What is your opinion of this man?
What is your opinion of this man?
we was an evil bastard and worse than isis
A tyrant but it takes a tyrant to keep dune coons in line.
He was a degenerate piece of shit but it seems like that's whats needed to keep muslims in line.
He was a necessary evil in the world. He understood how to keep Radical and uppity Muslims in check. When a few would act out, rather than trying to pick the individuals causing the problem, he would gas the entire town/village.
Morally it was right to remove him from power, but we are still experiencing the repercussions today and it probably would have been better to leave him alone a bit longer.
hero who did nothing wrong
Kurds deserved it
He was a dictator who acted like one.
His only mistake was pissing off the wrong people.
He dragged Iraq into an unnecessary war for 8 years because America was mad that a bunch of shit skins overthrew their puppet. 6/10
True leader, based man.
Same as Gaddafi.
Same as Assad.
Brutal dictator, ie: exactly what the Middle East needs.
He held things together, but I don't think that is enough to say that he would have prevented instability in Iraq. Furthermore, his secular credentials are almost always overstated.After Saddam Hussein lost the first Gulf War and the Shias subsequently rebelled, it was Saddam that encouraged and enflamed Sunni religiosity. Policies from 1991-2003 empowered the most religious and insane Sunni muslims and the lauded bureaucratization and institutionalization of Iraqi society under the Baath party actually was undone as power was personalized into the various tribal / clerical (sunni) leaders in a revolving web of power around Saddam. It was Saddam Hussein that created the ultra-religiosity amongst the Sunnis that blew up even more after they lost their monopoly on power post 2003.
It's the truth nonetheless. The shah was an American puppet and when the Iranian revolution happened, America wasn't happy. Which is why saddam went to war with Iran and its also why America provided saddam with intelligence and Mustard gas
Probably had an impressive rape dungeon desu.
A necessary evil
Uday was the one with the rape dungeon
He shouldn't have killed him
if iraq had won it would've been a genius maneuver by the US, unfortunately we made the mistake of trusting an Arab military to be able to not completely suck.
he was good at oppersing his people, we should have never removed him from power
I'm sure they all had one.
I was never really able to grasp my head around why Iraq lost that war. I understand that most Arab armies are incompetent, but Iraq had an incredible advantage. Iran was burnt from a revolution, and Iraq was receiving chemical weapons from America. Was it because the Iranians had more of a drive to defend their homeland?
Greatest leader of the modern muslim world.
Torn down by the joos, demonized by their zionist propoganda.
The world misses you Sadi
>What is your opinion of this man?
Pretty based.
Killed any one who fucked with him.
As we all know now this is the only way to rule over Arabs. They only respect an iron fist clamping down on them.
Also gassed the Kurds for being traitorous scum. Revenge for the Armenian genocide they helped the Turks with.
You have to realize that goal of Iraq was to to destroy the Iranian army, which they did in 1988
>look up war
>soviet and the US backing the same side
>Israel backing Iran
>kurds fighting kurds that are actually supporting Saddam
>uday and qusay were hold up in their palace, surrounded by tigers stolen from the bhagdad zoo
when pic related happened
what a time to be alive
Watch this to see what life was like under Suddam.
They had night clubs that played western music and none of that hardcore muslim shit they have now.
The world is a worse place without him.
He was the genocidal maniac that the middle east needed.
I miss him
this is forbidden under Sharia law
Saddam didn't impose Sharia. He was quite progressive, often imprisoning people who were considered too religious. He also invested a lot in education, especially for women and, IIRC, they had a lot more rights in his Iraq than most Arab countries. He was still quite sadistic.
Arabs must be contained under a totalitarian rule. Sadam's rule wasn't very theocratic so Islam wasn't completely out of control, there was a higher standard of living on overall
Great man only neocon fucks hate him. The Ba'athist ideology is the only solution to the middle east and Islam as a whole. To bad Amerikikes had to kill the good man.
Exactly this.
Scum of the earth. I know a handful of immigrants who got to enjoy his attention or that of his croneys. It's stomach-turning stuff.
That said, I'm forced to accept that in that part of the world, a scum-of-the-earth dictator may be the best viable option.
based. Ba'athism is the Arab version of fascism.If you countersignal Saddam or say "muh dunecoons need a dictator" GTFO of Sup Forums
Kek is real.
kept the middle east in check. if we never removed him from power the destabilization of the middle east would have never happened
Had this hottie as a biologic weopons specialist.
Pretty progressive right?
Good, misunderstood leader.
Global hero really.
Iran and Israel fighting on the same side? I thought Iran always hated them since their revolution? Also North Korea? What a clusterfuck.
Isarel is like the eternal anglo, it always supports the enemy of its biggest threat. at the time it was Iraq, because they had the best army in the middle east and a nuclear weapons program.
But I saw that Khomeini was the leader of Iran in that war and he hated Israel from the get go, before coming into power even. Did they actually cooperate for that war and have an agreement? This is the funniest thing I've seen all week.
I will chop off your tongue if you talk about Saddam...
>Despite all the speeches of Iranian leaders and the denunciation of Israel at Friday prayers, there were never less than around one hundred Israeli advisers and technicians in Iran at any time throughout the war, living in a carefully guarded and secluded camp just north of Tehran, where they remained even after the ceasefire.
This is fucking gold.
Oh yeah the guy who started two wars, one with the second largest power in the middle east, and then started a war within his own borders, was totally keeping the peace.
Don't buy into the liberal lies. Saddam was a bastard who deserved what he got. And of course he had chemical weapons, its historical fact that he used them not more than a decade prior to the second coalition invasion that's right COALITION as in several nations not just the USA. Yet the leftist media has convinced so many that he didn't have WMDs, the US acted alone and bullied him, and that he was KEEPING THE FUCKING PEACE?! Are you kidding me?
If someone who starts a war with Iran is keeping the peace they should've voted for John McCain.
*mic drop*
>During and after the war, Iranian officials denied they had received help from Israel which they denounced as an "illegitimate state". Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of Iran during the war, angrily denied that Israeli arms were sent to Iran. In a speech on August 24, 1981, he maintained that Iran's enemies were trying to undermine the Islamic Revolution by spreading false rumors of Israeli-Iranian cooperation. He alleged that while Israel had bombed and destroyed Iraq's Osirak nuclear facilities in 1981, this was because Saddam Hussein was actually an ally of Israel who "forced" Israel to destroy his own nuclear facilities
My fucking sides.
I am starting to think this current "conflict" is all a ruse by both sides to have the US give free stuff to Israel and the Ruskies fund Iran.
The real question is, what's their endgame?
good leader
He actually cared more about painting than running the country.
Most of his "cabinet" ran the affairs of Iraq.
>Don't buy into the liberal lies
You're the one who bought into the liberal lies, idiot
>*mic drop*
This is a huge redpill that our politicians need to understand.
When you look into what he actually did he is hitler/stalin/mao tier horrible, far more than just a "bad guy" as liberals put it in america. That being said, it seems you need a basically evil dictator to keep mudslimes from fucking murdering each other (see Assad)