You guys are pretty misled about your 'Jew problem.' The reason we appear to control everything is because of our high IQs. This disparity is going to occur whenever you have one group that is intellectually superior to the rest. There is no secret Jew cabal. We're just smarter and therefore overly represented in powerful positions.
The 'fix' to your Jew problem is to raise the average IQ of white people. The average Jew IQ is going down anyways so you can rest knowing our control is going to end soon. Also, ask a 170 IQ Jew anything.
Brayden Flores
>tfw to high IQ to realize my culture of critique is unnecessarily subversive
Dylan Bennett
why do you cut off baby dicks and sometimes even have some old faggot use his mouth to do so?
Grayson Hill
Did you know IQ means absolutely nothing in terms of intelligence?
Anthony Cox
it's not an appearance. the jews do control everything and the reason is through hundreds of years of usury enabled by exploiting christians. they then get positions of power and only fill those positions with more of their own kind. jews are parasites, nothing more
Hunter Roberts
>You guys are pretty misled about your 'Jew problem.
stopped reading here
David Jackson
>Lies Not surprised.
Jaxon Myers
Do you personally want to relocate to Israel?
Dylan Mitchell
This truth kills the low IQ man
Noah Young
>The average Jew IQ is going down anyways so you can rest knowing our control is going to end soon
Not true. Liberal jews tend to dilute their genes and are comoletely subject to feminism and the ideologies they shill to the extreme. That's why liberal jews will go extinct.
Orthodox Jews in the other hand maintain a high birthrate and many go on to become liberal jews once they rebel in high school and college
Adrian Jackson
>tfw to intelligent for the goyim
Thomas Adams
I won't defend circumcision. I think it should be illegal. It's a reliable indicator of potential success. Ok, so you're saying there's an old boys club. Sure, but there's no secret cabal where all us Jews meet up to plot our next subversive scheme. Read the whole thing. This is why no one intelligent is altright.
Hunter Bell
>The reason we appear to control everything is because of our high IQs. More like nepotism.
Jose Miller
I think you're on to something here Jerry.
Thomas Richardson
What's the average IQ of Israel?
Samuel Reed
Are you a religious jew? Have you read the talmud, and if you have, is it true that it's basically just a collection of ''arguments''? I.e the reason jews are OP lawyers?
Oliver Wood
Fuck off. I'm a Jew, and I'm sick and tired of hearing about Jews shill for being muh chosen superior race.
Just STOP it. Move to fucking Israel if you want to be flamboyant.
Isaiah King
>secret cabal Jews are like beavers, their whole life is about building a dam. But beavers don't understand that the dam fucks up the homes of other animals. The environment Jews build for themselves ruins their host country.
Julian Scott
>have high IQ >fail to realize "secret cabal of all Jews" is a strawman
"A conspiracy is what villains do. An agreement is what adults do." t. Stephen Colbert
Dylan Williams
The old boy's club is disproportionately Jewish. Get a list of big-shot Lawyers, Bankers, actors, music producers, people who make a lot of money, and you'll find a big chunk of them are Jewish. It's not IQ, because Jew is a religion, not an ethnicity. You're German or Polish or Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, whatever, but the thing is, you're up there, but your Christian and Non-Religious ethnic peers aren't.
That's suspicious, it's weird, it's something that catches the eye of someone who pays attention to things. Why are things the way they are?
Kayden Lewis
No. I'm not religiously Jewish. The Orthodox Jews are often times not the smart ones. This wave of high IQ Jews is going to die out in max 3 generations. You're memes are a powerful double-edged sword. Memes are more subversive than any Jewish techniques, but they're in the hands of a bunch of idiots.
Nathaniel Morales
>Sure, but there's no secret cabal where all us Jews meet up to plot our next subversive scheme. wrong
Mason White
Kevin Kelly
I'm not a religious Jew I don't give a shit about all that. Whatever you believe about Jews being a master race doesn't matter, we are objectively smarter. It's not a straw man. That's your altrights entire argument, that all Jews are evil and in a secret cabal. Ok, you have a Jewish old boys club. To solve it raise white IQ and start acting like an in group. Whites are the only ethnic group that don't act like an in group, that's why you are going to be extinct.
Brayden Miller
The reason for the jewish phenom is due to nepotism and nothing else. It's fine, but be honest about it. Indians are as well. The whole 'we are just so great' is total trash.
Isaiah Rodriguez
If liberal jews kept pushing the same things in the 1920s and 30s Indoubt they would die off. Instead they get replaced by former orthodox jews that rebel against their parents.
Or they mix with other whites or even asians and other middle easterners, but maintain similar lifestyles, education standards and IQ. Guess what, no ethnicity in the modern west likes to marry within itself over many generations. Jews in my experience find each other repulsive looking and mostly chose to marry gentiles. But most of the next generation for some reason choose to identify as jews
James Murphy
No it's not. It's because you are deceptively tribal and parasitic in a society of goyim that have been convinced by the (((state))) and the (((media))) to be overly generous, altruistic and not question those who demoralize and suppress them.
Logan Baker
>all Jews are evil and in a secret cabal. no one thinks that you conniving fucking kike. stopping putting words into people's mouths. all jews are untrustworthy rats who will back stab you the moment it benefits them
Gavin Nelson
>The reason for the jewish phenom is due to nepotism and nothing else. this
Jack Kelly
On one hand you have high IQs, on the other hand you are all tiny manlets that cry and your women are really terribly ugly. Just being honest.
Jordan Sanders
We can't creat an "in group" faggot because that's against muh diversity. Somehow you Kikes get away with it because no kike would report another kike, and you probably qualify for the same damn diversity quotas cause of "muh oppression"
Landon Russell
then why don't Asians control us even though they outnumber and outsmart you and that 170 iq is as bullshit as trump's claimed iq
Connor Cox
Nepotism, corruption and bribery/blackmail
NOT because they are academic or intelligent
(((They))) achieve far lower than white people at university
Grayson Miller
When you get up in the morning, does your mother have to help you put your clothes on the right way?
What I'm asking is, are you a literal retard or are you falseflagging and trying to make Sup Forums-tards look even more stupid than they actually are?
Thomas Stewart
>his mom doesn't help him put his clothes on lol sucks for you dude
Mason Foster
It's a combination of both. Black gangs are nepotism. Black people don't control the world. We do, and the difference is were intelligence. We're essentially smart gangs. Every ethnic group acts as an in group except whites. It's all your own fault. Tribal yes, but claiming were parasites is pretty unfounded. Give me an argument that doesn't depend on outrageous stereotypes. We've got some jewess. But being rich means we can choose the creme of the crop from any race. You used to be an in group. Your struggle for the next century will be to figure out how to operate as an in group. Ashkenazi Jews have a higher average IQ than Asians. Also probably has something to do with how were raised and hormone levels in the brain.
Thomas Young
Jayden Long
(Northeastern) Asians already control their lands and have never been challenged by whites, even when the entire rest of the world was under white colonial rule. China, Mongolia, Japan have all controlled enormous empires at some point.
Jews only have Israel and are otherwise stuck in countries "controlled" by whites, where they make use of their superior intelligence to get ahead. That's why you see them in influential and lucrative positions but rarely Asians, who would rather be CEOs in their own countries.
Joshua Hernandez
If that is true why is the average IQ in Israel below 90?
Ian Peterson
>Also, ask a 170 IQ Jew anything.
What kind of bagels do you like, and what do you like to put into them?
Christian Torres
Why are so many influential left-wing (feminist, socialist, marxist) thinkers Jewish? something about Jewish culture?
Jose Morales
Only half the population of Israeli jews, who again are ca. 80% of the population of Israel, are ashkenazim jews - the type of jew famous for their high IQ.
Elijah Ramirez
When will the mass human suicide (the thinning of the herd) by singularity matrix come? I'm thinking by 2150. If not earlier.
Colton Rivera
Not an anti-Semite, btw. Just curious on your take Mr. 170 IQ.
Brandon Perez
>brags about his high IQ and high IQ of jews in general >as always with the jews and their labels, jew doesn't understand or remember that "altright" is a jew-contrived word intended to control gentile masses
William Gray
Levi Baker
>guys are pretty misled about your 'Jew problem.' /thread Fuck off kike.
Jayden King
The same reason so many influential right-wing thinkers are Jewish? I mean for shits sake, the right has Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, von Mises, and Rothbard.
Nathan Jones
That's part of it.
The other part is your unmitigated nepotism and exclusion of all other races from certain industries allowing you to form a monopoly and exploit the general public.
Whites were legally forced to give up in group preference but Jews not at all.
As a question do you think we will eventually get sick of your shit and kick you out like everyone other host you have parasited in the past?
Gavin Russell
The west won't last long enough to reach singularity. It's on a very very rapid decline. The Chinese will be the first to reach it and there will be state sponsored dysgenics.
James Myers
>'high IQ' jew demonstrates misunderstanding of the world, confirmation bias, lack of self-awareness
Chase Lopez
What if I were to marry a jewish girl... convert to judaism wholeheartedly (I'm currently areligious)... but... completely refuse the circumcision for myself and my children?
Tyler Ramirez
> now I have to go and call white people supremacists and threaten oy vey legal action against any white college that doesn't allow in 60% blacks
thanks jew
Bentley Clark
>'because of our high IQ's >This...occcur[s] whenever you have one group that is intellectually superior
so..... jews are smarter because they are smarter? what kind of reasoning is that
Ian Nelson
Asians have even higher IQs and they don't appear like that.
The real answer is nepotism.
Dominic Young
Yes jews, you are so intelligent that you had to hijack the white mans progress to get anywhere. Want to know the one thing Jews have contributed to the world? Banks. Jews like to claim to be smart but let me ask you something, when you sit down and talk to a Jew, REALLY talk to them about their ideals, do you come away thinking anything but "what retards..."? Because I haven't met a Jew who could out-wit me or just generally be intelligent beyond superficial levels. And I have met A LOOOOOOT of Jews. The reasons Jews are in positions of power are because they are orthodox as fuck. Meaning they're just well educated. Literally Muslims that have read a book.
Julian Lee
It's npt abput whether or not Jews have's what they do with that power. And with aforementioned power, all they've ever done is BE KIKES. SO FUCK OFF KIKE.
Jace Edwards
It's not high iq you guys have a gene that makes you do this. And in generally you kikes are unbearable
Aiden Peterson
Jews is a meme anyway. Only retards actually buy into it. There are good Jews and bad Jews in high positions of power. The real problem is Muslims.
Cameron Nguyen
>You can't be mean to us and you have to give Israel $10 million a day because we're so smart
It's only a matter of time until a country with testicles genocides you parasites again
Nathan Hernandez
We know. But we don't like what you do with it - financially you tend to predate, and you like to destroy us culturally to make space for yourselves. But thanks for the good writing in movies, and the science and all.
You'd be interested to know that Richard Spencer, face man of the alt-right, recently mused that whites and Jews are bound up together (that's why I like him, he's smart and not doctrinaire). And he's right.
Whites are getting dumber too - smart women studying longer, getting careers, maybe squeezing out /one/ baby. Race mixing. We'll go down together in a sea of brown, best frenemy.
Dylan Cook
Jews are smarter because of sexual selection because they're ugly. Their culture valued intelligence and success over looks for hundreds of years. Only the nerds were able to get pussy.
Christian Powell
>We'll go down together in a sea of brown, best frenemy.
Jews are already moving into China and alot of them are marrying chinese
Owen Brooks
Perception of Jews as evil instead of merely successful opponents implicitly turns weakness and failure into a virtue. If you resent Jews because they are powerful, you resent power and work to undermine it, instead of attempting to lift your own self up.
You'll notice that nations and peoples who complain about how evil the white man is for being succesful are the ones that are steeped in a perpetual poverty and mediocrity, whereas the ones that don't moralise their own downfalls are the ones that overcome them. This is what Nietzsche was talking about.
Jackson Evans
>170 IQ Jew
kek, yeah ok buddy
Colton Carter
implying jews aren't white
Colton Collins
*cough* Aussie - and, something like 50% of Nobel Prizes, despite their being only 2% of the population.
Logan Sanchez
>There is no secret Jew cabal.
Bullshit. Even our little town has a building with Jew signs on it where Jews regularly meet to plan their jewish jihad.
No shit, I went there with a "friend" once and when they passed the collection plate all they got was a bunch of IOU's
Jason Bennett
if you was so smart why is israels average IQ low as fuck?
you are just sneaky,that is all.
Chase Hughes
>Neetzsche Oh, blow it out your ass, Howard.
Wyatt Thomas
chr*stian detected
Bentley Rivera
Yes but they are devious as well. They do shenanigans barely within the law eg. Though of course, Trump does that too I'm sure. Maybe it's just IQ, and more opportunity for, and being better at, rationalization.
Ryan Howard
Logan Cook
David Garcia
Sorry kike, but even with your high IQ, you still got conquered by our Roman ancestors.
Justin Torres
tfw to dumb to get the reference
Mason Wilson
You only have high verbal IQ kike. Your people don't produce anything of value, they are just a destructive parasite. I don't have anything to ask, you will only lie to a goyim anyway. All I will say is prepare for anudda shoah, you're overdue. :^)
Ryan Torres
>It's not IQ, because Jew is a religion, not an ethnicity. I'm calling bullshit on this. There's are plenty genetic nonsense running in us Jews, even the atheist ones like me.
Dylan Ramirez
IQ is correlated with wealth more than it is with race. People who grew up wealthy are far more likely to have higher than average IQs no matter what color they are.
Also, friendly reminder that the IQ test was developed by Ashkenazim Jews and many of the stereotypes popularly held about IQ are based on the scores of the first IQ test done in a private elementary school. Please research that.
IQ as a concept is almost purely manipulative kikery.
Jaxson Bailey
What are some of your, simplest to explain over text, money saving secrets for an average goy like me?
Justin Cooper
Explain Kabbalah a bit and where to find more info on this
Lincoln Hill
You can hand people diplomas but most people lack decision making skills when it comes to money and resources.
Carter Cooper
> Also, ask a 170 IQ Jew anything.
Why does a 170 IQ Jew claim that his people in 'powerful positions' do not aim to control everything? I expected something more advanced than the oldest lie in the book, 170 IQ and all.
Jose Jones
fuck off you jidf parasite
sooner or letter the goyim will wake up again and push you out of their countries. you will eventually be exterminated
Ayden Wright
What do other jews think of people who restore their foreskin
Austin Perez
Brayden Turner
Ian Wood
>The reason we appear to control everything is because of our high IQs.
No. It's because you are greedy psychopaths with no sense for society or the well being of others. You are like locusts: destroy other people's harvest and move on.
Brayden Thompson
All I hear is that your in desperate need of some diversity.
Easton Smith
Only Ashkenazi have high IQ though. Your Slavs, Arab and nigger Jews have equal or lower IQ than the non Jews of their race.
Andrew Brooks
Jews have high verbal IQs (which is why they're such good swindlers.) Yet despite this supposed high (g) they're under-represented in inventors for this level of intellect. Explain that you fucking kike brainlet. How can a group with a supposed average 115 IQ have so few inventors? Is it because perhaps there's some data fudging? Is it perhaps so much of that IQ is loaded into the verbal, rather than spatial? Why can't Jews invent things?
Nicholas Peterson
Manipulation doesn't require a high IQ, it just needs gullible idiots that fall for it.
Evan Garcia
I own you, ((Jew)).
Christopher Foster
>Yet despite this supposed high (g) they're under-represented in inventors Lol wut Israel is the second largest location for tech startups next to Silicon Valley. They create 60% of the worlds military drones and have produced technological breakthroughs in agriculture and other sciences which is far more than any other middle eastern country.