Is it true that atheists are more intelligent than religious people?
Is it true that atheists are more intelligent than religious people?
Not at all. And why do atheist always need to prove themselves anyways?
No, most atheists are sub 65 IQ
Fuck religion
Intelligent people tend to be Atheists or Polytheists.
Prove themselves how
he dictated autistically to his handler to type on a mongolian basket weaving forum
Source me bro
Apologies to our religious friends who can't read.
That pic is pretty funny.
>tfw to intelligent 4 religion
Atheists claimed the top positions like the jews have forcing everyone to follow their religion of evoltuionism. So its no surprise they score high on a system they made up.
Numerous attempts to justify their lack of belief with excuses other than "I personally find the evidence unconvicining." They always lash out or try and elevate themselves.
>I'm just more intelligent
>atheism is less violent
>religious people are sheep
It's so pretentious, and what's more it's strictly nothing more than a difference of opinion.
No one has ever thought the God question was a scientific one. However science is the only place one can deny obvious truths (sophists fuck off) within ethics and the nature of life.
So obviously atheists gravitate to the only thing which will accept them, and they mistake it's cold neutrality for a warm welcome (sign of social autism but in terms of philosophy).
All the famous atheists hold the stance of "well maybe, but then again maybe not."
Their (((figureheads))) are in it solely for the money and the cultural power they receive for criticizing the church and giving ammunition to (((anti-Christians))).
It's all so tiresome.
>being this retarded
Look up the definition of atheism in before you start tying it to things.
More depressed and not necessarily more useful to society though. The more time goes on, the more I believe that belief in god is a genetic phenomenon that has some pro-social benefits.
Don't know about them being more intelligent but they're definitely more obnoxious
I was just asking for source
Notice how they only dominate in areas which no one else finds popular.
The vast majority of the most intelligent people by far was the almost fanatical (by our standards) believer of religion.
Secularism is a recent public movement which came about in the French Revolution in order to dismantle the divine right of kings to rule.
Atheism in its modern conception is the bastard child of this philosophical attack upon aristocrats.
No. They certainly want people to think they're more intelligent. But that just makes them insecure.
This graph is so obviously fake. You're telling me only ~30% of people identified as atheist or theist?
Inb4 Christians start the
>If you don't believe in any god, you're a retard. You have to believe thousands of gods are all false idols, but Yahweh is the one exception to be smart
>lets read a pseudoscience blog
>to intelligent 2 know credible sources
Honestly, this seems true, either really really stupid people are atheists or extreme geniuses. Average religious guy is smarter. Seems true in my experience.
I would say intelligence is overrated, if you know more about a lot of things its fine but knowing a lot can also be a strong source of depression.
For example, one reason people who eat too many redpills get anti-theist is because they know all of the horrific stuff going on in the world. So they get angry at God and then decide it can't exist.
People who don't know about these atrocities, they are more ignorant but also happier and more likely to feel God is in control.
I would rather be witty and creative than intelligent and bitter.
Oh woops. Nvm.
Too much preaching, a lot less information. Im glad you can grasp the oppositions side so rationally.
t. stupid person
And the answer is always niggers. You know they didn't control for race.
Amazing rebuttal.
Hey bro, read the books.
There is no evidence for atheism.
There is no serious defense for atheism in any of the "atheist literature".
You think I'm criticizing atheists.
I'm criticizing the conception of atheism which atheists hold so highly and explaining why I think pretentious atheists are pretentious.
No one said you had to listen.
>Atheists are just angry at god
This meme never ceases to split my sides open. Never believed in god at any point, so why would I be mad at him?
Why would suffering existing mean god doesn't exist anyways? It just means, at most, maybe a god that's kind of a dick exists. It's maybe a reason not to believe in Christian doctrine specifically, which is why I think Christians project this crisis of faith they have with their retarded religion onto atheists, but not much of a reason not to believe in god.
There is no evidence for the lack of belief in a god/gods?
I dont get it.
This seems like a poor graph choice for the given information. But thank you for the clarification.
>for example
>one reason
"Hurr durr this applies to me."
Can't tell if it's because you're an atheist or a Leaf...
Who cares
Any atheist who claims this is simply looking to validate their belief.
religious people are most obnoxious
On average yes, but when you pass a certain level of intelligence you'll see that religion serves a vital role for 75% of the world's population, even if it is often misused.
You hear Christians repeating this "Atheists are just angry at god" meme ALL THE TIME though and I literally had to read into christian doctrine to understand why the fuck you would even think that.
It's a projection Christians with crisis's of faith have that they project onto Atheists. It's just funny how often Christians repeat this meme.
Religious Atheists are the most obnoxious by far
kinda shows how weak your epistemological skills are. all the books can say is there is no evidence for god existing while in turn providing no evidence for him not existing.
pretty weak arguments. even the highly spiritual(as long as they arent locked into dogmatic religion) knows that there is no evidence of it. doubt is inherent in your walk with christ if you are christian, it doesnt make you are heretic and also literally any crime may be forgiven doubt probably being one of the least criminal behaviors.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
this conformity is your mind wishing to make it untrue and live a life of hedonism.
There are smart people and dumb people who follow every philosophy.
So edgy thread.
So edgy pic.
>epistemic denial
>le lack of belief
They don't simply lack belief.
Numerous times do pop-culture atheists and many just in everyday life claim in the affirmative a pertinent negative on the existence of God.
It's only when they are called out on this claim do they explain how they are really just agnostics in disguise as atheists.
Watch any atheist vs theist debate, they get nowhere save for one saying "here's the evidence" the other backpedalling "I remain unconvinced"
It's retarded is what it is.
There is no evidence for a pertinent negative or a principal of non-existence.
What I mean is there is no way to rule out the existence of God in the philosophical realm.
Also, note how no one ever asks the question of what is existence.
It's such a nebulous term. Yet when atheists are faced with (in my experience) someone who isn't a southern fundie suddenly atheism becomes defanged they readily concede it as opinion.
>1 post by this ID
I wonder who could be behind this post?
this guy knows.
i tried to explain to too, thought you were gone since proselytizing only works to people who havent outright blasphemed their souls against god(religious atheists).
holy shit the bogan is right im out.
Everytime I am confronted with a theological question, I am consequently confronted with the assertion that everything you say is physically based on complex electron signal patterns within your brain. but then I take a shot of vodka, forget about it, and proceed with my normal daily captcha solving activities.
I have literally never heard this as a catchall for why atheism is popular.
I don't think it's projecting a crisis of faith.
I think it's because you often do have ex-atheists coming forward. I have met two who told me this was their reason for not believing in God.
I don't think I've ever thought this was a reason for atheism outside of the personal experience of those to whom this actually was the reason.
I think you're just trying to chime in even though you have nothing to say.
They're definitely the more cringe worthy
It is just opinion, it's just retarded not to hold the opinion that it's equally likely something with no evidence of ever existing existed or not.
Using a common argument, I can't know if the universe was created last tuesday and everything before last tuesday was a false memory implanted in my mind, or if the universe has existed much longer than that. But claiming I'm an agnostic as to if the universe existed past last tuesday is retarded. Just because you can't prove something definitively happened one way or another, doesn't mean you can't have an opinion on which way things happened.
Generally speaking yes
That said they're outscored by Episcopalians, Jews, and libertarians (though I admit that last one is not a fair comparison)
It's also argued that comparing atheist IQ to Episcopalian and Jewish IQ is a sort of faulty practice by virtue of the fact that many people in these groups are merely "culturally" religious
Overall I find the data interesting but mostly irrelevant. It doesn't really bother me that social conservatives are bad at cognition -- that much is not too surprising. Nor am I surprised that liberals, libertarians, and atheists, which share great overlap, have IQs that are, on average, a bit less than 1 standard deviation above the mean.
We shouldn't fall into the fallacious trap of the appeal to authority, whether that authority be IQ or some kind of clout. Smart people are wrong and right about esoteric, philosophical matters equally as much as stupid people are. To value the opinion of the intelligentsia more, especially with regards to social issues, is to surrender to their will and to engender pathologies of past peoples for whom their destiny was quashed by the very intelligentsia they entrusted.
To my mind, intellect ought to be measured by meaningful things like accomplishments, and the political opinions of those with better cognitive abilities is still merely a manifestation of their intuitions, if that makes any sense.
>What I mean is there is no way to rule out the existence of God in the philosophical realm.
Yeah, concepts tend to do that. Unfortunately, the burden of proof is on you to prove his existence, not his potential or probable. You can exchange "god" for any other made up silliness in this statement. Playing hide the ball doesnt make you look too good.
It's just a different state of living along with race, sex, and orientation. It cannot inherently mean you have superiority anywhere. You still have to prove your moral high ground by not being a doucher.
>An Aussie naming the Aussie
Hey no shot putting I just wanted to say I really appreciated how you worded that
How do I educate myself to debate like this?
>It just means, at most, maybe a god that's kind of a dick exists.
Without knowing you are already angry at him .
>it's retarded to not be an agnostic
>defends atheism
That's a stupid argument.
Read Kant, the more backpedaling you do the more you fall out of reason and into sophistry.
Also, even within your argument, the one you just said was retarded...the claim that one can not be sure because they could be wrong is the primary argument of atheism.
No one is saying you can't have an opinion, just don't present it as anything other than an opinion.
Also, it seems like a slippery slope relegating everything to an opinion of unjustified probabilities.
It also seems like a pattern with Jews primarily being the intellectual side of any atheism. I'm sure it's not ironic that nihilism and such ideologies like communism (Marxism in general) is pretty popular with Jews and atheists alike. One other thing to note is that atheists tend to be a monolithic voting bloc. These Jews are at best labeled as non-practicing but they almost always observe their own holidays (tradition goys).
Yes, but only because no religion has been invented yet that appeals to smart people.
no religious people are most obnox
2000s era atheists were more cringy, but I think how cringy they are is mostly a meme at this point.
2000s era atheists were cringy because the religious right had an obnoxious degree of power, and there was no political representation of atheists, so people felt the need to argue relentlessly about religion and be ACTIVISTS LUL. Was a product of the times. Things hit peak fedora a few years back on leddit and atheists are getting less obnoxious now.
Probably the only cringy thing about atheism now is that autists still tend to be atheists.
>Implying being a dick is bad
I fucked up and said the opposite of what I meant to, was defending atheism, not agnosticism.
kant is a fool
ayn rand is good
>They're outscored by Jews
That probably includes a lot of Jewish atheists too, who answered regarding their culture/ethnicity. About half of American Jews don't believe in God, and they're the highest IQ population, compared to something like 10% of the general population.
>christfags are actually proud of being average
>burden of proof to prove something that's been consistently believed in for thousands of years until atheism entered the picture with a "burden of proof"
Christianity has been here and organized longer than organized atheism if we're doing it chronologically.
If we're doing it scientifically, science has never disproved God so you'd have the burden in that as well.
I like polytheism.
Let's ask the more important question.
Does the answer matter?
Which is why I said literally in the next sentence
>It's also argued that comparing atheist IQ to Episcopalian and Jewish IQ is a sort of faulty practice by virtue of the fact that many people in these groups are merely "culturally" religious
>implying books i read state god/gods do not exist
>assuming i havent read the bible and know for myself it doesnt meet the burden of proof for me
>"...while in turn providing no evidence for him not existing."
Thats not how things are done in reality. We start with evidence, then follow it. We dont start at something made up, then try to make it true. Its dishonest.
The rest is preaching, i dont care.
As a whole yes, but only because there is a lower percentage of colored atheists.
>tfw too intelligent to not believe
being sure theres no god is as retarded as being sure there is one
Reminder Athiests are super pissy on Sup Forums cause their type is just a bunch of Commie/Socialist fucks.
>no political representation of people united by nothing more than a very specific very tiny realm of agreement within an arbitrary opinion
I know what you meant ;)
t. low IQ non-scholar
sorry, just skimmed it.
Dick waving and pissing contests are always welcome in the American past time.
>2000s era atheists were more cringy
What are you talking about man ? religion was just started to be a thing , i never talked about religion on the internet and i never heard other people talking about religion and i have been active from 1997 , i was really suprised that Sup Forums was a christian board
So, because its been here longer than someone being a skeptic of it, its everyones claim? That might be the dumbest thing said in a religious thread yet. not to mention people are skeptic of gods other than their own.
Science hasnt made the claim god doesnt exist. I get you cant show your claim to be true, but to say its science who actually needs to do that for you is lazy and dishonest. Stop, for everyone.
>we start with evidence
Actually no, this doesn't happen, barely happens in science.
We start with assumptions.
But in all seriousness, we do try and start with basic evidence. The problem you're now going to encounter is having to prove all religious evidence to be non-evidence.
You have enslaved your mind into a singular paradoxical paradigm, one which you cannot rationally reconcile but gives you comfort.
Actually, that guy just gave you some serious empirical study material.
Before you pull a fast one and posit science as the only way we can know evidence or really anything (that's the paradoxical paradigm) I feel like I must warn you that you'd do much better to begin with a more 'rationalistic' starting point. Or you could even try to convince everyone with a non-argument too. Like "atheism is fun, be one."
No. I used to be part of the atheist "community" and I can tell you it includes just as much sycophantic thinking as religion.
To some
Good, good goy!
Learn functional analysis. Then learn quantum mechanics. Then look into some field theory. If you still think that we have a picture which is complete enough to do away with God, then great. But until then, don't blindly trust "scientists."
>Actually no, this doesn't happen, barely happens in science.
Actually, yes. Im not sure why youd want to do this as a discussion tactic but ok.
You can keep pretending your words mean anything, ive only heard preaching and no evidence for your claim. Hide the ball gets old here, lets see it or be a man and say its all faith based. I dont give a gee golly hoot what you do, go ahead.
>Actually, that guy just gave you some serious empirical study material.
Yeah i know you think that. I listened to it on sundays, too. Preaching is silly goosery at its finest, i dont care. Evidence or we are done here.
Talking about North America, and especially the US when I say that. That is when the New Atheism movement peaked with people like Dawkins being very prominent and advocating for atheists to argue with the religious, "come out" as atheists, and exercise every legal avenue to get religion out of the government. On the flipside, every politician pretended to love MUH BIBLE, the christfags were taking away our vidya, and God told George W Bush invading Iraq was a great idea. People legitimately feared being outed as an atheist might get them ostracised or lose them employment opportunities.
Eventually a lot of atheists got tired of being thought of as obnoxious fart sniffing autists, and people get less and less shit for being atheists every year, and New Atheism died... mostly.
Jews, Unitarians, Quakers, and Anglicans are all superior to atheists in iq.
>durr rich people score higher
>rich people are more likely to question religion
No shit lad
>Jews and Unitarians are superior to atheists in IQ
>Two groups that have an unusual amount of atheists among them
Really makes me think...
No. Most are just sheep followers repeating what they hear from other "intelligent atheists".
I would add Jesuits to the High IQ religious groups too.
Projecting at its finest. Holy shit.
>doesn't understand that the scientific method starts with a question and hypothesis based on an assumption.
and also the point of religion is faith so yea if you came here thinking we'd give you some other answer you're obscenely retarded.
this guy and i were simply stating that science doesn't disprove god existing
also this is true as well, doing away with tradition and a faith in a code that puts your wishes tertiary to your family and people before we become gods ourselves(omnipotence) then you are just as foolhardy as what you think theists are doing.
their are a group of non denominational people who are quite honest about faith and yet are still highly devout and because they have traveled the path of spiritual anarchy(not belonging to a denomination) they have examined many different philosophical schools and still come out the other side being unbroken in spirit.
just so you know, primitive cultures developed books like the bible, koran, guru gran sahib, and more and they explain how we act still today if you merely apply them.
God fearing man here. Most atheists I met in my age group (35+) seem very chill unless you provoke them a lot, otherwise they respect your rights to believe what you want.
Sjw's tho... Beyond fucking horrible and like throwing Science in your face etc but it then again retards are retards.
That would be a no