How can I stop coming here?

How can I stop coming here?

Ever since I started coming here I've never been able to look at people the same way. I no longer trust Jewish news sources / statistics. I can't look at any media or anything without seeing some kind of hidden message.

Has anyone else experienced this too?
How can we leave this place and forget it all?

I started off on Sup Forums and a libertarian lefty sci fi nerd who thought blacks were oppressed.

I ended being a nationalist, constitutionalist, minimal government, flat earther, Christian, Jew hating, women hating, nigger hating, who is massively depressed from all these redpills.

I don't regret it tho. I reached a level of depression where I've mania is common now.

You can trust but when you see a degeneracy angle like (((Bernstien))) plugging a fellow travelers porno movie by naming a source after it while taking down Nixon for leaving Vietnam without (((their))) its pretty obvious you should be skeptical.

I'm pretty close to that.

I came here as a quite chubby nerd a good while ago. I didn't mind socialism, somehow liked Trudeau and was essentially a feminist or something.

Since then I lost a tonne of weight, got taller. Exercised a bunch and am actually quite fit now. I don't hate Jews or blacks etc. but I am far more skeptical of them. I've always been a Christian and now although I'm not American I strongly believe in their constitution, capitalism, minimal government and representative government along with traditional gender roles and all that.


It is better to experience the freedom of truth than to live happily under the shackles of lies.

I believe that. I want to leave this place because I don't want to become some crazy person. I mainly feel that the racism expressed on Sup Forums doesn't line up with Christianity and I don't want to have my beliefs perverted.

>Since then I lost a tonne of weight, got taller

Becoming 'redpilled' does not make you taller. The fuck?


I exercised a lot and started eating healthier.

There is no going back once you start visiting pol. When you reach your 80s and are dying in a hospital, you will be browsing Sup Forums with us and autistically kekking when someone gets good digits

its malleable faggots like everyone itt that keeps me shitposting 10+ hours a day

You can't.

There is no going back.

That does not make you taller. Only improving your posture can make you taller, and even that doesn't really gain any height beyond just straightening out your spine.

Height is literally determined by biology and early life nutrition.

thats the wrong window

You just have to learn to entertain ideas without fully accepting them. It's actually a very important and useful skill that many people are sadly lacking now adays. Judging by your posts I'd say you're starting to develop it. Just take a break for a while and don't think too much about this place. You'll be back here when you're ready.

There is no exit. You belong here now

I kinda think this is the best decision but I have trouble breaking habits. I'll get super focused on something and can't back away from it. Do you have any experience with that?

>Do you have any experience with that?
Not that user, but I'd like to answer with my experience.
Absolutely, I believe everyone has had that happen to them before. There are three ways that can help you get rid, or slow down a problem.
1) Prevent being able to run into the problem (putting Sup Forums on block list).
2) Escape the problem (Everytime you feel like coming here, walk away from the computer for a while).
3) Natures course (let it flow until you get tired of it).
Number 3 happened to me, though it's rare and very unreliable. Number 2 works if you have some sort of discipline, can be very good for training.Number 1 is arguably the most effective (especially when trying to stop watching porn).

I would suggest 1 if you believe it's that big of a problem.


You can checkout, but you can never leave

but do you now support israel?

Get an ai gf.

>Go to Museum
>Get sick, because there are 100 plates explaining that the use BCE/CE to be "more inclusive to other cultures"

Sup Forums is the hurtbox. Sup Forums is the truth

I support Israel being purged.

I don't support anyone giving them free money. If they are actually a competent ally then I don't see whats wrong with an alliance with them. Other than that I'm pretty neutral on it.

You're on the conspiracy equivalent of a heroin binge. Drive from Melbourne to Perth sometime and count the mileage.

>nazis started in a fag bar
>created israel
>edgy memes with a symbol of God's Covenant
>I mean. Faggoty rainbows
Israel is spiritual

You're here forever.

The weight loss combined with better posture and just overall not being a fat slob might cause a percieved height gain as he most likely carries himself with more confidence.

When you pull back the veil you will never see the same.

I don't live in Australia my dude but I don't see what that'd prove.

How do we take back the rainbow? I fucking hate that colors are a symbol of faggots.

the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

i support israel.

>I stood up

you don't forget it all. you either go insane, sperg out like a retard or quietly continue on with your life while dropping subtle red pills along the way


smack head with hammer

You can't un-swallow a red pill.

kek wills it

>How can we leave this place and forget it all?

lol, good luck trying to forget and deny the truth.

>checking your own digits

Yes we all know about projections, and if you're going to look at Australia as it appears from the north pole you're beyond retarded. Use a satellite normal to Australia.

>flat earther
come on man if your going to put this much effort into it you can't just blow your cover like that

You'll be back