California is the best state in the union

California is the state that feeds the US, the republic needs California more than California needs the republic.

Stay envious , other states

Anyone who lives in California knows this place is a shit hole. We take water from other states lol, that will stop with calexit. We don't actually produce enough food to feed the whole state, our farms would need to change what crops they grow, but remember no water. Our only export is tech and lets be honest once calexit takes place none of those US patents are valid, just look at china. Our other industries aren't really even in production. You tell me if we can really do better

? What? have you seen the endless corn, wheat, soy, cattle fields of middle America?

I suppose you have not or else you would realize that California is very replaceable as an Agricultural zone.

California is going to run into some hard times if you guys don't start investing in desalination plants.

I'll bite
Midwest does feeding the US better
Have fun buying water from the US at a premium and losing any trade deals as they're pressured into shifting from CA ports to US-controlled ones

fuck off then

you're right. i don't think i could live without your activated almonds

Midwest does more grains, CA just produces fruits and vegitables like no other.

Proud californian here fuck the AMERISHITS

>be cali
>be endless money whole
>have the demographics of a Latin American shithole
Fucking leave already

35% tariff, no support for social services, no calling reserves for riots or terrorism, no southern border patrol funds. No water, relatively fewer grains, loss of intellectual property. Have fun.