Redpilling us on (((Cernovich)))
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(((Cernovich))) live as well~
Oy vey, how can I be a merchant when this degenerate goyim who hasn't even activated his /MandrilMindframe/ won't pay me back the shekels I loaned him? It's anudda shoah.
CTR here i'm loving all this alt-right infighting. Keep it up
>two grown men periscoping at each other
jesus christ what is this autism
>e-celeb bullshit
fuck off
Milo is also a huge shill.
"Baked Alaska"? what a lazy handle. Would it kill him to come up a non obvious name?
This guy is having a fucking meltdown.
More like alt-light infighting, the REAL alt-right is consolidating with Mike Enoch, Spencer and Anglin making their alliance against the jews extorting Spencer's family.
Mike Cernovitch comes off as a total Jew. Baked Salmon seems like kind of a bitch. Jew is much worse.
This is true. The alt right is TRS, The Daily Stormer, and Richard Spencer.
Alaska seems like a good dude.
>Mike Enoch, Spencer and Anglin
Very true.
Mike Kikeavich, is attacking Alaskaman, why?
Reminder, Mike Cernovich once sucked salty tranny dick
Technically everyone who isn't a mainstream cuckservative is. But these are the real deal willing to question everything, if only the most extreme faction (IronMarch) stopped their faggot ANTIFA-helping shenanigans...
Why should i care about these faggots having a spat?
Thernovitchhhh is too worried about losing out on TV appearances over the alt right's position on the JQ. While he believes in white genocide, he's really nothing but a glorified pick up artist trying to shill his wears. Plus, did you really trust old (((Cernovich)))? I mean, he's so kikey that he sued his ex-wife for alimony and won, even though he cheated on her with a bunch of people, including trannies.
As much as I dislike him, Ramzpaul is right in saying that the most hard core neo-nazi's like iron march are either fucking idiots or agents trying to break up the movement.
>Anime Nazis convincing themselves they're "redpilled" while getting Jew'd over and over again
Cernovich won't be the last who'll fool you.
They are not agents or controlled opposition, they are just way too blackpilled and went full retard because of it, losing sight of the big picture. To them there's no concept of "not punching to the right" or "allying with similar factions" because EVERYONE is a leftist traitor to them.
Anglin is a kiddie diddling manlet with yellow fever, not an ally. If you think this guy's our buddy, you're an idiot. He joined the "movement" less than 5 years ago and mostly just uses it as a platform to be edgy and get attention.
Who cares? We have no spearheads. These e-celeb cucks have served their purpose. Quit giving them more attention.
Cernovich was always a hanger-on. We weren't fooled. It's fun watching you jokes jump from thread to thread desperately trying to consensus-crack after you got BTFO yesterday, and the day before, and the day before...
>We weren't fooled.
>le monolith
So it seems the Periscope video linked to is gone..? Did Cernokike melt down so embarassingly that he fucking DELETED the video?
Fuckin LOL
le cuckold
>He joined the "movement" less than 5 years ago
lol so did 95% of the current so-called "alt-right" ranks. Only really old school nazi folk who never achieved anything in 30 years but lose ground to the left are the other 5%. Y'all are wasting a golden chance to give the mainstream left a coup de grace now that their pantsuit god was stumped by a game show host.
Cernovich inner kike really came out on his periscope. He attacked alaska's credit score.
That would be the second melt down in a month. He's really blowing up badly with his base. If he were to get hit with a twitter ban, he'd be done, as no one goes on his stupid website,
Yeah but before he joined he gave ZERO FUCKS about white identity.
The coup de grace is a long way off, but we're gaining ground. Trump represents more than anything else a shift in the Overton Window.
does this faggot die his beard?
who the fuck is this?
post pictures man.
What, really?
Isn't it funny that the only group that hasn't had ANY infighting after the election has been the International Nazi frog wizard cabal.
Rly makes u think.
>Yeah but before he joined he gave ZERO FUCKS about white identity
So did most alt-righters, a lot of them were lolbertarians/liberals/apolitical people educated their entire life under a MUH EQUALITY system.
>The coup de grace is a long way off, but we're gaining ground.
That's correct. One big example is the white genocide professor that is getting shat on by both hardcore right-wingers and NORMIES no less. That's a huge shift that needs to be capitalized on.
Yeah, also said he was nothing more than a shill since he got paid by Mike to do MAGA3x
He looks like a stereotypical redneck.
Because we know the truth about the jews.
You are an absolute low IQ nigger.
You know what your talking about.
Baked Alaska named the Jew on his periscope lel, talked about the JQ.
from a country more cucked than ours.
Nigger we've rejecting the alt-right/E-celebs and we consider ourselves and are an independent faction. Both the alt-right and the alt-light are just faggots following our coattails but fucking it up because they refuse to be user.
We're our own thing and we're more powerful than any other internet movement or community, by far.
Because Alaskaman started asking (((questions)))
What the fuck did you just fucking thay about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I fought a 5 year rape allegation, and I’ve been involved in numerous aluminum can collecting exercises, and I have over 300 confirmed book sales. I am trained in gorilla mindset and I’m the writer in the entire alt right/libertarian/conservative/independant movement. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with tweets the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking wordth. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, worm. As we speak I am contacting my secret platform of cucks across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for my next book, maggot. The mindset that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your platform. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can debate you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my keyboard. Not only am I extensively trained in free-speech combat, but I have access to an entire arsenal of twitter followers and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little thit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn worm. I will tweet fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, troll.
The alt-right is controlled opposition full of pedophiles, faggots and cuck fetishists.
Can someone explain what happened? Too stupis to read thread
You fucking suck. Kill yourself you fucking newfag retard nigger kike.
We are shifting the overton window.
>trimmed eyebrows
roach detected
DESU, Alaska doesn't seem particularly charismatic or insightful. Happy that he's calling out both Milo and Cernobitch for being the shitstains they are.
>If he were to get hit with a twitter ban, he'd be done
He loves to brag about "muh twitter metrics" and "muh tweet impressions" so much, it's fucking ridiculous.
He was making a big deal about his Twitter account potentially being banned back when prominent Alt-Righters were being banned, trying to drum up drama and draw attention to himself.
The truth is, he rarely tweets anything remotely controversial because he'd be fucking devastated if his account was banned.
I'm so glad this retard outed himself immediately after the election as being a kosher conservative. He needs to go away.
>From a country with a few thousand less jews than Israel
>All the alt right autists are eating each other alive
Good. Trump can get shit done while all the retards playing the role of the MSM boogeymen hang each other.
Alaska posted a few tweets about how he found it interesting that jews controlled 95% of the media
Cernovich got pissed and said BA can't go to the stupid deploraball
That's about it
Where is a non shit link?
This - the key to staying clean from ((((controlled opposition)))) faggot kikes like Spencer is to never conform to a label they can highjack.
Final bosses of the internet are pure memes and hilarious hatred. Good ideas live on and develop, shitty ones are forgotten. Everyone is exactly the same anonymous poster - to be judged and criticized or praised and discuss freely.
literally who?
>pedophiles, faggots and cuck fetishists
So they're Jewish?
Its called a purge you fucking mongoloid prick. People on the alt-right are consolidating power and forming alliances to garner more strength. This train is just leaving the station.
Ok :,,,,,, (((
Damn telephone
>Using the TRS echoes while trying to shit on them in the same post
Oh the iron knee.
We also don't have any internal heresies yet because we refuse to codify our religion and we tell any faggot who tries to fucking kill himself.
Kekites will eventual gain complete mastery over memetics and memecraft and then our collective will alone will determine the politics of every nation on earth.
This. As soon as the MSM said the alt right is white supremacy nazi KKK then David dookie and Ri$htard $penser show up posting pepes and talking about meme magic like they have been lurking and making a little notebook on things to "co-opt".
Not gonna lie, former Alt-Right supporter here. It's hilarious watching you guys crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let you Nazis rise up.
>Nu/pol/ the post
You are a cancerous bunch who will also be purged.
The right stuff invented echos? How based of them that really pissed off the kikes!
We believe in one Lord, Pepe,
the only Son of Kek,
eternally begotten of the Father,
Frog from Frog, Spite from Spite,
true Frog from true Frog,
summoned, not drawn,
of one Meme with Kek.
Through him all Pepes were made.
>Leaf is deeply concerned about his alt right buddies
If this doesn't prove all the alt right label whores are controlled opposition I don't know what will. Of course you'd think a twitter fight is akin to some kind Stalinist purge.
Milo is getting rekt by the left
What the fuck is deplorabowl? Why do all these morons keep calling themselves "alt-right" like it's some kind of denomination.
Overton window is BTFO.
Whites won. Fuck the niggers. Full 1488. Power levels are no longer in hiding.
We mainstream now. Kikes don't run shit.
Does anyone actually like Milo anymore?
Seems like the left and right both hate him.
I agree. Toned down Richard Spencer types, gay as they can be, are better then skinheads, which the left can easily paint as "scary" and "dangerous"
Nobody ever liked him. His "popularity" was just CTR subversion.
>Two random irrelevant jews cat fighting
bahahaha that kike is getting roasted.
Jesus. That community is turning into high school. Much like the SJWs they doth protest.
When your people vote for someone that isn't a sissy globalist faggot you can pretend your opinion matters. You're probably a Toronto SJW posting nazi memes on twitter to frame up right wing political discussion.
Even if you aren't, e-celeb worship is cancerous faggotry, whiteknighting them is even more pathetic.
>Richard Spencer
They are half measures. Notice that they couldn't accomplish anything on their own until they were carried by the election. They dont really care about us, just making themselves famous and establishing a platform/foundation for themselves.
We need true patriots and warriors fighting for real, significant and observable change.
White nationalism is a lost cause, time to sit back and be racist and post memes and enjoying bants like tonight while being semi anonymous on twitter desu
i dont want jews on my computer so i never save images of that jew rubbing his hands together but insert that here.
Although I don't give a fuck about any of these people, this jew seems like a total tool and Alaska seems way more redpilled
ramzpaul thinks anglin is a fed lmao
He says that about everyone that is against jews.
He's probably a fed himself.
cernovich sounds really bad in this lol
I thought Baked Alaska was down with Milo?
Anywaaaay these guys are apart of a very specific niche market.. why splinter the market arguing over stupid chit?
I love how all that stuff looks fresh off the rack
redneck larping lmao
My favorite Periscope is the one where CNN put him on blast. He looked like he was about to cry, sad gorilla man.
>Heeth couldthn't buyth thickers guyths
Cernovich is a parasite who lives off our leavings. He follows us. Not the other way around.
And he sure as shit isn't white.
This. He is probably lurking right now, copying our talking points and changing them for his twitter.
His wife is a fucking mutt