Is it true she's suing people who make parodies of her comics?
Is it true she's suing people who make parodies of her comics?
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I don't know anything about this but it sounds interesting.
literally who
looks qt. leave her alone pol.
that girl who made some teenage girl's first-world problems webcomics that Sup Forums edited here and there
I can see the headlines now. "Satirical comic artist sues Internet for making Satirical interpretations of her work"
>tips fedora
white knight faggots must go
What was the original about?
>3) Someone is stealing your work! What should I do?
>First of all, thanks for being an awesome person and keeping an eye out for me! Unfortunately, I get so many emails about comic theft that I don’t have time to individually deal with every person that does it. Your best course of action is to report it. But if it’s happening on a large scale and you think I should know, you’re welcome to contact me and I’ll see what I can do.
>(It’s fine for people to post my comics because they wanted to share it. I consider stealing to be editing the comic, cropping out my signature, translating without my permission, pretending to be me, selling Sarah’s Scribbles products, or using the comic to sell a product.)
>stealing is editing my comic
top kek
Kek these are great
haha benis xD
Give us anotherone!
Couldn't tell you
Here, here!
I'm with Texas.
Will she end up getting redpilled, just like Ben "Killin' Schlomo in Slo-Mo" Garrison?
there's no evidence that they made the edits, they can be reposting (and probably are)
the worst she can do is send a cease and desist
I reported her to the Department of Homeland Security.
she is absolutely right to do so, it's her intellectual property and it's copy righted, under a legal license, so yeah. It's also the right thing to do
LOL. Do you realise just how much content theft happens on Facebook? Their business model relies on people stealing content to spread it to their wide audience. There is no consequences for it beyond the image/video/anything being taken down
I don't get it
next target of the pizzagate autists
Playing with fire here. She is attractive, this will not end well.
if you guys are doing edits I've found this
font works pretty well
are you dumb?
>Fair use is a US legal doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders.
>Examples of fair use in United States copyright law include commentary, search engines, criticism, parody, news reporting, research, and scholarship.
Where is the nigger one?
Thanks, I may have stolen some if you don't mind
This confuses the El Salvadorian
i didnt make any of them, just saved them
whoever made them did a great job
Satire is free speech in the USA. She'll get nowhere in the US courts.
She doesn't know what parody law is, does she?
kek I lost
Where's that malaysian faggot at?
Burger logic
>Hmmm people are editing Sarah comics to have islamic themes
>I found a Sarah comic
>Haha I'll put a burka in it
>She doesn't know what parody law is, does she?
>parody law
I think those are the laws liberals pass thinking that criminals will actually follow them
OC pls rate.
She might be able to get defamation because her name is left on in the edits, however it would would be a stretch.
>prepare your weapons
lol the DNC fight song.
maybe I should make the last panel say
"Fucking Niggers"
Malaysia, presumably
Oh noes, I wonder how she will sue us all
if she goes to her lawyer, her lawyer will tell her that SATIRE is a protected Fair Use exception to copyright.
These leftists, absolutely 0 familiarity with laws of any kind....
Do you mean Sarah "wear a turban and I'll get to burning" Andersen?
more like
>liberals are using islam as a flippant trend
literally how?
breddy gud
Why are you guys messing with Sarah "proud of my race putting niggers in their place" Andersen?
she's fucking qt as hell though
I improved it for you since the last pic seemed a little out of place
this one is good
It's ok, you can tell me.
we're not man.
she told us to do this
she said
"you faggot get out there and spread the word about these fucking niggers and kikes"
im scared user..
Shouldn't fuck with Sarah "Bring me a nigger and I'll pull the trigger" Andersen
sweet thanks
fuck off kike
fukkin kys
Seriously don't fuck with her. They don't call her Sarah "cross the Mediterranean and I'll bash your brains in" Andersen for nothing.
There's no money in pursuing a defemation case against some autists on Sup Forums. No lawyer would even give her the time of day
Can't fuck with Sarah "Puttin' fags in body bags" Andersen
gamergate's newest victim!
>brown hair
try again
Would be pretty funny if she tried, guessing she's never heard of fair use.
2deep4u. are pictures loading slowly for you guys too?
i bet you'd suck her cock for bus fare
Gents, these are great. all of em
leave her alone, Sup Forums
she'll get this place shut down :(
cross necklace
A poor conservative webcomic artist. Reddit and Ben Garisson keep making liberal edits of her comics, we're on a mission to spread the originals so her name isn't tarnished.
I'm trying to retain the insecure qt girl aspect of the comics keeping her humble.
>shutting down Sup Forums
>a bad thing
Sarah "Wear a burqa and I'll nuke ya" Andersen
I see what's going on here. You're trying to turn her into the next Ben Garrison.
Here's why that won't work:
>she's a woman
>she's pretty
>she doesn't do political cartoons
But by all means, proceed. Do it for the lulz, boys.
slaughter all democrats
I'd like to see her try.
She'll do it just out of racial hatred for Nishimura. Don't mess with Sarah "Pop a cap in every Jap" Andersen.