So the city council of LA (ie business owners) want to throw away ten million dollars trying to stop legal deportations.
How do we undermine this in the public eye Sup Forums?
So the city council of LA (ie business owners) want to throw away ten million dollars trying to stop legal deportations.
How do we undermine this in the public eye Sup Forums?
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So none of you cares about a political issue you can have some influence on?
Ok then. Enjoy your constant slide threads and non-issues like circumcision.
This is probably a good sign that they think Trump will do at least some of what he promised he would do, since they're putting their own money on the line. Good to know.
>How do we undermine this in the public eye Sup Forums?
Cut funding. They'll be paying a lot more than ten million.
That doesn't change the fact that something should be done about it. This is a huge waste of money that could be better spent on infrastructure or education or practically anything else.
Oh, I read that wrong.
Just the same as we always do.
Easy, simply say they're trying to sponsor criminal activity
We need to encourage this shit. The normies must fear their president, it will make their breakdown once they hit the acceptance stage all the more delicious. Can you imagine the blank look in their eyes as their mind breaks and accepts that an "orange buffoon who is also literally hitler" is the president of the United States? I'm hard just typing this
Send in the fucking Marines.
This could have some teeth. Now we just need to find an LA pundit willing to spread the word.
How does even L.A exists as a functional city?
Trump shouldn't deport them immediately. Wait until they get complacent then deport them.
California is beyond saving, if they want to waste money they don't have on shit they can't control then so be it.
Best thing to do is cut them off from Uncle Sam's teat and let them descend into a savage state then we can push all the filth into the Pacific and recolonize the state.
It won't when it's federal funding gets cut and liberals realize money doesn't magically appear.
Is that the place they filmed the chase sequence in Terminator 2?
When was it ever functional?
>implying this isnt a money laundering scheme
You are correct, sir.
Illegal immigrants granting cheap labour.
Well, it's the city of lost angels.... so... the devil?
in the 50's
Just let them waste their money
As long as my taxes arent paying for invaders, its cool
>As long as my taxes arent paying for invaders, its cool
user...bad news.
Your taxes could end up being wasted fighting useless court cases because LA wants to prop up some immigration lawyers with losing cases.
This 10 million has the potential to cost the federal taxpayer a lot more.
Your taxes may be paying for their inevitable bail out though.
No, we gotta make low paid migrant workers look like slave labour in the eyes of the masses.
Make it look like a "friendly" version of the slave trade.
Because we all know, these wetbacks ain't making $10 an hour, let alone $15.
civil war when?
>americans are really that retarded
>president-elect says he plans to cut funding to sanctuary cities, something you happen to be
>decide to waste even more money trying to stop it
>public funds being used to express the opinions of individuals
How is this legal?
no federal funding then lol
Fuck off, these parasites are going to move down to Texas, we already have enough of them as it is.
Of course they don't want deportations, illegals literally run the economy in California
10 mil is nothing compared to the money they can save by keeping illegals there
It's all about the money
>Fuck off, these parasites are going to move down to Texas,
Then move them on a further south after that.
You should attack it by insinuating that California is attempting to promote a de facto state of slavery in California. They rely on inexpensive immigrant labor for cultivation and menial labor and are just trying to protect that resource so they don't have to pay higher fees to entice the native populations of the state to take on that work.
I've heard that its stupidly expensive to live in California. How does that work?
Like...if you're getting lots of cheap labour shouldn't things be...cheaper?
Los Angeles will soon bend the knee when their money is gone
All they do is sit in the cities and make them shit, just like everywhere else. They're the same retards that run from whatever shithole they created and then preached during the election cycle that they would try and make Texas blue. It's makes me fucking sick and the only option now is to forcefully eradicate the traitors. Even other Texans are too lazy or too mexican to give a shit at this point.
>city of LA wants to throw away 10 million bucks
Why am I not surprised that my city would do something this retarded holy fucking shit.
>non-issues like circumcision.
male genital mutilation is one of the most important issues of our time, Schlomo
Not for the middle and lower class. Taxes for small business and even large ones are still abhorrent in Commifornia so the cheap labor is more of a necessity for them, rather than just saving a quick buck. It's a shithole.
>Of course they don't want deportations, illegals literally run the economy in California
>10 mil is nothing compared to the money they can save by keeping illegals there
>It's all about the money
Yes who would have thought it was a strong economic incentive to keep undercutting labour costs, even to the point of not paying laughably low min wage.
Because the only thing that can save the US is a race to the bottom in wages. Only when people work for literal peanuts will America be great again.
I really do wonder why the elites are hell bent at creating another poo-in-loo caste level society.
>hell bent at creating another poo-in-loo caste level society.
the nipps did a pretty good job of it
LAfag here. How can I protest this shit, aside from just sending condemning emails? And secondly, where do I move to? This is absolutely disgusting.
>I really do wonder why the elites are hell bent at creating another poo-in-loo caste level society.
Old word domination designs haven't been updated.
They can use and research for robots and automation now, instead of a gigantic underclass which will be a liability in the long run.
Though they're all still obsessed with the old idea because I guess they're not creative enough and obsessed with the mystical bullshit.
I is from LA too.
You homies don't realize how real it is over here.
Fuck Illegals. Fuck Blaxxx. Make LA white again!
They can't just willfully ignore federal mandates.
When do we send the National Guard in to make sure they're deported?
>that pic
Do they realise how stupid they look?
Do you think stupid people have any sense of self awareness?
gangsters and wannabee rappers, also known as the dregs of society, respect that kind of clothing and think it looks cool
all that matters to them is that the people they work with and their rivals respect them
if they're actually in a gang, wearing a suit and looking proper would actually be a BAD idea
Fair point
>wearing a suit and looking proper would actually be a BAD idea
Because they might accidentally end up gainfully employed somewhere?
>Stand up against Trump
>City stops getting federal funds
Their federal funding will be cut completely and they will be forced to capitulate.
It will be super funny.
>They think that they can not cooperate
It'll be fun seeing mayors in handcuffs.
some drug dealers and gansters make pretty good money outside of the law...
>How can Californian taxpayers afford this when they can't survive on minmum wage?
Along with other ideas that have been posted in this thread.
Give it it's own sympathy, bring up mexican criminals, bring up LA's homeless problem that isn't being addressed, take out everything.
Start reporting more Mexican crimes. Do to Mexicans what we do to Muslims in Europe
Yeah, but if it gets to that point, then the neo-libs get to use it at as fuel for their 'Trump is Hitler' narrative.
I think what a lot of people are forgetting ITT is that if we can head the libs off on this one, it will damage their narrative badly.
Do your fucking thing Sup Forums and start making some memes.
Jerry is a funny guy.
No one is paying attention to their narrative anymore.
The behavior that got Trump elected is still continuing and has even gotten worse. Middle America just doesn't care anymore.
The libs keep screeching and everyone else has moved on.
Why don't you hunted down the list of business owners who approved of that decision and then check all the establishments they owned to see if they hired any illegals or not.
Then make it a case of choosing illegals over native unemployed young Latins/niggers (use liberals' shields against them). Make it a case of Sherif of Nottingham versus the merry men.
Turn young liberals against old liberals.
>Commiefornia in charge of money
Really hope Trump chokes off federal funding. It would be completely justified too
>I'd rather taxpayer money go to cities that dont actively try passing off using it on criminals as a good thing
They are trying to save their slaves and shekels, 10 million is nothing compared to what they would lose without illegal slave labor.
This is literally treason
All the more reason we should be working to unravel it then.
I'm not a resident of LA. My access to such information would be mostly wasted. This is why well focused memery is a proper tactic for this issue. It's the best way to get the average people in LA talking about the issue and potentially acting on it.
#SlavesforShekels really is a great fucking meme for this, but it's too easy to dismiss by the average normie.
We need something similar but can't be instantly flagged as anti-semitic/racist/sexist etc.
Slaves for Salads?
I don't know but in 2014.. Study: Immigrants in California illegally make up 10% of the workforce and contribute $130 billion to GDP.
that's pretty fucking crazy.
I'm surprised they are only spending 10 million.
Careful with any stats about illegals, they're mostly all cooked. For example, Obama changed how deportations are counted. If you can't even properly count how many people are on a bus anymore, I'm not going to hear this bullshit about GDP, especially when it's slave labor anyway.
>be arizona fag
>5 yrs ago
>be chilling in beautiful scottsdale
>nothing to worry about except the snowbird season
>they can't drive
>they spew their liberal bullshit everywhere
>they drove up prices here like crazy
>they complain 24/7 about everything
>can't drive
If you want to be comfy come to Texas. If you want to think long term and be useful to trump go to a swing state. Ohio or Florida for example.
What places in FL have t shirt weather year round and aren't no-go zones?
>Another Texas is Based MEME
Dallas and other texas city - infected nigger and spic , If you like nigger that's place for you
A professor at Lone Star College in Texas required her students complete a white privilege assignment to measure how privileged they are.
>TFW since Liberal fag take over city and school
>with help of Ted cruz amnesty
>Texas go blue in 2020
Sarasota if you're married and want to raise a family in suburbs.
Orlando and Tampa for either family or single life.
Stay away from Miami whatever you do.
Texas is shit. Fuck this state with your dry county bullshit.