Why did the public lose interest in Space?
Why did the public lose interest in Space?
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because they're more interested in these digits.
god knows
we need to colonise mars!!!!
What digits user?
Those digits user
We didn't, but the aliens are keeping us down. Believe it or not, every planet on this solar system has already been colonized.
Thats because aliens fear these trips
praise kek
It became routine.
>every planet on this solar system has already been colonized.
Because we learned space is filled with a whole lot of nothing, and nothing is not very valuable or interesting.
Until space travel is perfected and we can reach habitable planets and valuable resources, nobody will really care. The Mars mission(or anything similar) will fail due to the living conditions, they will have mass suicides and demented offspring from the shitty living conditions. Even the average person realizes how shitty that kind of life would be.
>Why did the public lose interest in Space?
Noone lost interest in space.
Its just the USA who stoped the space program because of privatizing
Thanks obama
Rekt by Kek.
Just look at this.
There are multiple launches a week these days.
too overworked and poor
Because the public never was interested. The govt. Did it to beat the Soviets and ensure they could do whatever the communists could do and then some. When we found out that the Soviets lacked the technology and development for LH2, we cut off our lunar programs and saved the money.
Had we of continued to spend the cash, we'd of been on Mars in the 80s.
Also, one big issue is that the shuttle, like the ISS, is a huge boondoggle.
Space is all in your mind. Looking inward to explore yourself is where the real adventure is!
As Neil Degrasse Tyson said, everyone was interested in space because of the Soviets. After the Soviets stopped going to space, America lost interest and just moved onto something else. And seeing that NASA did fuck all for 30 years, I can see why they lost interest.
Now we have Space X, and other companies that are making more progress in the last couple of years than what NASA did in the last 30, and everyone is getting involved again. What a time to be alive.
The frontier is not really with us traveling into space but with scientist collecting data from satellites and rovers.
Whats left? send a man to mars? Ok that's cool.
I think people are waiting for the big news that we found life elsewhere or that we have been contacted by aliens.
>no payoff
>what is all the technology you're using for $500
There's no payoff in the welfare state either, but you all still want it.
so we should spend the money giving niggers free cellphones instead
The payoff is capacity of dreaming and inspiration.
>Healthcare for illegals costs American taxpayers 98 billion dollars a year
I hope those beaners are more worth it than moon colonies.
As prices for launch services decrease, and performance of launched craft increases, there are a lot of good payoff scenarios, such as interplanetary mining of asteroids, among other scenarios. A hundred-meter wide asteroid has billions of dollars of materials inside of it that could likely be extracted for the same or less cost than it would Earth-side. This is especially important for rare earths that could see huge cost increases over the long term.
Because it stop being convenient for (((them)))
Look into the secret space program, MK-Ultra, the bilderbergs, the UFOs, their secret bases underwater, ITS ALL CONNECTED
Privatizing space travel was the best thing that happened. So yes, thank obama.
Because the minds of non-autistic normies are incredibly fickle and can only concentrate on one thing for a short time before losing interest.
To work in the space industry (or any very high level science field) you have to be completely autistically obsessed with your subject.
Seeing the amount of autism on Sup Forums makes you realise what a den of wasted potential it is.
Unless NASA finally admits that the ayy lmao's exist, the public isn't going to give a fuck.
When we stopped doing anything new.
No Moon base, no Mars mission, no commercial exploitation of solar resources, no infrastructure production, nothing.
We build space laboratories, commercial transmission satellites, and orbital observatories. That's it.
The fucking tourist industry is doing more for advancing space colonization than NASA.
Humanity is done for. Look at all these mindless losers in this comment section that are a part of our society.
>comment section
lmfao where am i?
there is enough methane on mars to make space profitable screencap this
It's not physically possible to reach the nearest star to us...ever. it's 4 light years away.
That makes it possible bud. It'll just take awhile
The 70's were objectively the best decade.
So much hope. So much optimism.
Best music. Sex for everyone.
No asians. No muslims. Just whites and blacks
they haven't. Boeing and space-x both have plans for an american run mission to mars in the next 30 years
autism in action
Don't push you luck.
Watching a moon landing, or welfare checks.
Guess what most Americans prefer?
i'm sure people were saying that back when they were shipping people off to die in waves to colonize the americas just so you could shitpost here on Sup Forums today.
its not that were not doing anything, its just that it hasnt happened yet, mars mission soon fellow american
Challenger Disaster.
>its not possible to go to the moon!
>its not possible to make a space station big enough for multiple countries!
>its not possible to send a robot to mars!
>its not possible to make a spacecraft that can return to earth!
What did Kek mean by this?
Well, not yet. I say give it 10,000 years
not on leddit, where you should be
Do you think it's possible to condense nothing?
Space isn't real, user. Earth is flat. Praise Trump
god knows how many rare undiscovered and untapped useful resources are out in space, it could be the discovery of the Americas all over again
The USA culture is driven by blacks and browns now and they are stupid and selfish and the only things they are interested in is gossip, entertainment and sex.
USA culture is driven by Jews
by mindless losers I mean the people who don't believe in space exploration
sorry senpai, thought you were a shitposter. hard to tell these days
I mean you think of the space inbetween planets, stars, and all that other bullshit out there as nothing. But if it was nothing then it wouldn't exist. There has to be something we can't perceive.
well there is radiation, witch can be used to power things. space is more profitable than you think
Yeah, but I'm talking to non-visible spectrum. Obviously space is big and light being pulled from one point to another is eventually going to fray. And as it frays it will degrade. What does light degrade into? And why at that point?
There's plenty of stuff in the asteroid belt. And Mercury. Venus too. Mars. All the moons of the solar system, hell even Saturn's rings. There's plenty of stuff out there, fuck terraforming if it's dead strip it
You probably also think the money goes up with the rocket, huh?
The money 'spent' on the rocket is used on earthling jobs, and earthling materials are bought revitalizing earthling factories. More earthling jobs then! Many advantages come to NASA but the biggest is the anticipation for what we are about to find. We are nomadic, and we have finished Earth; we must venture on!
This. It really opened the public's eyes to how extremely dangerous and finicky space flight is.
Beforehand people never realized just how many factors are in play during a launch and how a single screw being slightly loose can turn astronauts into astro-nots.
The Soviet Union collapsed and we no longer had anyone to compete against in dick measuring contests.
Valiant Thor
Here something about space.
Yeah until Musk's pyramid schemes fall apart and then we go back to square one.
no space nazis to have a technological race with
>Humanity cant live on like over 80% of own planet
>lmao lets colonise dead planed
didnt you get banned from hockeyfights.com?
we will have run out of resources by then.
>It's not physically possible to reach the nearest star to us...ever. it's 4 light years away.
It is however the risk/reward and initial costs aren't worth it.
We KNOW of asteroids worth $100trillion made of platinum and other metals in our asteroid belt.
The moon has like 50 years of helium-3 for fusion.
colonization is stupid unless it's as easy to live there as it is on the Earth. otherwise just build big inter-generational self-sustaining spacestations that go around mining for resources and perhaps finding a suitable planet to colonize. Humanity will have to splinter.
What is Apollo 1?
It isn't, unless we can travel at the minimum the speed of light, the best thought by the scientific community right now is to create giant sails and blast a ridiculous sized array of lasers at it to push a craft, still gets us no where close to light speed and would take 40,000 years to reach Alpha centauri (which has no planets orbiting it)
It would take 180,000 years to reach the nearest solar system with planets.
If you already have that technology to travel interplanetary and mine space ores... you might as well just make drones to do that. You'd be able to live a life of extreme luxury and have robots do all the work for you. Automization doesn't make sense until you think interplanetary.
No reason to go there under capitalism currently.
It'll take drones just as long as a station to get to other solar systems, in the cosmic scheme of things. So at least as the realm of possibility allows today it would just make more sense to go to these places picking shit up on the way. Who knows I might be proved wrong and we'll discover some warp tech, science has a way of doing that
black mirrors
If we could travel at near the speed of light it would take just over 4 years for a one-way trip.
>Sky-high unemployment
>Economic stagnation
>Energy crisis
>Cold war scaring everyone to shit
>Hippies and disco
nah I'll pass
>10,000 years
That's wayyy too long. If we haven't gotten interstellar travel down by that time, might as well assume we'd destroy each other or experience another dark age.
I'd say anywhere from 750-1500 years for us to achieve interstellar travel, and give it around another 100 or so years until it'll be more open to public.
We haven't really lost interest, king nigger defunded NASA and they have barley done shit in 8 years. Thing is, what is there to do or explore? We have done everything we can with our current technology and with NASA defended the progress of science in that area has slowed to barley a crawl.
>new technology invented
>it's not ready for use for another 15 years
Unless trump gives NASA it's money back , it's up to people like that musk guy to further progress in space
T. Astronomer
I never doubt that science will continue to amaze. While some people think others are only getting perpetually dumber, I believe we are going right the opposite.
going to the moon 20 times isn't all that fun.
we needed to do different missions but we just didnt have the technology to do anything else at the time.
previous technology never got better until we tested it and found out why it failed
Because we stopped sending astronauts past low earth orbit.
You thieving nigger
I need your digits, and the post below mine's digits too, to save the Aussies from destruction!
Mining the asteroid belt will take heavy investment, but once a few key issues are resolved, it's endless mineral resources for the foreseeable future.
the universe is expanding faster then the speed of light, we would need to be able to go faster.
We didn't really go to the moon. There I said it.
Mark my words. When poo in loos finally get in to the space they will be the first "humans" ever to take a dump on to the surface of the moon.
Kek be with you.
Also truth. We need to colonize inland Australia, Antarctica northern Canada and Russia first. All of these places are more conducive to human life than Mars, Venus, or the moon.
Which if you think about it is actually quite impressive considering it would have to go through a space suit.
So they have either developed some novel method by which they can expel solid waste from the suit in situ while maintaining its seal or they have made the moon habitable without one.
You're conducive to getting slapped.