to live with German administration.
wow it's a fuckin' spic
Literally impossible for Germany to invade the U.S.
If Nazis created nuclear power before invading Poland, it had potential.
>Either Germany or Japan managing to invade the US mainland
Neither could have managed it.
>Europoors think they could successfully defeat the US on our own soil
cant even keep sand niggers from fucking their daughters
cant into women
Sure sure.
Who burnt down your white house?
It's fucking stupid. Might as well have a portal open up and have aliens showup.
America surrendered after DC was nuked no mainland invasion needed. Also in the show the great depression continued on and America remained neutral till at-least 42
Interdimensional and time travel is literately a thing in the show.
>destroy British at Dunkirk
>don't invade Soviet Union until England is defeated
>dontndeclare war on the us after Pearl Harbor
There was no will to fight Germans in the us, and the Soviet Union was not going to invade Germany, certainly not in the 1940's.
>Germany getting nukes when their atomic weapons program never really got off the ground
>Having a bomber big enough to deliver a nuke, with enough range to reach the continental US
>This hypothetical fiction bomber making it through miles dozens of miles of hostile airspace to be able to reach DC
>The US surrendering after DC is nuked
>German and Japanese troops being able to occupy the US
This fails on every level.
>In hitler world, you would have been exterminated, stupid
>Fuck hitler and fuck germanics
>that Dominican that always shitposts against Germanics
Jesus dude, did your gf leave you for a rich, tall, and handsome Nord, Anglo, or German? Are you okay? Do you need to talk?
Maybe be its all true but god dammit they deserved to win. Don't be so fucking proud you bunch of muts literally the excrement of Europe won you Amerilards are the reason the white man is done for
a country that used to be a world superpower and that now has 1/50th out gdp
Stalin would attack as soon as it looked like Germany was going to take the UK.
he should have made peace after taking pooland
Which never could have happened either, so they are golden.
But if Germany waited too long the Soviet Union would have recovered from the purges, so Germany really had to take out Britain very quickly and start Barbarossa earlier than they actually did (say, in March 1941) if they wanted to win
>>>Germany getting nukes when their atomic weapons program never really got off the ground
He's right though, everyone knows this.
>and the Soviet Union was not going to invade Germany, certainly not in the 1940's.
You're fucking retarded.
Who the fuck would want Mexico? At least Africa has resources. Mexico is just spics.
>Germany getting nukes when their atomic weapons program never really got off the ground
Crushing England and the Soviets would allow the nazis to dedicate much more resources to developing nukes with out having to worry about allied sabotage.
>Having a bomber big enough to deliver a nuke, with enough range to reach the continental US
V2 enlarged rockets? Also by the 60s concord style aircraft are the mainstream for air transport in the reich so we can assume that nazi jet aircraft development a lot further then in real life.
>This hypothetical fiction bomber making it through miles dozens of miles of hostile airspace to be able to reach DC
See above also because of the continuation of the great depression America was never able to rebuild it's military.
>The US surrendering after DC is nuked
The president and the heads of the military are all wiped out together while being unable to mount any sort of response.
>German and Japanese troops being able to occupy the US
What is unconditional surrender also the american nazi party is much stronger in this universe.
>from the country that invented Bachata and Reggaeton
I couldn't expect less from you
DESU if the NAZIs invaded the United States they might have had a lot of sympathizers with rifles in their hands. If you think the United States was completely united during the war you've been reading too many (((history))) books, user.
the southern cone would be argentinian because its our rightfully clay
I prefer the reality in which I am alive.
I actually do not have to respect the wishes of the dead. Nobody does.
>Crushing England and the Soviets would allow the nazis to dedicate much more resources to developing nukes with out having to worry about allied sabotage.
Nowhere near as much as the US was able to put into the Manhattan Project. Plus the notion German scientists were operating on right through the entire war ended up being flawed. After this program turned out to be a dead end they would have to basically start from scratch.
>V2 enlarged rockets?
Has neither the carrying capacity or the range, they would need to invent ICBMs 20 years ahead of time.
>Also by the 60s concord style aircraft are the mainstream for air transport in the reich so we can assume that nazi jet aircraft development a lot further then in real life.
When exactly did the US get nuked in this timeline? If you let it run through the 60s the Germans having Nukes and an ICBM program isn't terribly unreasonable.
>The president and the heads of the military are all wiped out together while being unable to mount any sort of response.
Still have doubts we would just keel over
>What is unconditional surrender also the american nazi party is much stronger in this universe.
Implying the US population would just keel over and allow an occupying forces to set up shop. Americans being armed to the teeth isn't some modern day thing.
Manfred von Ardenne was the guy that gave the Soviets their nukes.
He got the Stalin price for it.
what people forget is that nukes were about as devastating as carpet bombing.
Considering that uranium/plutonium were very expensive to make, it's debatable whether conventional explosives and inflammables (?) were not cheaper and more productive weapons.
The difference was in the number of planes that need to be used to deliver the 20k TNT of explosive power.
Some high ranking military (Leon Degrelle?) reported after the war, that Hitler could have, but did not want to use nukes, because it was too inhumane.
It is known that Germany developed Sarine gas but never used it.
Don't forget that early nukes were massive and required a huge plane to deliver them. We had to modify our biggest bomber of the war to be able to carry it, and we had to launch the attack from a base in the Pacific to be able to actually reach Japan with it.
Japs get all the best surfing, fuckin bullshit.
Mexico has oil and rare earth metals, which any advanced country needs to get nice things like electromagnets. Theyve got iron for steel, too. Also good for keeping central America out
Chemical and bio warfare are plenty enough.
>encircle city
>maintain kill zone
>monitor area with recon planes
>bomb it to shit
>deploy smallpox
>wait 14 months
>use incendiary bombs
>wait 4 years
>send armed bio teams to sweat
>wait as needed
Still better than waiting for radiation
Not at all.
This is a meme map.
It would be fucking glorious what else matters
ridiculously implausible
>not wanting an autisticly made map over a german won ww2 with greater hungary and Italy
>not wanting cold war memes with the US over places like Ireland
The Americas are unassailable from Europe or Asia with the US around.
They'd have to be in steep industrial decline in that timeline for shipping troops across the Atlantic or Pacific to be worth it.
>tfw born in the wrong timeline
So how much longer until you get that Germans don't actually respect the US
>if anyone gets out or the whole city isn't properly sterilized you'll spread it worldwide
Good thinking leaf
I wasn't able to contain my Reich-boner anymore after they started talking about Atlantropa.
This timeline is so much better.
They nuked washington in the show and you surrendered
I guess pic related applies to Brazil too.
I just noticed
>Japs haven't even subdued all of China
Don't care about "plausibility"; all I know is that the Reich looked comfy as fuck
>people keeping talking about how Germany could never invade the USA
These fucks have obviously never seen the show. Hitler was able to win because the films showed him all of the possible outcomes of his choices. He used cheat codes to win, of course it isn't realistic.
Fucking german hackers.
Not all of China is actually worth subduing to be honest. If you check a map you'll see most of western China is worthless desert and mountain land.
This by the way is one of the reasons why the rise of China is a meme and not as likely a future as people think. Imagine if two thirds of America was inhospitable desert and mountain ranges, and that's what China is in real life, with thousands of years of development in the good areas ensuring they've already reached peak capacity a long time ago (think Europe) as a handicap on top of that.
Why the fuck were we invaded? During WW2 we loved the germans and it wasn't till their surrender when muh evil nazis XD started propagating in here
Mountains are hard to rule over.
I never wanted to live desu dude
>you will never fight for hitler
>ethnical german
If not faked (on account of stupidly-large industrial and personnel requirements for the development of nuclear weapons not present in 1944 Germany), then extraordinarily retarded, even with an incomplete understanding of radioactive fallout. This is the equivalent of the US testing Trinity on Key West or Long Island Sound.
its totally absurd bullshit with no connection to reality.
What series is this?
I'm aware, I would just think that a victorious, Americas-occupying Japan, which also has all of India, would stretch at least to the modern expanse of China in the west, and central Asia would be their western 'neutral zone'.
would've taken a completely different universe where the nazi nuclear program had gotten anywhere past the hard water phase
We would have better News intro music than we do now
Then means to contain and control an empire that large are beyond the control of any singular ideology.
At a certain point, you need true believers everywhere, or quelling rebellions all over will tear you apart.
>Crushing England and the Soviets would allow the nazis to dedicate much more resources to developing nukes with out having to worry about allied sabotage.
Because either worked out well enough in history
>V2 enlarged rockets? Also by the 60s concord style aircraft are the mainstream for air transport in the reich so we can assume that nazi jet aircraft development a lot further then in real life.
Germany's strategic bombing and rocketry capabilities in the mid-40's (in-universe, their d-day of choice) were laughably retarded. Amerikabomber, when it wasn't a schizophrenic mess of competing designs and bureaus, lacked fuel, range, payload, parts, and experience in long-range strategic bombing. With V2s, they had enough trouble hitting the right targets in London, barely half a continent over. Imagine trying that on an America in full wartime production.
>See above also because of the continuation of the great depression America was never able to rebuild it's military.
Germany's own economy was far further down the shitter than even Depression-era America's, with far fewer resources and intact infrastructure to draw on. Say what you will about breadlines, but nobody was bombing Mom and Pop in bumfuck Kansas or sabotaging rail lines in Flordia
>The president and the heads of the military are all wiped out together while being unable to mount any sort of response.
>What is unconditional surrender
Something generally not entertained by a heavily armed, highly-industrialized and intact country with the largest and most capable navy and air corps in the world, an armed and angry populace, and a landmass dwarfing any conquest Nazi Germany or Japan ever imagined in their wet dreams. Nukes or no, American capacity to resist isn't centered on D.C.
>also the american nazi party is much stronger in this universe.
fucking WE WUZ A POPULAR MOVEMENT N SHIET I swear to christ
If anyone could do it, it was Nazi Germany.
New Zealand safe again
The man in the high castle, it's pretty good, better than the book actually. the Reich is so comfy
Man in the high castle, Amazon TV show based on Philip K Dick Nobel where Nazis Erin WW2 because of inter dimensional fuckery
whast is the magic assumption that the Rockys will always bee america's last stronghold?
The east coast of the US in the 1940s is nothing like today. Everyone had a gun, even in the cities.
ty user
>implying Germany and Japan wouldn't collapse due to overextension
There's a reason why Rome pulled out of Mesopotamia after Trajan, and it wasn't because they got their ass kicked in battle.
You would have to assume that every person of non Jewish German and Japanese descent would be collaborationist or acquiescent to the cause of Germany and Japan after the war to add to their overextended manpower reserves. That still isn't enough to thoroughly occupy all that fucking territory.
An insurgency in Africa would be exponentially worse than fighting Russia in the winter. Not only if Africa much bigger, but it's even harder to navigate due to the dense jungles, the Sahara desert, and the lack of infrastructure that would take decades to construct.
>muh racial superiority
Any group of people, no matter how "inferior" can overwhelm the most experienced of soldiers and defeat them either strategically or by exhaustion if they are willing to throw enough bodies at them.
Japan would have the same issues but they would control half of the world's population so it would be even worse.
Not plausible, but fuck if it isn't a perfect dream
Checked, but we have the best uniforms desu
Do you think that China might one day expand their territory in order to create 'lebensraum'? They have a population of 1,000,000,000+ after all.
These scenarios are fucking stupid.
Easiest way for nazi germany to succed is for FDR to be assassinated way before USA enters the war and for the german secret service to successfully prop up the facist candidate.
Latin america would follow suit and with the submarine campaign england would be done. Japan's embargo would be lifted due to german pressure war would never happen.
LAtin americas nations would basically kow tow to nazi germany with minimum diplomatic effort, and if the germans wanted they could easily conquer much of the territory, but that would be much less productive than simply installing pupped regimes.
It isn't America, it is the 'neutral zone'. No laws, the new Wild West. It is the Reich and Imperial Japan giving each other room.
>Because either worked out well enough in history
We already explained that Hitler basically knew the outcome of every decision that he could make, which is how he was able to win the war.
>"Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years." - Abraham Lincoln, 1838
And it's more true now than it was back then.
The only way I could see a Nazi invasion of the Americas succeeding is if they force Britain to surrender first, establish strategic bases in Canada in the negotiations, and then bomb the shit out of the industrial American north.
Your post would get you 10 years in prison for "hate crimes" in France.
The Nazi nuclear test was confirmed to have happened in the Nuremberg Trials.
Would prefer Huey Long presidency timeline desu
>Baja California
FDR would in such a scenario almost certainly invaded Canada before a German set foot there
Pretty impossible since even if Hitler had pulled off a victory in Europe the U.S. would've had nukes long before any German invasion of America could take place. Best case scenario would have the Germans spending at least a decade digesting all that "lebensraum" in Europe alone before going into a cold war with the U.S.
Also the Italians didn't want to join the Reich and Italy would've wanted shit like Greece and N. Africa, plus Spain wouldn't have joined the Reich either though they would be allies.
>tfw 1/2 German
>tfw leftovers Irish and Native American
Do I get the rope? If so I do it proudly for the Reich
>These scenarios are fucking stupid.
>Easiest way for nazi germany to succed is for FDR to be assassinated way before USA enters the war
That's literally what happened.
wheres the next fucking page?
>Hitler is a bad guy because he believed in weeding out useless populations that contributed nothing in the grand scheme of history besides perpetuating each others' suffering in crippling, self-made poverty
>being this irrationally egotistical
>being this emotionally invested in a conclusion
You're forgetting who you're masters are, only 3 rule this world, Europeans, Asians and Jews.
>Your post would get you 10 years in prison for "hate crimes" in France.
Between irritating frogs or trying to wrap my head around a government that so spectacularly fucked up nearly every aspect of its entire existence managing an entire nuclear weapons program with none of the footprint of Manhattan and burying the truth of it for 70 years,
I'll happily settle for the former.
>wheres the next fucking page?
Good fucking question, I want to hear the rest of this
Sure thing, Mohamed
It's not very plausible at all, but it's a good story.
Alternate history media in general isn't very plausible because even if you have a plausible POD, all of it is guesswork that requires suspending disbelief. Which is why a lot of Alt history discussion boards is full of autists nitpicking the shit out of things.