ITT we post our non-degenerate fuck buddies
You got a picture of yourself next to her, you sad permavirgin?
Holy kek, my sides.
Lemme know when you wake up
How's her dick?
this site reeks of newfag now, whats the deal?
>having intercourse with any woman that is not your wife
don't kid yourself, third world scum.
Just because you flip the flag sideways doesn't mean you're a different person you samefagging newfag.
reddit migration
This tbqphwyf (to be quite perfectly honest with you famalam)
>fuck buddies
>not defenerate
Pick one
Exactly what newfags would post about.
What is this Sup Forumstier shit? Shills again?
Fuck off.
this happens every election
come back at the end of February
>fuck buddy
I have folders of like 20 girls I came on their face or tits. Her is one.
it's j...just a big clit user
get rekt, fagget
thats not your fuckbuddy you sweaty virgin
w.. what if my only fuck buddy was a degenerate
>her is one
>sexual degenerate
>also illiterate
why you got ear plugs in?
nope, drunk.
Holy fuck you're that effeminate and getting laid? Where do you live? Is this normal there? Pls respond
you think anyone is actually impressed with you ripping photos off instagram?
>sexual degenerate
>alcoholic drunkard
>posts on a chinese cartoon image board
it just keeps building.
>fuck buddies
Pick one
> sex is degenerate because I don't have it
nice latina whats her name?
This is just some humble brag bullshit. Why would i share my beautiful white sexy girlfriend for the world to see. I'm not a cuck.
Carol. Nice fake tits. Fake tits are usually shit, but she had nice ones
Sex is degenerate if it's out of wedlock. gb2 /r/eddit.
me caring about what a faggot virgin like you thinks
Not even remotely political, report these rule breaking threads.
fug off
That does not exist you filthy fucking degen. Going to a prostitute is less degenerate than promoting "hook up culture".
Post moar
Ok now post one that isnt straight off instagram with you in it
Keep it up, lad
Gauchos are a race that must be destroyed by any means possible
t. Locomotiva
enjoy your divorce and dick warts.
nice man that pic remineded me of a chick i used to nail
If you dislike religion here's your versions. 1/2
check it
More of her or other girls?
that's all a meme. Keep giving yourself excuses for not having a good time. The truth is no one wants you.
>non-degenerate fuck buddies
Nice oxymoron
Anything other than the missionary position for the soul purpose of reproduction is automaticly degenerate.
>haha everything i disagree with is a meme XD
>calling something a meme makes facts incorrect
>sinning is having a good time
Well I have had no divorce and my dick is clear. What do you have other than loneliness and never been with a woman?
Sorry to break this to you but seems like your waifu has taken cock
> sinning
> I'm smart
> and jesus is real
okie fuckign dokie
Jesus Christ your eyebrows are the gayest shit I've seen in my life.
What's it like having the urge to constantly fill the void in your life with something wholesome but being unable to, so you attempt to do so with hedonism and sexual immorality with no success?
Death by aids or suicide is in your future it seems. I wonder why the suicide rate for atheists is through the roof?
When you have everything in life you set out for and achieved your goals you will understand what it feels like. Until then keep living with your parents.
> aids
you are living in a 90's infomercial. But I guess that's how you get people to join religion.
Oh look a Sup Forums tier thread
You fucking cunt
Did I strike a nerve, user? You're projecting awfully hard.
I am happily married, have a great job, and own my own house. Can you say the same?
That's why you wife is our with Tyrone, because you probably think choking her is degenerate even though she craves it.
I think part of the reason the suicide rate is so high is because they create their own purpose in life and live for nothing ultimate. Just mindless wandering, thinking whores gives you fulfillment and trying to ignore the emptiness until it becomes too crushing to ignore any longer and they finally break down.
>fuck buddy
LEA...hey wait.
>still projecting
You really are pathetic.
Why no wife user? You want the white race to die out?
.. haha ok. Keep thinking that.
> if i give in to urges i might kill myself
I think that's a tranny
And you should be giving your wife what she really wants or she wouldn't seek out guys like me.
The wages of sin is death so...
you wouldn't be the first.
or the hundredth.
or the millionth.
How do you wake up every morning looking at your wife knowing that a long, meaty, and raging NIGGER DICK decimated her internal organs? How does it feel to know that primal chimps have sweated and breathed multiple times on top of your partner while she screamed at the top her lungs, "JAMAALL!" Asking for more
>haha what are statistics
How are you this dumb?
yes, my wonderful life at the age of 35 has all of a sudden drawn me to suicide
Am I dumb or have you lived so little in your life?
Your obsession with another man's wife only shows everyone just how miserable and pitiful you are. Are you unaware of what the definition of 'happily' is?