Why do people shit on suburbia so much?
Why do people shit on suburbia so much?
It's not that bad. I didn't really like it growing up though, and pledged to not live there again. But this is only b/c the rich neighborhoods in Texas are located in the city.
>But this is only b/c the rich neighborhoods in Texas are located in the city.
they are not suburban?
It is stupid to pay 130k-1mil+ for a 50ft wide lot and shit utilities.
They just seem so fake.
Like the layout of it all, there's not an inch of history there. It looks like something you'd build in Sims.
That being said, there are worse things. They sure beat commieblocks.
Who shits on it? Its where I plan to live.
>it's stupid to live next the best schools, have short commute to a good-paying job, and life in a safe-white community
the mothers raise the most beta males. they become soccer moms that are the worst people ever.
Because the "people" you speak of are either niggers or little kids who don't know any better. Adults raising children know that the suburbs are prime as fuck, hence their existence.
People who live there shit on it. The rest don't care about it.
Critical theory Marxism promoted by kikes.
Everything that is characterized by or that is participated in mostly by whites is to be ridiculed in (((media))) and (((academia)))
they are an inefficient use of land, but otherwise comfy
liberal hipsters are the ones that shit on it
>How small is too small? Inside the 28 sq ft, $500-month 'pod' an illustrator built into his friend's San Francisco apartment
>Peter Berkowitz, 25, constructed a tiny bedroom pod in the living room of his friend's San Francisco apartment
>One bedroom apartments in the city rent for $3,500 per month compared to his $508 per month to live in a pod
>The pod is equipped with a fold-down desk, cushioned backboard that's slanted and LED lights for reading
>He believes pods can provide a 'needed fix' for people who want to add a bedroom to apartments without rent rising
>His eight-foot-long pod is also equipped with a sliding door and has room to store his books and clothing
the burbs are virtually nigger free but unfortunately full of chinks and poos
Red fire hydrants are degenerate. Yellow is the proper color.
we have plenty of land
if not why do we continue importing third worlders?
Chinks are 100x better than niggers so i don't think it is unfortunate
Because it's a hive mind, it's very 1984ish, and it's very fucking boring.
It's not much different than inner city, just safer and more expensive. Otherwise it is the same type of garbage hive minded culture and outsiders are always ostracized in these types of places.
If you can see your neighbor from your from yard, you live in a commie shit hole.
Because they are culturally bankrupt, and the commute sucks.
The real question is why did White Americans surrender their glorious cities to the Negro hordes?
>and it's very fucking boring
What is boring about raising a family?
>this is what suburbanites actually believe
40 acres in a remote location is ideal
Suburbs are comfy as fuck. I live in downtown city hipsterville and I'm getting the hell out. Too many bums and drugs and blacks etc.
Rural is the eventual goal, like build a ranch and shit, but for now, comfy suburbs.
Pic unrelated
because they live in a tiny apartment
i think its better for a couple but raising the kids they become asswholes and weak. they need somthing to show them the world is a shithole and you need to lear to fight
Nigger, have you ever walked around a corner in the suburbs and seen a bum blowing another bum? Or a drug addict taking a shit? Or had a cholo try to rob you? In the city this happens every day.
Suburbs at least are safe. Unless you are in a ghetto suburb, which is not a real white comfy suburb.
Can't shoot guns in your yard
They encourage land division and smaller plots especially in modern times, they're an easy way for (((land developers))) to wrench massive profit out of white people.
They could be done right, but they aren't. That's the issue. Do you think anyone would have an issue if all suburbs were 1 acre plots at bare minimum and were all the houses were independently designed and built by the occupants of the house rather than bulk built by a single (((firm)))?
Some are
They are just more expensive
Cities used to be disgusting even in the early 1900s
American (((suburbs))) are disgusting. Look like human farms.
Australian well-to-do suburbs that have been around for a long time, not the poorfag kind or the McMansion kind, are much comfier and more natural and generally pleasant to walk through. Suburbs should ideally resemble a small village internally, while being interconnected and close to the city.
But that looks like any given American suburb.
Suburbs like the ones in OP's pic are the vast minority and only exist in states like Florida and Arizona that have experienced a very recent land boom. In the majority of the USA suburbs are not sprawling wastelands.
Thats becuase that looks like a brand new developement, after some time some trees will grow, people will make some modifications, etc and it looks much better.
Suburbs weren't even a thing when the Frankfurt School was setting things up. Suburbs are just a tutorial mode for urbanizing the population that was once 80% rural.
The suburb I live in is much older, like built in the 1960's. Even though the homes are smaller, the yards are much bigger and we have huge trees. Driving through new suburbs is x-files tier creepy, no trees, every home has the same paint job and design. Also they are built out of cheap materials (plywood, particleboard, etc.) because developers are con-artists now.
Thanks for the quality reply user, the whole topic of social planning is actually really interesting. Sort of sinister.
Suburbia with big houses and attached garages and decent backyards beats the coffin-cages of commieblocks a million times.
no niggers
Australian suburbs are literal copies of American suburbs and architecture.
That shit sounds like the dystopian cages in Hong Kong desu
They were originally meant for military families after the WW2 since there was a huge baby boom.
I never understood the concept behind alleyways, why have two separate streets for homeowners and visitors?
OP's pic looks like the typical cul de sac you can find everywhere
Indoor cuck shed.
Idk to be honest
>Be me
>Grow up in upper middle class suburb
>Step dad and mom divorce
>Go with mom to city
>Go to nigger school
>Thought I was cool, listened to rap
>Get rude awakening
>They hate me because I'm White
>Go back to suburbs
>White girls doing sub Saharan sacrificial tribal booty dances
>Friends listening to gangster rap and smoking drugs
>Tell them the hard truth
>they Call me evil racist
can't wait for them to move to the city and get their ride awakening.
We should make it mandatory for all whites to spend 48 hours or more in the ghetto, if we did this we would have a fourth Reich by now. If only they knew what "minorities" think of them. Smh
>tfw grew up on a farm
>tfw went to college in a city
>tfw never ever living in a suburb
It was the fucking Italians.
Prohibition set a culture of organized crime, specifically organized crime with enforced territory.
Once this became the rule of the jungle, it didn't matter if the families got into more legitimate industries like labor unions, the culture was in place and the gangs replaced the families.
Capone ran chicago. Gang violence is the worst there, even without an import of mexican gang bangers like LA. The culture is what matters.
>If you can see your neighbor from your from yard, you live in a commie shit hole.
I can see my neighbor from my front yard and hes over a half mile away, its called flat land without trees faggot.
I would like to see an Australian disprove this
>after some time some trees will grow, people will make some modifications, etc and it looks much better
All against the Home Owner's Association agreement. :)
pretty much this, older suburban neighborhoods are great. It's just the new ones are cancer inducing.
No. The poor, scumbags on other parts of the city flock there like roaches for gibsmedat looking for anything to grab, or break into.
If there is ever a collapse suburban people will be the least prepared. I grew up in suburbs and know shit all about farming etc. My cousins from rural area know how to hunt trap etc. They will be in a MUCH better position.
>Because it's a hive mind, it's very 1984ish
Actually it's the anti-thesis of that since it provides affordable and relatively large square footage property.
Hive mind cuck 1984 lifestyle is the apartment city lifestyle. With a suburban house you can garden outside and use your garage for industrial purposes. You can sustain yourself more. If you don't believe me, look at all the unique inventions and ideas that have come out of the American home garage.
>culturally bankrupt
Only if you you are idiot do you believe that. Suburbia and it's culture is a new and unique culture, particularly unique and representative to the material wealth created by capitalist America.
Compare an image of a suburb with a socialist European or communist apartment block and you will understand what I mean.
Because they are a shitty middleground between the city and country, with neither the true lifestyle of either. Suburbs suck because people just live in them to enjoy the "culture and entertainment" of city life but don't want to actually be responsible for city problems and taxes.
Lets face it, if you live in the suburbs you DO NOT know your neighbors, at least not on a personal level. Suburbs exist only as a form of escapism with no real culture of their own. Thats why people shit on them.
my time (age 9-17) in an upper middle class suburban neighborhood was the most boring times of my life
>Why do people shit on suburbia so much?
All the downsides of rural living, all the downsides of urban living, and with none of the benefits.
This. Also HOAs can go to hell, I'll do what I want with my property.
>particularly unique and representative to the material wealth created by capitalist America
Examples? Cheap housing, copy-pasted ad nauseam. Sounds like a perfect representation
I feel that growing up either urban(not rich) or rural teaches kids not to be pussies . Suburbs produce special little snowflakes.
Cities are hellholes, and not everyone can live on a farm.
>have you ever walked around a corner in the suburbs and seen a bum blowing another bum? Or a drug addict taking a shit? Or had a cholo try to rob you? In the city this happens every day.
What kind of shitty cities do you guys have over there?
I'm not gonna knock suburbia only for the fact that housing is really fucking up young people at the moment and anything that can help it the better.
You don't have to live on a farm to live rural.
My nearest neighbors are 15 miles away and it's just a normal house with lots of land, no farming.
>What kind of shitty cities do you guys have over there
All major US cities are like that, because poor people congregate there.
It happened in Rome too; the City has better policies for the poor, so they go there.
because they just want to hate on everything instead of making their own lives more fulfilling.
Not walkable with tons of services like cities.
Not close-knit and community oriented like rural areas.
They're a comprimise that's easy to shit on.
>no history
Clearly not from the north east. Most suburbs here were founded pre-guilded age
>only exist in states like Florida and Arizona
Modern suburban communities are shit. Wherever you go, most of your neighbors are assholes. I'm surprised America still hasn't devolved into an ancap nightmare where we're firing tomahawk missiles at each others' homes because our neighbors are all pricks.
Where I live doesn't look like that. The roads all wind through the woods and every house looks different. Some areas are colder than others, but it's not a fucking grid.
this right fucking here.
Fire hydrant colors actually signify things about their pressure and water supply