Redpill me on this.
Pro and Cons of Universal Basic Income;
Other urls found in this thread:
cons: communism, bread lines
Please explain in more detail.
people don't deserve free shit
Where will we get the money to supply the agreed upon wage of basic income?
as a socially anxious person this would have made me never go to work. the only reason why I go to work is so that I can buy myself shit and be left alone. how many people are there like me? I think a few, and more to come due the new internet culture of being alone. basic income = breeding even more NEETS.
people would just not go to work since the vast majority of people dont enjoy their job lmao
captcha: croix
what le fuck
Join the army
But you will still have to work as basic income, even at 1500$ per month is not nearly enough to cover rent, food, clothes +++. Poor people willl stat poor but those who want more out of life, will get a job and have more.
>1500$ per month is not nearly enough to cover rent, food, clothes +++
Are we talking in useless Eurobucks? Because 1,500 a month will let you live somewhat comfortably but you'll have to settle for a yucky "flyover state."
I just converted it in my head from norwegian kroner. 10000,- NOK. With that assume you pay rent 5k, food 3k, and you have 2k for other stuff. Im not even calculatong in insurrance, power and other such expences.
Nobody deserves anything they didn't work for.
So people slave away 40 hours a week cleaning shit for Self improvement, enjoyment, to help the community and to meet people?
But then there would be more competitive pay due to huge numbers of people dropping out of the workforce. People like me who would want more could get way more money, likely working far less hours too. Not to mention you get the bums out of the workforce and production will likely go up overall increasing profits for everybody involved.
Pros: creates a floor which you wont fall through so if your life gets really shitty at least you wont end up on the street probably.
Cons: Where is the money coming from? High Taxes. Ultimately wont fix anything.
Pro: It might work depending on whether it's designed as an automatic fiscal stabiliser (like welfare) or not
Con: Price instability is a serious risk
Worth mentioning that having a job gives people structure and purpose in their lives. UBI would not remove involuntary unemployment, even if it removes involuntary poverty. (My preferred policy, a job guarantee, would remove both.)
It's not a question of where the money would come from so much as how many people would leave the workforce, would output stay high enough to support everyone, and so on. I suspect any UBI big enough to cover all of someone's expenses would be inflationary.
If it's accompanied with a highly progressive tax increase, so the BI is really just automatic stimulus in favour of the poor, then I could support that. But overall I think UBI is a meme, it's overrated, and it could do much more harm than good to progressive causes.
This is a terrible place to be in and I truly hope you can get well.
We're creating a generation of unprecedented mass unemployment and the symptoms are clear. Every NEET is a potential future worker whom the system has neglected. Nobody wins from this. It's madness.
I agree with you that UBI could only make the NEET crisis worse. What we need is guaranteed employment, even if only for youths (though I would like to see it for all adults), to ensure everyone can keep their lives on track and avoid the issues that come with unemployment - poverty, mental illness, crime, etc.
I'm inclined to agree although there should of course be allowances depending on circumstances such as the disabled.
>half your paycheck goes for rent
wtf faggot?
the redpill is that it's pushed by communists from reddit
I agree with basically everything you said, but my issue is with how many people take advantage of welfare that dont need it, and if we aren't going to remove it totally, we may as well give money to everybody based on price of living, age, and ability to work. Obviously if you are old, can't work, you should get a bit more than a guy like me who's 21, live in relatively cheap area and fine to work.
Pro: This could lead to development in smaller towns/lower populated areas. People might want to move to cheaper areas which would then give rise to development.
Con: those said areas could turn into shitholes
I'm the first to blow the free market but Harris has a good point here, what happens to all the people out of work dude to technological advances, when human labor becomes absolete, wtf is going to happen to the millions of people that are going to be out or work when self driving cars take over.
Im a neuroscientist, and based on what we know, humans are incompatible with equality.
Our brains were wired based on a social tribe model, we will help someone out when shit hits the fan, but we wont carry their weight with our everyday work. That is slavery.
And everything is judged based on merit, but each person judges reality differently.
I'm all for universal income as long as the people who receive it get castrated.
You're not ambitious enough to live without complete government assistance, you're not going to breed.
I'm the same. I rarely leave the house because of my social anxiety, if I ever get a steady income somehow I'll just spend it on books and food, humanity can burn for all I care
Pros: if your society is going to have a welfare system, this is the most efficient and least corruptable way of doing it
Cons: you're basically subsidizing laziness, and encouraging people to become NEET basement dwellers.
we have universal basic income happening right now it’s called welfare. So how productive are people on welfare compared to working people?
Society that has any form of welfare is going to be outcompeted by society that does not since resources are going to be used more efficiently
I don't think I'll work at all, faggot.
con: to fund this project money supply would be increased potentially leading to runaway inflation, see Venezuela
And who the fuck pays for that
>that pic
More like
>contribute to society
>Do nothing but masturbate, eat and watch tv all day
>Or concentrate all your energy into making yourself more sexually attractive through lifting weights, reading pua and going clubbing
Basically, people stop contributing and start only focusing on themselves.
Fill the left one with weed, fapping to lolis video games, and shitposting.
Only a doofus libtard would think that people would use their free time to do anything else.
If there was something keeping people from being degenerates this would work unfortunately there isn't. If we had basic income it would go to the groceries and housing and all other money people make would go to drugs partying prostitutes or other wasteful stuff
this is what actually happens when you eliminate a need for labor
>after basic income
>booze and trap prostitutes
Better to do this, with a living wage.
I'm the same as you man.
Although I do occasionally like to hang out with some friends and family, but majority of the time I enjoy being by myself going into my thoughts creating worlds of fantasy.
>half of income is rent
why are socialist countries so bad at fiscal responsibility?
pros: have the freedom to create stuff that could benefit humanity without the pressure of being forced to work.
I can always count on you guys to make my day less shit
Life is and always has been a struggle for survival. This is a fundamental truth of the universe
If you are not pursuing money to live you are pursuing something else.
Only in death are we truly free
was just listening to mollymeme on this
This. Give people free stuff and they'll start demanding more entitlements.
>implying everyone would want to lower their living standard because they can just not work for a fraction of the wage they had before
1. State the amount of UBI you think is necessarily.
2. Multiple it to the number of people living in your country
3. Compare the number you got in step 2 with the GDP of your country and its budget.
5. Forget this stupid commie idea once and for all and get a job, degenerate.
After should be - "Rape", "Jihad". And left - "Immigrate to Europe" obv
society collapses faster so shit can be fixed
Immigrants doing jobs that nobody else will do becomes a reality and they start bringing in way more.
Ever read Judge Dredd? He lives in a world where universal income exists. Let that sink in.
Adapt or die. Hard truth but it's always been like that and it shouldn't change.
Fuck the pros and cons. With the fast development of neural networks and he advances in robotics soon there will be no more work to do for 99% of the population.