


Yeah, so brave

what sort of a fag has to feature his ass in his pic.

Fucking degenerate, sage

He is a much stronger man than you.

>so strong he has to flip off a building owned by a person he never met because he disagrees with his politics
>furthermore he needs the (((community))) online to affirm this juvenile action, therefore he shared it online for likes and retweets.

he can probably lift more than me, Ill give him that. But this man is anything but strong.

Why don't you tell that to his face, bitch? None of that matters to me when I can kick your ass.

Blumpftards on suicide watch

Ridiculous manlet

I guess it does matter because you lost fucktard

Looks like only shit comes out of Mexico.

(((Drumpfstein))) btfo

>doing something that is perfectly legal and has zero possible repercussions

brave indeed

I could german suplex that jabroni with the quickness

>flipping a building is brave
>behaving like your group expect you to behave is brave

What's brave is recognizing that the most hated figure today (Adolf Hitler) was one of the best man who ever walked the earth. Nothing short of a Saint.

Stunning and brave.

he's the one farting on mexico all day

He would have had lower his pants to show off his underwear and ask the camera man to take several shots for the "right one" as he poses

This is so fucking cringe worthy I would have committed sudoku if I saw it in person being played out

That is brave but also retarded

Wait, is that your boyfriend?

>Teleports behind you.
>Unsheathes katana.
>Ha kid you're already dead.
>Sheathes katana.
>Your head flies into the air.

I like how he uses the angle of the camera to hide the fact that hes 5'2

>when someone on the right's side yells at a reporter for asking their name they dub her candice the cuckslayer or whatever the fuck
>when someone gives a building the finger Sup Forums hates him
Is Sup Forums scared of the liberal rebellion?

>people actually view completely futile gestures of childish stubbornness as brave

are you a fellow believer of affirmation denial?

reliance on others is a true weakness

>liberal rebellion

Good luck with sticks and stones faggot

>Ha you thought that was my only head
>2nd head bursts through Mexico trousers
>Spins 180 and bites your dick off

Hey I know that guy, He's a huge faggot that likes taking it up the ass on a daily basis. so much so his belt is too loose to hold his pants up.

I guess so, please define.