Which country should you have been born in, Sup Forums?
>inb4 OP is a weeaboo faggot.
Which country should you have been born in, Sup Forums?
>inb4 OP is a weeaboo faggot.
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Post a link you nigger
Shit. Sorry about that.
Oh shit
fuck sake
>A fucking leaf
great, Im some chink mudshit
Singapore is the cleanliness nazis right? Then it's ok.
We white now
Not bad except for I'm not a mohammedian
I blame the non stop dragon ball re-runs
Just look at this nigger.
Top fucking kek
Also what the actual fuck is this shit
Fucking leaf kek
I blame the picardia balls for this
Always knew I was an eastern eurocuck at heart
Same here. Sorta weird to think of it. 2nd on my list was Japan, 3rd was Saudi Arabia and 4th was Mexico.
wouldnt want to be anywhere but here
who /uniformany/ here
third best is Japan, will take it.
hold teh fuck up
Banter bros
would be funnier if you were british
Just fuck my shit up senpai
No surprises here.
I'm not surprised
>people think of France as cultured, balanced, and decadent
uh oh
T-this can't be
Yeah nah.
lel, you coke-nigger
Greatest ally
No need to be rude.
I got Japan too.
I always knew I was white, but I didn't know I was this white.
what the fuck
I wouldnt move to india even if someone paid me to
I got south korea in diligence but i know how much bullshit that is
Anyone who achieves any other result is no true Sup Forumslack
We will live in prosperity.
>wanting to be the a cuck
At least is not sweden tier
The shores of Orion
checks out
guess i have to go back
Show tits.
I don't know how to feel about it
I'm Japanese and American.. so I guess this is how you get South Korean
at least your not malaysia
how did i manage to get this when i put 1 for the religion question?
description seems fine
Oi fuck you. Being a chink in singapore aint that bad
"I've covered wars you know"
hong kong
Never thought I would be a slav at heart.
Saudi Arabians are violent
TrueIslam™ is a religion of peace.
Oh, damn, a fucking mulato representing my nation again? Is very hard to be nationalist when the image that other people in the world have about my land is that...
I was born in America and I am an Israeli citizen. There is no way I'd rather be.
tell me about it
good, the kike is where he belongs
now, convince all the rest of the kikes to go there
I had a feeling that this will be the result. And I'm not even a turboweeb.
Believe me, I feel the exact same way. Jews don't belong in goy countries.
>Those teeth
fffffffffffuck off
wtf I love Islam now
it's fucking impossible to get Finland
I'm curious what it would say.
Fellow hong kong
Guys, suddenly i have the need to surrender to someone or something
you are probably smarter than most of your friends, tech savy, and hard-working (Also probably don't have a close bond with your family - I only put it high because I have a young son) Welcome to being Asian my Ruskie Bros, we will rule the world together one day.
Well... You all have different results, Sup Forums is plagued by migrants ?
>"if a baby pointed a finger at you, would you surrender?"
>answer yes
My soul isn't white.
Czech em.
I was hoping for better than that... Does your banter got taken away by the Brits as well ? :'(
>wanting me to waste the good bantz on the surrender monkeys
a white country