Amerifats will defend this

>amerifats will defend this

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Forgot your proxy my man


>euro plates

fucking incredible

>that license plate
nice try kid.

Who is defending this?

You understand that most Americans find this repulsive? Right?

its the exact red color mcdonalds uses

Quite clearly Europe. Look at the euro plate on the van

not to mention we all pay for it to stay alive on medicare, and for it's scooter

corn subsidies

Leftists want these people to have scooters for free. Literally no consequences for being a fatass under "le free healthcare".

European mobility scooters are fast

I don't Amerifats need defend that as, judging from the plates this is.... Britain.

Still I blame you Yankee bastards in conjunction with the Krauts for the downfall of English cooking which has led to these manimals.

Pre WW2 we was somewhat respected for our culinary abilities in making hearty fucking foods, meaty pies and the like, that christmas roast dinner may use turkeys but stems from our traditional cooking. The food aid you guys sent so much of during the war however was just too damn convenient and families have forgotten how to cook instead dumping a tin of fucking Heinz beans on a slice of toast. Its considered an exotic twist to crack a bit of salt and pepper and a bit of worcestershire sauce, and a bastardisation of an "English classic".

Will Americans defend this? Would you accept a nursing home feeding your father this shit because in a way that is exactly what you went and did!

The great shitstain should have been left to rot desu


This was in the Netherlands, they seem to have the same rate of mobility scooters.

>I don't Amerifats need defend that
>Still I blame you Yankee bastards
>Will Americans defend this?

Dude make up your fucking mind


Needs a couple slices of Spam.