
I actually am relieved when I see a dirty spic or loudmouth nigger philandering with a cute white girl.

Would you rather some goofy whore date a coon or would you rather she abstain from niggers and go on to date you?
Now, you're dating a woman who deep down inside wouldn't object to fucking and/or dating a nigger. You telling me you'd live happily ever after and that she'll forever fight her urges that are telling her to cheat with a nigger or better yet leave you for one with a giant throbbing purple dick?

No way in hell.

>I dont want to even know a girl who feels even slightly tempted to flirt with a guy who's even one fifth nigger. so any cute white girl I see walking around holding hands with a coon I see as a dodged bullet.


I see them with fat girls a lot. Cute girls not so much.
Every time I see a white guy with a black chick, however, she is top tier .

just think about it. any girl you see with a colored is one less girl with the nigger lover gene you have to worry about. My logic is perfect

That's like saying you're happy your friend committed suicide because it proves he thought about killing himself at some point.

He's saying coal burners are doing us a favor by removing themselves from the white gene pool and giving respectable white men a fair warning via their past social media pictures
He's right

but if they're not burning coal they're not coal burners

the problem is they're programmed to by society you idiot. what happens when they all feel like they want to go for black guys?

If you're going to use that analogy with the condescending pic, get it right.

It's like saying that every person who commits suicide is one less person I would potentially befriend that had the suicide gene, therefore I miss out on the sadness of losing a friend to suicide.

Either way, I'm cutting out people who exhibit behaviors I find unacceptable.

Then I don't want to date girls who are susceptible to societal programming. I obviously didn't go for it, so why should I expect any less from a mate.

all white girls that date out instantly get hotter

*become worthless


>let's not worry about the root cause of problems
>problems will naturally solve themselves
I apologize for being rude but this line of thinking is not sustainable

Why do you care who they fuck? You're not fucking them anyway.

exactly homie preach

exactly the point. I feel grateful to them for showing that they enjoy to be banged by the lower races so that Im sure not to even try to fuck them.

gooks don't count in this discussion.

im sure they're pissed about that

i just want to be friends

This is exactly why the zips don't register in this conversation. They're weird and tryhard when it comes to trying to act like other races (going overboard on using "homie" and "senpai"). Speaking to a phony chink like the one in the pics is usually like speaking to a well constructed robot that was accidentally programmed to speak like a race that is different from its outside layer.

Dating a girl after she's dated an asian weirdo would actually feel like charity work. Asians are sneaky and naturally ashamed of themselves for some reason, so they try to take on different personalities they feel are cool, which of course usually fails. They'll refuse to just be themselves and act inhumanely and ruthlessly cheap and selfish.

However, women are notoriously retarded and will fall for the charade just like they fall for a black that pretends to be loyal. The only difference being the generally tiny penis on the asians

senpai's our word though

The issue is the culture that causes this.

the board replaces f a m with senpai

and of course you're a goofy zip who thinks he's hit the jackpot just because he banged a blonde white girl. I've fucked enough asian whores to know your race better than you know yourself.

white girls are the upgraded versions of asian girls

Its OP's schizo-retard way of saying that coal burning helps us identify which women to avoid I guess