well Sup Forums?
What is the worst generation, and why is it gen-z?
why are you so fat
Gen Z is redpilled you fuck.
Computers and smart phones are the norm. I don't understand how its tech savvy still.
how did you know?
According to a study not done in America. Gen z is weak as they come. Why are they not interested in sports?
Gen z the first generation where being a tranny is acceptable.
>not getting pregnant in high school
>going to church more
>more conservative
> describing millennials
>conservative and church-going
Millenial here throwing my hat in for Millenials. Gen-Z are like a larger version of the Millenials that were pushed aside because of how deeply they were immersed in Internet culture and other once-nerdy shit that has been completely normalized in recent times.
>people in this thread thinking Gen Zers are extreme versions of millennials
>not realizing tons of studies have been done showing that gen Z is more fiscally and socially conservative than your average millennial
~40% of Gen Z goes to church in the U.S. (that's up from millennials), Gen Z is more socially conservative in Britain, more of Gen is fiscally conservative on average, a higher percentage of Gen Z doesn't do degenerate crap like smoke, drink, etc.
Are they saying they're exceptionally fast, or what?
How is speedy a trait that can be attributed to a specific generation?
This is fucking retarded
Us millennials are an embarrassment.
This guy gets it.
The entire Gen Z identity, is "Previous generations fucked us, but at least were not Millennials."
No matter how hard Millennials try to force the meme that we're just Millennial 2.0s.
Because sports are a circus to keep the masses distracted. Also they're shit. Why would I sit through 2 or so hours of commercials to watch about 11 minutes of actual play time?
Generation Zyklon is going to gas the millenials
well if they do turn out great they were raised by millenials.
The generation that allowed the Immigration Act of 1965 to pass and every generation since that hasn't overturned it.
I'm 19 and I'm pretty sure I'm right at the beginning of when gen Z's were being born. All mt friends my age hate SJWs with a passion and can are a lot more red pilled than the people we encounter in their mid-20's and such.
I voted conservative here in canada myself during the election cycle. Perhaps it's just bias, but I think we'll be better than the millennials.
Holy fuck I can't spell right now.
>All my friends that are my age hate SJWs with a passion and are a lot more red pilled than the people we encounter in their mid-20's and such.
Aren't gen Z 16 at most?
I am born in 1995 and we all have traits of both
>women of 1995 are damaged goods
>more red pilled compared to the older counterparts as ever since we were kids,
there was no prosperity and the last time we had good times was watching kids WB on saturday mornings. I want a non-western gf I want to marry that is 8+ years younger than I am, yet millennials marries an older used up slut because he better not be a pedo! Shame on you! and they all be an heros financially and literary after the said wife cashes out on her divorce and fucks Chad, Tyrone and Ahmed in the same hour. FUCKING LEARN FROM THEM AND BE CONSERVATIVE AND SAVE YOURSELVES! I am scared we as a class may not graduate college before we are drafted to a jew created war. Fellow 95'ers (94, 96, 97 and younger are included), we are gunna be in a hell of a ride to finish out the 2010's.
They appear to be but if they just vote cuckservative it's pretty pointless. I don't see any drive in them to be anything revolutionary and I don't see much fight or strength in them.
'97 here
I want a war. I've lost everything from bad genetics. I just want something catastrophic to happen now, seeing as I'm no longer invested in what happens now.
Gen Z was raised off a standard of living they won't be able to reproduce. I am a millennial and do well for myself but I have to work like 10 hour days daily and some weekends with hour commutes each way and I make enough to pay the bills and do what I want. I can't imagine raising a family though because if I had to support one person it would dramatically change everything let alone two people. I don't think I would be able to do it and even if my theoretical wife worked just dealing with day care and picking up kids from school seems unreasonable to me. I don't know how people do it. I would say the government needs to make a ta payer funded day care center but they would probably staff it with niggers and pedophiles so that would not work.
>reffering to football
playing sports is good for us as an animal