Someone explain to me why women want this so bad.
Someone explain to me why women want this so bad
I thought you had warz to protect tha wimmenz?
One of the great successes of neoliberalism is their smooth absorption of feminism.
The strong go getter women everyone should admire are capitalists and the tools that kill for capitalists. Now the measure of a successful, equal female is how well she serves the system that destabilizes the 3rd world and degenerates the 1st world.
They dont. They only want equal rights for things they think are cool. When daddy trump talked about drafting women there was an uproar on Twitter by feminists.
Whoa! Repeating pattern! Checkd
Army fag here. Feminism has indoctrinated people to think women are equal to men in every way. Women want to do all the cool shit but none of the work. Now they are being forced into these fields and can't meet the standard.
>be me
>walk 30 miles and hitting multiple objectives in 24 hours
>carry mission gear (70 pounds is light)
> women don't show up cuz it's hard
>somehow we need more wimenz
Jesus this is painful to watch
This is why they should all go through it so they can realize what it's like and shut up for life.
>daddy trump
You sound like you want him to be your gay lover. Unsurprising really.
Anyone have the one with the woman trying to pull the pin on a grenade for five minutes?
Just to be fair autiamos don't talk shit if your flabby ass couldn't gear up and complete a 12 mile ruck< 3 hours. Also, talking shit about females in the service if you didn't/don't plan on serving makes you look 10x weaker than a female sucking at the end of a ruckmarch
t.salty faggot vet
I do :)
isn't this just a reporter?
Because men have it and women are children so they want whatever they think men have.
That's a black hat, so this is airborne. Props to the guy, he just probably rucked a dozen miles before this and has to ruck a few more.
Do you mean to ask why women want soldiers or why women would want to serve in this capacity, user?
nice digits friendo
How much gear did you guys have to ruck for the 12 miles? I've always been curious about getting a weight vest or some shit some day and trying it, just to see if I could.
You don't ruck at jump school. If anything it's air assault school at ft. campbell
Rucks have to at least make weight of 45lbs which is probably what she's got
They should draft women and put them in roles they can actually perform.
The soviets had all-female combat aircraft squadrons who performed perfectly fine.
Wasn't sure if they had the black hats for Air Assault instructors. Good to know, thanks.
that's a lot of equipment for simple sandwich-making
cooking squadrons and sex slaves then ?
Kys already. There's no ruck at airborne school. Fuck off civilian fag
Wew lad. Alright, mark my words one of these days I'm gonna do it. 50 pound vest and 12 miles.
t. 26 year old Type 1 diabetic who's kinda /fit/
Fucking looking away
>Someone explain to me why women want this so bad.
They don't.
It had nothing to do with the actually wanting to be in the line of fire, or serving their country.
They just enjoyed the virtue signaling they got from spouting off shit like "Women should be able to serve! I'd totally do it if they allowed it! Unfair!".
Then they actually made it to where women could serve, and how many that were chanting about wanting to join do you think actually did? Now the next generation of females sees that they can enlist, and assumes it's normal which leads to OP's webm...
nice digits
Nope, just a lower enlisted familiar with the black hat. Happy being in the reserves, just not sure/not interested in most of the various schools. I'm a 31B weekend warrior, what EXACTLY, do you expect?
>Someone explain to me why women want this so bad.
Women don't, activists just see it as their next pay-cheque.
>GET THE FUCK UP MARINE! If you're on your knees then you can crawl but you. Keep. Going. Forward!
'Waaaaahhhh this isn't the equality I wanted!'
>Bullets and mortor rounds don't care about your pronouns and neither do I. Get moving!
*dumb bitch uses rest and splash. It is in no way effective, even the dirt laughs at you.*
>activists just see it as their next pay-cheque.
This was for expert field medical badge. Just because a guy has a black hat doesn't mean hes a Black Hat. Also that was the finish line right there. You clearly don't jump bro, also fuck the mp's.
Reserves(not really in the army), mp (rent-a-cop). Kys
Because they aren't real women, they're feminists trying to prove a point.
Fuck I'm a out of shape 160lbs 5'5 chinaman and can do 60lbs-100lbs 10-15 miles in and out of the eastern rockies when I'm elk hunting.
the wars are to keep the nation's coffers and reputation in check, silly
Goddamn she's so cute when she cries.
I don't see how being in the Reserves or Guard negates being in the Army. There are three components for a reason. I did AGR over the Summer while school was on break for some cash, it functioned similarly to my schedule during training. I did BCT with guys from all three components, if I was deployed I don't think the enemy would discriminate between Regular Army, NG, or Reserves.
Also the Military Police is an awesome MOS for civilian side employment, even outside of Law Enforcement. I'm happy with it, but hopefully I can chang MOS for something intel oriented after my contract is done and I need to reup. Not nice to denigrate anyone who enlisted, bro.
That's just a TV reporter.....
They have been tricked into thinking that they need to prove that they're equal with men in every single way instead of accepting the fact that we're a sexually dimorphic species and traditional gender roles exist for a reason.
Tell that to guys in the reserves who have done 2-3 tours in the last war. Evidently your a Vietnam vet era guy. The WW2 guys didn't see them as real warriors either after Vietnam. The ignorance continues on....
they don't
Gross dude what the fuck is that?
Der he coulda shoot himself wif da gun but da recooter couda took out da billet but he couda know dere was no billet cuz da trainin.
I don't know, I think they either want to be accepted as one of the guys or are in it for the D
The army has the ugliest broads btw but everyone is desperate. I once saw a hick redneck country boy fuck an overweight black chick. He banged her off and on for two weeks until it was time for his unit to move out, then he called her a nigger before leaving
Even that pathetic bag of bones in your gif has a chance of finding someone who would screw the cobwebs out of her dusty vagina
>damn, left arms and legs are heavy as fuck, arent they?
I'm a 400lbs obese man and can lug around more weight than that for longer.
What are you talking about? It's a beautiful Aryan woman.
>Someone explain to me why women want this so bad.
Mainstream media reverse psychology.
They tell the women, "You are being oppressed because you don't do this thing"
And so the women want it.
nice digits
also did she stare down the barrel of her gun?
got to make sure it's loaded :^)
>45 + lbs, 12 miles, 3hrs
No you couldn't. You fuckers can talk shit all you want but that chick that's sucking in the WebM is probably in better shape than 70-80% if this board
>height: 5'7"
those are some scary MPs
Yeah because a lot of us don't have military training.
there's a pretty big difference in reservists and national guard guys who have combat experience and those who do not
obviously the guy posting here hasn't seen combat
>that barrel sweep...well...that solid 7 seconds where she's looking straight down the barrel.
I flinched.
>lel this double amputee will never get up the wall
>does it with one hand
You don't "do" AGR for a summer break. You were ADOS/ADSW.
Sincerely a 13 year AGR Soldier.
Yeah they can. Reserve units are all shit. Some nasty girls are okay but also largely shit. Probably like 1/10 of the regular army units are also shit. The only units that are going to encounter actual hostiles are combat arms and the only ones of those that will actually get close enough to see the enemy are Infantry and Cavalry. As much as I hate Cav fags, tankers, and gun bunnies I'd take the lot of them over MPs though. MPs are a total fucking joke.
Well you look pleb as fuck talking shit on the OP WebM if you yourself can't complete what she was doing.
> Milo detected
>there's a pretty big difference in reservists and national guard guys
Lol, that's like trying to differentiate soft feces from watery diarrhea
Oh I will admit I'm no where near as strong as she might be.
Fuck you you're probably a CW4 as well. Probably go to work in civilians with a mustache. You've probably got long wavy locks of hair that cascade over your eyebrows and ears. You've probably got silky smooth hands, meticulously trimmed nails and are working on a disability claim for carpel tunnel.
Fucking AGR worst sham artists in the Army.
>hurrrrr don't criticize something you can't do
if you know anyone in the service you'd probably be worried for them knowing that inferior warriors were affirmative action'ed into positions that might have some sway over their lives.
"Some nasty girls are okay but also largely shit." You base this clearly well thought out point on what? You work for TRADOC or CALL?
Also, no one gives a fuck who you would "take" ...seriously, you sound like a fucking PVT.
>He isn't gay
>lost 50 pounds of leg and 10lb arm.
his ass better be able to do a one arm pull up.
Oh boy hate to break it to you champ but 50lb vest +50lb back pack + 10lb stick would be more accurate :) but whatever you choose to do is good too
Look how much attention she's getting! She's loving it!
I like how the black dude is the empowering one. The white cuck were reading out of a piece of paper. American can and indeed is working when everyone is cooperating. Embrace diversity in the land of the diverse. Peace!
No it isn't
>10-15 miles
Sure sure
Keep up a 3.5-4mph pace and call back. Nature walks don't count
>just because you are a civilian and dont have military training doesnt mean that woman with military training cant keep up with men that have military training.
was anyone even arguing that /fit/ women arent in better shape than not /fit/ dudes? im pretty sure the argument all along is that women cant keep up with men im combat situations that are life and death and can effect thousands of lives if you complete your mission or not. woman are liabilities in combat roles period. their are ways for them to serve, but they should not be on front lines and the delusion that they are as capable as men needs to stop.
They have been subverted into believing they are men.
>whores enter military
>standards are dropped because standards are sexist
>military becomes weak
>country becomes weak and dies
No you fucking can't
Also kys faggot
>this mad
>did not complete his first contract, chaptered out for failing ht-wt
>never deployed, likely 42A faggot
>never held a combat arms MOS
>says "hooah" in general conversations
Stay mad faggot. Enjoy that RE3 loser.
They're letting progeria sufferers in the army now?
Spotted the roasties.
Do not listen to these fag want to be's. I remember the MP's getting hit all the time on the MSR's. Of course cruit did not see this from the FOB.
What astounds me is that white women will fuck and breed with non-whites.
Plus in wartime conquest they have adapted their psychology (evo-psyche) to surrender to the will of the newly dominant males and cut all ties with the losers.
Why do they want to fight at all? They are not protecting their race and if shit gets real they will opt out until the fighting is over and side with the victor.
Are they 'fighting for capitalism'? I don't understand it at all.
Women aren't very intelligent and absorb movie and media tropes almost completely. For every movie like Hunger games, thousands of girls think they can be badass fighters in the army unironically.
>Plus in wartime conquest they have adapted their psychology (evo-psyche) to surrender to the will of the newly dominant males and cut all ties with the losers.
Since when? Historically a lot of them would commit suicide rather than be captured
Hit close to home eh? Enjoy recruiting in Alabama or whatever sham assignment you're on.
>We train 2 weekends a month!
>Magically the same as people who train 3 weeks a month.
Please tell me about how hardcore your summer FTX was. Maybe you've even got some NTC/JRTC stories! So hardcore.
>having to call time out during wars so each side's women have time to collect themselves
>memorized military lingo
>was never in any branches of the military
>sits at home slobbering all over his keyboard while furiously typing angry comments
>rests the keyboard on his mammoth gut.
Must be nice deploying to areas with MSRs. Must be fucking nice.
The money spent training her could be spent on training a competent man.
To be honest the police forces do this too, maybe the decision has been made high up enlist women as fucktoys for the alphas to let of steam? Who knows...
women used to be proud of being mothers (which is a one of the most admirable and noble task in humans lives), now that the jews have taken that away from their lives they need something else.
Then they bitch about the police being a boys club when they refuse to integrate with the lads
they really dont
its a very very small percentage of women who will actually WANT to join infantry, and a smaller percentage still who will stick with it.
one of the issues raised with the potential of having female units is will they even have enough women to staff it completely? Then logistics issues et al.
most of the women agitating for this shit A) arent in the military B) will never be in the military and C) will be the first to agitate for the dissolution when women start coming home in bodybags with great frequency.
Major nations don't fall for this bullshit. It's obvious through science that men are better for first line duty then women. Women can be used in the military in certain ways though.
>never fired a shot in anger
>first in line at Applebee's to get his hero meal on vets day
>wows all his mall cop coworkers with his basic training stories
>mentions his "service" in the first 30 seconds of every conversation
I apologize to all non-army types in this threat, faggots like 104552693 make us look like shit.
historically 80% of the planet shares dna with ghengis khan because women chose to raise his rape babies instead of suiciding, despite watching him and his armies kill all the men and current children in their villages.