How does it feel knowing that the alt-right(fascists) are going to get absolutely destroyed next year? 2016 is when you fucked everything up, 2017 is when you'll fix it. This will be our year.
How does it feel knowing that the alt-right(fascists) are going to get absolutely destroyed next year...
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K leaf
what? Lol
>This will be our year.
You and your wife's boyfriend.
A fucking leaf.
The only fascists are the left telling us what we can and can't say/do/think
A fucking leaf
Fascism is left-wing.
12 year old alert
yeah sure whatever you say canuck
It's right of socialism, but it's still left of anything that would reasonably be considered right-wing.
This. Fascism is leftist collectivism. It is from fascis meaning bundle of sticks, which is also what a faggot is.
who will be doing the destroying?
get the fuck off Sup Forums, racists.
Fascism is a leftist ideology that supports large and powerful government bodies. Also I don't see how the right is going to be "destroyed" considering that we control the presidency, the house, the senate, and have kept the Supreme Court from swinging left. I believe that the left has already been destroyed, and that the Democrats are going to be struggling to find themselves because they lost everything based off of the country's response to Obama, which was exactly the democratic platform. The only reason why the right would be destroyed would because the left left the country in so much of a mess.
off yourself, shill.
Watch all the bands are gonna make anti trump songs this year. Hardcore punk is making a comeback. Theres gonna be a big grassroots movement against you alt right fucks. Finally, something to fight for.
Yes! Because punk bands are the most influential and informed groups in the world. What a completely irrelevant argument, you couldn't counter an argument just made by a 15 year old. And you are so upset by that point because you're not educated enough to give a counter argument. I don't care about your political views, however if you are an uniformed simpleton that is where there is a problem.
But hey, PUNK ROCK DUDE!!!!!
I know that Canadians are liberals who don't have the freedom of speech, and are not well educated, but this is just a sad display of Canada's political views. Have fun jamming to punk rock while you lose more and more rights, for the sack of EQUALITY and COEXISTENCE
Clearly you're a child who doesn't understand politics, come back to worrying about the United States once you're more educated and Canada becomes a real country
You are the Sweden of North America.
I am ashamed to be a Leaf.
he's calling you new and sensitive. leaves are green (new), flimsy, and sometimes drop water when the weather gets too hot.
>Canada becomes a real country.
It's not and it never will be
During the Great Depression some parts of Canada actually willing gave up their sovergnty to the U.Kz because they were so incompetent to run themselves.
I also don't understand why uneducated Canadian's are so concerned with American politics, the only reason I could see would because their economy is strongly based off of the US, but even then, you would think they would like Rebublicans, because they are the ones that approve the pipelines
xD those are airsoft guns
Admiting there is a problem is the first step
Leaf on leaf violence.
>artist depicts pipe as green
>forgets to depict his assailant as a grubby shit skinned nigger
follow your leader, alt-right scum
You know what? I take it back, I'm only 15, so calling you a child is bringing me down to your level, you're clearly an infant, who must be pounding on the key board, and that's why you and your argument sound so stupid.
You're in over your head you faggot canadian
>artist depicts beaten Pepe
>forgets to depict his assailant as angry Wojak
Sloppy, leftists can't even steal our memes correctly.
good luck voting for Trump again when you're FUCKING DEAD
Are you telling us to go to Argentina
90% of antifa live at home with their mothers, /r/ing the stats
keep me posted
Are you meme ?
have fun being a commie in mike pence's electroshock camps
Clearly you're just as idiotic as the infant that started this thread, if your going to insult the Right at least do it properly you shit head. Fascism, and therefor Hitler, are leftist. Plus I'm not even Alt-right, I'm more Libertarian, but of course anything that doesn't exactly match your political views MUST be radical ideology. Get your head out of your ass.
The difference is that in the United States we actually have rights, so if you try to kill us with a knife, we legally get to unload clips into your already empty head. Freedom is a great thing, and clearly you aren't for that.
>Disagree with us and we will inflict violence upon you
The left is fascinating. They are walking piles of irony and cognitive dissonance and they don't even realize it
Violence is fine and dandy so long as the "right" people do it to the "wrong" people. Just a new skin on the same old fascist snake
>Fascism, and therefor Hitler, are leftist
fascism is right-wing BY DEFINITION you fucking retard
>if google says it, it must be true
Couldn't agree with you more, and it's not even the younger leftists' faults, they just are sheltered by schools and media from the right point of view, so when they enter the real world they have no experience with opposing views. Where as a rightist kid like me HAS to defend my political views, so now I'm able to destroy all of their arguments
find me a dictionary ANYWHERE that defines fascism as leftist
go ahead, I'm waiting
Did you mean for all those words to come out, or did they fall out randomly?
What's an alt-right?
Proof that left wingers can't be fascist
Sup Forums btfo
No it isn't their fault. The mass of violent, intolerant people has always existed in society. It just conforms to what's popular at the time and justifies it. The scary thing is these violent people are always convinced they are doing the right thing. Hitler thought his actions were justified just as much as modern liberals who over correct for Hitlers actions do. By trying so hard to avoid one extreme they run straight into the other.
Though not technically fascists by definition the modern left acts exactly like them save a flip on the left/right axis. Sadly just calling them the overly authoritarian twats they are does nothing however they take notice when you throw one of their favorite insults, fascist, back at them.
"Left" and "right" are meaningless. What matters is higher ideals.
GREAT JOB! You did a simple google search! Let me break this down to the simplest level (so your small brain can understand) left-wing wants large government, which includes communism, socialism, and fascism. Right-wing wants little government, so at it's most extreme anarchy is the most left wing you can be. Nazi Germany was formed because there was an extremely powerful and militarized government that took large control of the country's economy and people's rights. I am not saying that if you are a leftist that you are a fascist, even though apparently according to you anyone who has a view point to your's, then they are
Remember to put Antifa in the garbage.
Also, crust punk sucks.
>still falling for the alt-right meme
Well here you go shit head, I can google too
Better Right then Red
KEK saved
Woops! I almost replied seriously to this leaf
I agree, but liberals make opposing ideals so polarizing that you can't have a moderate view point, so you are then forced into one of the two camps.
Fuck off Chang. How does it feel to be a dog eating manlet cunt who has to come to Pol to beg for attention because all of his sisters are too busy chasing white cock to play with him?
Don't forget leaf, if we get destroyed, we win.
You're not supposed to take it the extent of actually pretending to be someone not from Sup Forums
2/10 cringe inducing acting
Is there any hope for us? Are any of the rational leafs taken seriously? I hate what these leftists fucks have done to our nation
you are all beta nu male pls try it i want to see videos of you getting destroyed
leaf faggot
And you should be, the biggest problem with Canada is that they truly didn't earn their independence, they were gifted it, and because of that Canada doesn't have the drive that Americans do, because Canadians never fight for the things that matters the most, including sovereign, freedom of speech, and the right to bear arms.
antifa gets destroyed every time they start violence
And yes, the rational leafs are taken seriously by other leafs, they are taken as serious threats to the socialized leftist culture that they have created, so they will do anything to shut them down.
I've never thought of that very true. During yours and Britains elections this year all I could think of was your histories and the odds both nations have gone up against to keep their sovereignity
Its actually scary here man, Canada is truly a version 1984
>thinks 2016 was fucked
oh boy you gonna love current year + 1
What are you gonna do pussy, get shot by my 40?
Because goddamn I've been waiting to give some of you fruitbowls leaden justice.
In my mind Sovereignty is the most important thing, and that's because there was sacrifice for it, and I think that is what many democrats in the US forget about. They keep looking at other countries and see how they run things and want to model off of that, but they don't realize that so many fought and died to keep us independent and sovereign from other countries.
? what is going on there and what are those flags
antifa spits on nationalist gets kicked to death
wow those white supremacist nazis are violent for no reason
It was just a little bit of water
He basically attempted murder over a little bit of water
pfft...weak ass limp wristed faggot leftists can't even discipline their wife's sons and think they are going to strike fear in the clandestine army of the right?
uninstall leaf
My boy trudeau is going to round up you alt righters and put you in concentration camps in the yukon.
i have my weapon of choice ready for you cunt.
pic very related.
And I wish you the best of luck
Now this is some shit posting I can respond to. Your Twix Bar arms couldn't snap a Kit-Kat in half.
This just in, white normies with guns may not be Nazis, but that doesn't mean they'll tolerate commies chimping out.
Imagine being the 12 year old kid of a single mom, your dad left and doesn't really care about you because your live so far away and you're kinda autistic, and your mom is a basket case who can't get her shit together. What's worse is your slut of a single mom just started dating a real loud obnoxious guy who constantly mocks you and makes you do shit you don't want too. You keep telling your mom to leave the jerk, but she won't because she is financially dependent on him, and honestly she doesn't really care what your twelve year old ass thinks. So you spend years and years listening to the Dbag downstairs loudly fuck your mom, and despite doing your best to distract yourself you can't help but listen into every sticky detail. Of course you would resent the hell out of him, and trash talk your new "dad" whenever you where out of his sight.
That's what it's like to be Canadian,
political ideology is a 2d graph, not a line, with left and right but also authoritarianism and libertarianism on the up and down. Fascism can be left or right, it's on a different plane of measurement.
Your year was 2015.
I cant wait until people like you are in reeducation centres.
nobody listens to fucking hardcore you retard you are 3 decades behind the trends
Testing, ignore me
lmao love watching antifa get btfo
Proving my point exactly that anyone with a differing opinion is a serious threat to the Socialized regime that is Canada.
leftists are the primary vector for the AIDs virus, that was biological warfare, and he paid the price for it.
Bad news.
The working class and the poor are mobilizing.
Rather than Anti-Fa (a small gaggle of limp wristed upper middle class kids) vandalizing the property of some mouth breather low I.Q. weirdo who puts up White Genocide xeroxed posters around town, they're now going to find themselves dealing with actual Right Wingers.
And unlike the last 30 years, Anti-Fa will no longer be able to run and hide behind the skirts of the police and the state.
Since they're all going Right too.
I smell disappearances in the air.