Was anyone else surprised there wasn't really a big political agenda in Rogue One? I was honestly expecting them to push some BBC blacked race mixing Jew shit but it was actually pretty good.
Was anyone else surprised there wasn't really a big political agenda in Rogue One...
i was hoping to see some imperial guard action
it was based. once I heard the story her mary sue vanished.
I wont post spoilers but her story is basically the opposite of maRae sue. She had a good reason for her abilities other than "independent wymyn or da force (that applied itself to me sooner than other male force users)"
Plus she's qt unlike maRey sue
it had its cringe moments but overall a relief from that other shit movie. 9/11
I cringed at the speech to the council or whatever lol and the Reddit droid but everything else was 10/10
The delivery of the quote was important to the story however, its a Star Wars device that keeps it in line with the other films. Usage of the word "hope" preceding "a new hope".
I get that, but them letting some upstart person who just joined into their important meetings and debates seems a little far fetched. And they could have just had the CGI Leia at the end say it (like they did anyways lol)
I'll say the same thing I said to the other fella, if you can't find it it was too well hidden for you to consciously pick up.
You registering me?
Once I realized what it was I started to like it more, I hated the last one. Everything was so pushed, this one really flowed into it better.
You should probably get some more male vitality from Alex jones lol
The acting was much better too. Instead of trying to get literal whos they got established actors. Only Lucas was good at getting good no-names for his lead roles. It doesn't worth for Disney
Better than Force Awakens. It's of course money grab, but Star Wars episode 3.5 was entertaining.
if this isnt /ourguy/ then i dont know who is
Wouldnt have made sense. I think having Leia attain it the way she did was perfect.
In fact, the only thing I would have changed is how she delivered the speech. Have the argument take place, then she can be defeated and say the line on her way out while they continue arguing. They tried to make her too big and mighty.
That said, its perfect because it syncs with rebels and clone wars.
I only liked final battle with X-Wings piloted by older white males with mustaches
desu this guy may end up /ourguy/
>the objecting council members all non white whiners
The best part of Rogue One is that the trailer is almost 100% not in the movie
The movie also hugged the canon closer than TFA, which is vital for it to be even decent-tier. That said, HK-47 is absolutely /ourguy/
>I was honestly expecting them to push some BBC blacked race mixing Jew shit
>tfw BBRC
White women should lead minorities though, and white men should lead the white woman. seems accurate.
Aside from the repurposing of old footage there was only 1 white male pilot
and 0 white males on the ground
Kekked heartily at 2 wimmenz in the squad
>Rebels shown as not just pure good guys
>Chad Tarkin eternally BTFO of that white coat faggot
>stereotypical magic asian karate master
I liked it
I was so fucking boring. No surprises, recycled characters, recycled plot. The laziest blockbuster of all time. I'm glad they're all fucking dead.
I dunno I liked watching niggas get murked every 10-15 minutes, wasn't too boring for me.
doesn't she have the perfect facial features? none of that aryan shit of masculine high cheekbones and a defined jaw. She has plump lips, a soft chin and wide and soft cheekbones.
I think we are dealing with a case of Sup Forums expected the worst and looked for it so hard that it was confused by the lack of sjw stuff.
>Movie followed the lore
>She was not a Mary Sue
>No plot armor AT ALL
>Droid was alright in my books and his non-droid personality makes sense if you follow the lore and what can be done with his type of droid.
No complaints here other than the speech and delivery of it.
> I was honestly expecting them to push some BBC blacked
I downloaded the telesync but it's not a movie worth paying for. (because no BBC)
>Tfw my cousin and I grew up on star wars
>Both hated TFA
>Ask him if Rogue 1 was just as shit because I'm considering passing
>"You should see for yourself"
Hmm should I Sup Forums?
Stop talking like a nigger you dumb faggot.
I joke
>You know Rebel One has a big cast of minorities, women, and aliens
>And it just precedes the events in New Hope where the whole rebel fleet is white male
>Suggesting that they knowingly sent all the aliens, women, and minorities on a suicide mission
I even get normies laughing about that before I finish saying it.
All this thread is fucking cancer
This. I just saw it tonight and actually really enjoyed it. Force Awakens was dull and just a glorified throwback. Rey was a shit character, and if anything, was more of the women-empowerment meme
A Star Destroyer actually did something, Vader fucked up some rebels, and the female lead was a decent character.
Good movie.
>forced female lead who gets more fight scenes than asian guy
>mexican hero
>no big political agenda
I will say it is less cringe than the last one, but enough cringe to go around. Ok movie. No forced SJW at least
The movie never explained what was wrong with the empire. Why are the rebels the good guys? How bad is life under the empire? The story killed off the main characters and ignored the reason they were fighting. Why do I care who wins the war if the heroes are dead?
Agreed. Most movies you can watch the trailer and get 2/3 of the movie. Sometimes more.
Movie makes 0% sense unless you know Star Wars already. Which is generally fine because everyone's seen Star Wars, but it means they're skipping basic storytelling techniques and beats that make stories solid.
If you walked in to the film without context it'd be a confusing meaninlgess mess. Which is why it's still ultimately a meaningless mess, but most people have the context to make it not confusing at least.
That is not good filmmaking.
good point.
ye the political agenda was not ghostbusters tier.
the movie was still boring as fuck.
i dont know it may be that shows just have way more time to present their story but i dont enjoy movies anymore. like at all.
only watched this crap because i member liking the old starwars movies...
well they wont get my shekkels thought.
>Some mestizo third world fag from Peru has to tell Sup Forums how it is
>A fucking LEAF has to (you) his truth, because no one else did
Fucking reddit, milo-fags, and degeneracy everywhere now. Sup Forums is only a shadow of what it once was.
I for one was astonished. Good movie senpai
We really have been flooded by civic nationalist tier Reddit fags.
HK-47 is objectively /ourguy/
Glad everyone forget writer and directors comments then
Lets be honest here, Sup Forums was always this bad. Slav tier users coming from Reddit and other shitholes hasn't made this place much more shitty than it already was user.
>How bad is life under the empire?
Imagine you're an IT guy in the empire.
First the secret R&D base where the deathstar was designed gets blown up by rebel fighters, and there's rumors that the engineering team was personally murdered by your boss. Ok, it's bad, but at least you have offsite backups on another planet. You fly out there, next thing you know rebel forces are attacking the backup facility in force. You're freaking out, but the local forces finally start to get the situation under control and you breath a sigh of relief.
Then your boss's boss blows the whole place up with the deathstar because. "we take leaks very seriously"
This, unquestionably
Feeling the same way, It was quite an enjoyable flick.
With that said, it was insanely safe, fanservicy and certainly won't do well if you think too much about it. (I liked the bot)
Man, when you think about it, just having decent characters puts this movie waaay above the previous one. Fucking Mary Sue dragged the average (at best) everything else to the ground.
Actually I can confirm this. I went with someone who didn't know what it was about (But has seen all the Star Wars movie). Fell asleep several times... the movie is unwatchable if you don't know well its context.
The director/writer of this sort of movies are like fast food "chefs". These by-the-numbers productions have no place for shitty agendas. Specially with millions recently lost for that sort of crap. (Forced diversity was thing, though)
Lurk more, retards.
Here's a hint: notice how the empire was COMPLETELY white and male. Seriously, I looked. Every single one of those people was white and male.
Who the hell is Alex Jones?
First star wars movie with a real plot
Based Tarkin is /ourguy/.
Darth Vader should have been way more menacing. Disney softened him up it seems, but there's at least one scene where it lives up to his reputation.
Lots of people seem to complain about this as if it's a new thing but....has the Empire ever not been completely made up of white males?
The Empire was White and male during the Original trilogy?
>mexican lead male role
>some super fighting female lead role
>asian guy cucked out of fights
>no political agenda
I didn;t wanna see it, and never will. At least Warcraft and Deadpool were better movies overall than Star Wars TFA and Rogue One will be. Combined. I have no interest in Star Wars. Give me a good old fashioned Charlton Heston Ben Hur or The Ten Commandments. Charlton Heston back then could act better than everyone in the cast of Star Wars TFA and Rogue One combined
Viral marketing is forbidden and all one-posts and fifty-times-re-run threads are too.
I was annoyed having to sit and listen to so many foreign accents. It gave it a cheap fan film from Europe feel. It should be English and Anerican accents. That's it.
Opinion discarded
>who is Grand Admiral Thrawn
Did they ever explain why white males achieved dominance in the Star Wars universe? If the writers are implying white guys are simply better, that's quite racist of them.
thats a fucking imperial robot. not a nigger
the robot has a white male voice and colo is not nigger but imperial
Anyone who thinks Rae was a mary sue, has never seen A New Hope.
Anyone who has seen this can see how Sup Forums blindly hates anything with "diversity'.
Protip: All the diversity gets BTFO by the end of the movie.
Go watch it you cucks
What's with these homies dissin' my girl?
Why do they gotta front?
What did we ever do to these guys
That made them so violent?
Hoo, hoo
But you know I'm yours
Hoo, hoo
And I know you're mine
Hoo, hoo
And that's for all of time
Oh, wee-ooh, I look just like Buddy Holly
Oh, oh, and you're Mary Tyler Moore
I don't care what they say about us anyway
I don't care 'bout that!
So were the rebels in the originals except Lando but that was more a sign of the times. They have no problem shoehorning minorities into everything nowadays so it would be almost expected to do it with the empire but they didn't. They clearly chose to make it white males against minorities and women, you have to be blind not to see it.
As if pay to see it. You're all faggots.
Technically the storm troopers are.. not white, but hey.
Giff link bromalahala
Luke at least had it good before his parents were killed. He was planning on joining the imperial academy
Anyway the empire was formed democratically rebels are basically just terrorist
I only saw the first half hour of Captain America Civil war but that seemed to have waaaaaaaaaay more 'social justice' influence than Rogue One.
Rogue One was just cast without any white guys as heroes, just like the Force Awakens.
But that in and of itself is a sign of the times and a pretty huge middle finger so I don't get why people are shocked that white people mad.
>saging anybody but the OP
No spoilers until the Bluray torrents come out
Delete this thread
Almost all of the initial stormtroopers are made up of the old clone forces. The DNA donor for the clones was Jango Fett, who was a white male.
>empire convoy of tank and soldiers patrolling occupied city(similar to footage we've all seen of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan)
>"good guy" minorities use improvised bombs and guerilla terrorist techniques to kill them all
Didn't get past me, LucasFilms
It was mentally programming us to be content when the nukes drop. Do you not remember that part?
Whats it like to be so wrong?
Explain literally every other picture in the article except that one.
Explain why the clones are all white if they're clones.
R A R E af
Dont mind if I do *saves*
How bad was the scene with the alien that was rumored to be a reference to Trump?
The alien leader controlling the fleet? He was competent and good desu, but I dont see why people thought he'd be Trump.
her buck teeth make my dick hard
also, only good part of Rogue One is when Vader slaughters a bunch of rebels
Use Star Wars the next time someone says you can't beat the US government with guns.
"The government has a DEATH STAR, what's some redneck in an X-wing gonna do against that?"
This. That one scene was easily the best part of either Rogue One or TFA.
Overall though, the movie was a 7/10. It's a place-holding money-grab, sure, but it wasn't awful. Rey as the ultimate Mary Sue was awful. Kylo Ren being a beta bitch fuccboi is awful.
>Tarkin was uncanny valley as fuck though.
Go back to cripplechan leftpol scum.
Boy Disney shills are out in heavy duty force. What's up, theory that kids would watch it after the schoolweek failed and numbers didn't pick up?
Maybe you should have not thrown it in our fucking faces so much how a woman leading a Mexican with some Asian dudes, a black guy and other multicultural people are fighting the evil old white guy. It was unnecessary and the film suffered because it was made to fit something and crippled. But hey, keep shilling, you're getting some people over here to fall for it, even tbough your main writer explicitly stated this movie is a group of multicultural brave women and men led by women opposing white men.
>Some writer gets it in his thick skull this might throw people off
>Tries to make them seem like extremists so that it's #notallrebels
>Completely fails because rebels continue looking like Talibans all movie
How can liberals suck so badly at everything?
right fucking here, this whole thread just comes off as fake.
Jango isn't white. That's part of why Disney kept stormtroopers - because they're snow white no matter what's inside. I.e.when they're opressing other cultures and shooting good guys they're always white. That's why the only stormtrooper who we see take off his helmet is black and a hero.
Rogue one has a 600 million marketing budget, they have internet shills canvassing all sorts of forums. Many of them are way smaller than Sup Forums. Thing is, it's so easy to spot shills here.
Yes, Disney is paying people to post on Sup Forums because the movie *only* grossed half a billion dollars after a week.
>Disney's Star Wars
You do realize that real fans stopped watching after Return of the Jedi, right? It's not working.
So basically pretty sweet until some immigrant shots decide to bomb and shoot you.
Yes, yes they are.
That's still below expected and far below their spendings.
It was worth it purely for the scene where Vader advances down the hallways like a force of fucking nature. It's like the whole movie led to that point.
I gotchu