Is this the greatest Liberal on the internet right now? Because holy shit, talk about a straight talk progressive
Is this the greatest Liberal on the internet right now? Because holy shit, talk about a straight talk progressive
nice self advertisement faggot
>implying anyone would advertise in this shithole
yeh i like him. he is a bit prone to conspiracy theories though.
>he is a bit prone to conspiracy theories though.
rich coming from fucking Sup Forums.
why are you shilling here then?, you and all the others, why do you care about changing the minds of a bunch of autistic social freaks who dont get pussy. You must be a little autist yourself.
>implying Sup Forums is not reddit
Isn't he that Poz repository that spit on Alex Jones when dropped in on the TYT broadcast?
He's ok, but I get annoyed by his mannerisms sometimes. Like "Donnie Tiny Hands" when he refers to Trump. It just seems unnecessary when otherwise he's speaking like an adult.
yes. I believe Jimmy Dore is the single greatest progressive online and in news media right now. his rise through 2015 and 2016 shows that he is way better than Chunk Buffalo Uyger
Jimmy Dore is a pansy ass faggot.
What a little bitch - spits at another man's face and then runs away because he's a coward.
Same reason why infowarriors post their shit. I like it
You can't even post an example
gotta admit, that was warranted. Alex Cuckfuck Jones was stealing broadcast time and was not invited on their show. he stormed the set and got spit on his face like a little cunt. having said that Alex is way better than Cenk and was hilarious for doing it
what i loser, i come here to laugh at all of you in your pseudo war, and the best part is that you think you are influential, one way or the other jajajajaja
He's one of the few progressives I can stand.
At least we are both in agreement that the DNC is full of fucking retards. And so is the Democratic Party in general.
He fiercely goes after the elitist corporate Democrats because they hold back the Sanders movement aka progressive movement, which is supposed to be the "real" Democratic Party.
By doing this, he occasionally says things that come off as supportive to Trump or conservatives because they're the enemies of the Democrats as well.
However, he still believes that Trump and the Republicans are racist, sexist, islamophobic and xenophobic and the scum of the earth.
He thinks America is racist because most prisoners are black.
He calls Larry Elder and Sheriff Clarke 'Uncle Toms'.
He also thinks that police officers are the epitome of evil.
He is a big part of turning young, gullible, impressionable people into staunch regressive SJWs. After all, he is one himself.
This video tells you all you need to know about that idiot:
Jimmy Dore is a little bitch.
Spits on another man's face and then runs away like a faggot pansy.
What a fucking coward.
He's a lesser turd.
top cuck ranting and raving about college sex culture after the cologne rape attack in Germany, and saying there is a rape culture in the USA as well.
dude is the biggest weasel in history and now he has his own cute little show where he tricks young little progressives to buy into his bullshit again
>Not invited on to show
>Recording your show literally in open space at RNC where it's solely intended for you to mingle with other people and make connections
If they wanted 100% privacy that is the entire purpose of a dedicated studio, which they have in LA.
Alex went up to say Hi, everything was going fine, then Jimmy come on and started shouting and that put Cenk off his game and Alex threw his new shirts out and Cenk got desperate for control back and took the mic.
It all came crashing down after Jimmy Dore had to throw a fit like an autist
He is a cuck of the highest magnitude. He thinks America and the West are the root of all evil and that western culture isn't superior to any other culture. He's simply a self-hating, regressive cuck faggot. Truly a rat-faced little weasel.
Him and Kyle from Secular talk are the only people on the left I respect anymore.
Jimmy in particular is super red-pilled on Syria.
All they do is paint conservatives, Republicans, white people and cops as evil. They are professional race-baiters. That's literally what they do for a living.
Then they have the nerve to go to the RNC, where they are surrounded by people they vilify and claim to absolutely despise on a daily basis, but then act as if everything is normal.
What could come out of such people being there? What Alex did isn't even six trillionth of the toxic, destructive rhetoric disguised as something virtuous, morally superior they've spewn out in their careers.
They should've been slapped out of the premises in a fair world. FUCK THEM. Alex is a pussy for not caving in Dore's skull, though.
Here, since OP is a fag:
Video on Syria:
Video praising Tucker "Can't be Cucked" Carlson for BTFO the Russia Hacking narative:
I think he's a bit of a piece of shit. The TYT/Alex Jones debacle showed that, but he's a good source of news and his videos are good for red-pilling your Lefty friends.
This is why he says those things.
Don't make the mistake into believing he could somehow be your ally. He still thinks you're absolute scum and if given power, would make your life hell. He's still a self-hating SJW who defends everybody but white people and western culture.
a fucking leaf. lol nope
Nice argument.
What's up with the queers in this thread that jack off to the thought of Jimmy "I'm a little bitch" Dore?
>pol is 1 person
did he really spit on alex jones? i've watched that video like 20 times and didn't see that
Yup, there are screens and slow downs of it somewhere. He totally spits on him.
Exactly this, same thing with the ironybros/dirtbag leg/alt-left/whatever. They can shit on the establishment "left" like champs and join in the edgy yuks sometimes but push the wrong button and they go full sjw freakout mode all the same.
I dunno, sounds like he was joking around and actually thought the whole thing was funny
If you watch the video, all the men have calmed down before the woman escalates tension
Comrade Jimmy is going to go full commie one of these days. Alex Jones got off light. If the incident happened in 2 to 3 years, blood would've been shed.
Keith Ellison