California is the best state in the union

California is the state that feeds the US, the republic needs California more than California needs the republic.

Stay envious , other states

Anyone who lives in California knows this place is a shit hole. We take water from other states lol, that will stop with calexit. We don't actually produce enough food to feed the whole state, our farms would need to change what crops they grow, but remember no water. Our only export is tech and lets be honest once calexit takes place none of those US patents are valid, just look at china. Our other industries aren't really even in production. You tell me if we can really do better

? What? have you seen the endless corn, wheat, soy, cattle fields of middle America?

I suppose you have not or else you would realize that California is very replaceable as an Agricultural zone.

California is going to run into some hard times if you guys don't start investing in desalination plants.

I'll bite
Midwest does feeding the US better
Have fun buying water from the US at a premium and losing any trade deals as they're pressured into shifting from CA ports to US-controlled ones

fuck off then

you're right. i don't think i could live without your activated almonds

Midwest does more grains, CA just produces fruits and vegitables like no other.

Proud californian here fuck the AMERISHITS

>be cali
>be endless money whole
>have the demographics of a Latin American shithole
Fucking leave already

35% tariff, no support for social services, no calling reserves for riots or terrorism, no southern border patrol funds. No water, relatively fewer grains, loss of intellectual property. Have fun.

We'll have plenty of cash to buy those after your money-sink leaves the country

Unregulated housing would quickly bring concrete barndominiums.

then leave faggot. i hope you all get annexed by the chinks and are forced to working factories and mines

>what is Florida
as much as i dont like them they're miles better than you commiefornians

And then they turn off your water

Why is nobody talking about the fact that there are literally more spics than whites in California?

>live in Florida
>go to Sam's club
>see a bag of California oranges selling for $6
>see a bag of Florida oranges going for $8

Fucking California is ruining the economy of other states.

Is there proof that ghetto niggers and spics are having kids for more welfare money? Like real proof?

You are an extreme part of the problem and I honestly wish Deus Volt would put you SJWs into camps already.

The rest of us genuinely hope you leave. :)

You'll be annexed by Mexico within a few months. This will result in the U.S. saving your ass and annexing a large swath of Mexico.

We will expel all the spics from this country and massacre all spic enablers.

Doesn't sound too bad.

>California is the best state in the union
cute, they think there part of a union
Pro-tip: your part of aa federation

God, I hate California.

Please leave.

>Cali breaks off from the union
>everyone in Cali dies of dehydration

do americans actually believe the USA is a union?

California is an absolute hellhole, get out and get ass raped by Mexico.

Never gonna happen, sorry Cali-cucks

A union of States. States like California however generally do whatever the fuck they want regardless of what their neighbors want, or what the federal government wants.

They're sort of like the family black sheep at this point.

>giving trump cassus belli to begin the second civil war

2017 might actually top 2016 if they're actually that stupid.

>A union of States
this would mean your a federation,
California isn't a country ergo can't class its self as a member of a union

We would march in, killing every traitor faggot we can find. With Gen. Mattis as SecDef you WILL see a repeat of The March to the Sea. You weak liberal fucks will be cleansed from California. With you gone, Democrats are FINISHED, if Trump wanted to call a recount in Cali, liberals would squeal like pigs, you fucks are NOT American, you deserve death.

you have to pay more for better products :^)


If ordered I would shoot every traitor Californian myself and not lose any sleep over it.


i agree

you should get your shithole state out of our fucking union, beaner

Not really, feel free to leave any time. Your state is nothing more than a parasite for water. The midwest can feed us.

> implying California liberals would ever fight for their country
> implying the port cities wouldn't be captured by the Navy
> implying the water wouldn't run out in weeks
> implying the elite wouldn't book flights to New York City in a heartbeat and leave you with the immigrants

jesus, there not a country. they can't just plede for independance. your part of a federation. $$$

You keep bandying around the term Union as though you've some copyright on it.

Unity is a vague thing, and in broad strokes, we are a United States of America; the states which are united into this semi-singular Republic we call "THE USA".

Do you masturbate to the concept of modifying the definition of a term for geopolitical discourse so hard that your brain isn't getting enough blood there, "Never Gonna Leave the EU" Britbro?

opinion discarded

california is a consumer state.

It could disappear right now and Id never notice the difference, wait yea I would.. the country would be 40% less shit.

>feed the country
literally nothing comes from there. Everything I buy is grown in the mid west, florida, or mexico.

That's not California doing that, it's because 80% of our citrus trees in Florida are infected with citrus greening and it's fucking up our crops.

england is more of a country than any of the states in america.
I'm not sitting idealy by as americans; not only butcher the english language, but also seek to redefine it.
regaurdless of wherever you want to be know as part of the US or not, you'll always be a part of the USA.

>Implying any gun owning Californian would fight against the USA
No civil war happening sorry lads. If CA gets uppity, they will be occupied and it will be over quickly

Fuck off, youre worse than those ohio cornfuckers


Want to know how to trigger a michigander in one word Sup Forums? I'll show you.


How to trigger an ohiofag:


>1 post from this ID

Doesn't bother me that much. Besides, how could I be mad when WE WON THE WAR.


Alright, fine. I'll concede to those digits. But remember, we still have Toledo and that's what we went to war over. Also we don't have Detroit.

Toledo is a shithole with no resources, unlike Yooperstan

Toledo was never about the resources. Its a port city on lake Erie. We use it to move goods in and out. So yeah, keep your bit of land with some iron on it. ports>mines

Are you fucking kidding me. California is the asshole of the world you cuntweed. Kiss cock

L o g g o D o g g o


Us CA spics need to rally with our White bros and make the state conservative once again. I have no problem being second tier behind Whites, as long as the faggots fix up the mess and build the wall.

Log cutting doggo

California is the biggest shithole i have ever seen in my life and ive been through most of mexico, id rather stay in fucking TJ than live in SD. build the fucking wall and keep california away from the both of us.

You Mexifags are supplying the unlimited supply of welfare feeders out here. Build the wall for us more like it.

What is trade

Pick one

time to secede now that it takes 4 California votes to equal one Wyoming vote, and the ratio is only going to get worse every 4 years. No taxation without representation. SECEDE NOW.

We have trees too, numbnuts.

>emperor Trump apply sanctions on Silicon Valley
>all companies move to the US
>California becomes a small Mexico
>Trump builds a wall between Cali and US
>the end

Mostly fruits.

>California fags actually believe this

You idiots destroyed you agricultural economy long ago with carbon taxes and urbanization.
Leave the union and you will be starving in a month


No one really wants to live in Dumbfuckistan, they are just too poor to move

>California is the state that feeds the US

California is also the state with food borne illness originating from picked produce.

>the republic needs California more than California needs the republic

California is the largest TAKER of federal funds in the entire union.


90% of infrastructure development funding came from the federal government. California stopped developing its infrastructure in the late 80's when they had to start paying for it on their own because of policies pushed by Reagan.

Think about that, a state that has its own tax, held out from paying for its own infrastructure development.


Los Angeles's sanctuary cities are (were) 100% federally funded.

found a poor

Leave. Also can any send me a link to Sign people up for pamphlets or I for.ation packets on leave calxit or whatever I'd love to send a fuckload of them to my inlaws

Don't mind me just posting to see if I currently fall under a flag.


The most numerous lawsuit (suing) brought up in California is workers not receiving pay. Not other state has Hollywood accounting like California, leaving more workers without owed wages. The entire state of California lives on credit.


Rent Control is the #1 reason California real estate is expensive. It is a state policy set in by state representative who are largely in the real estate business. The entire state of California is a pyramid scheme.

Also large parts of the USSC are actually American.

war on cali when?

I hope this happens because it would fail spectacularly or essentially be a US puppet state like South Carolina would have if they didn't attack fort sumter, but I don't hope it happens because I want the union to stick together.

secession will be inevitable once it takes 5 Californian votes to equal one Wyoming vote. No state would tolerate that level of nonrepresentation.

If California wanted to leave we would go to war to ensure they can not leave. Once you are a state you can not leave the union.

t. Abracadabra Lincoln

>has the most seats in congress and the most say in determining the president

>non representation

Just admit Californians are butthurt about not being able to decide elections and federal policy by themselves.

Also if California secedes, northern and central California probably wouldn't stay with the free state.

California wants out? Let 'em. Those fags have destroyed Austin. Texas does not belong in the same country as loonybird land.

T. Texas THE best state.


The Republic of Texas shall rise again, screw Americucks

California is a meme and a fucking joke. The idiots running it are running it into the ground. They waste their money on dumbshit like gibs. Their roads are god awful. I blew out a tire driving through that shitstate because they don't maintain them, instead they spend all their money on stupid fucking bumps going down the middle and the shoulder of every single road, and putting up cartoonishly large signs so you can read them 2 miles away.