It all falls down

So ICYMI Milo Y. got his address doxxed, someone exposed that the Privilege Grant thing he runs in a massive scam, accuses him of walking around with a bunch of fake money, and apparently his friends are a bunch of felons as well.

>alt-right/right gets tired of SJWs and neo-cons, finds personalities who they love and want to befriend
>those people appear cool for a while
>it turns out that everyone at the end of the day is a two faced fake SOB

Links? Sources? Moar?

@MargaretsBelly on twitter

Also on Drama Alert Baked Alaska/Mike Cernovich appear to be on bad terms now, fighting over something involving Jewish/Black people, I'm actually not kidding.

Well he is Jewish what did you fags expect?

>milo commits doubleirony, saying the jewish meme is racist/offensive while proving it right to the world by being a greedy idiot

CERN is retarded, he is just asking for Roman salutes at his Nazi party. It is worth too many troll points, someone will do it.

proofs of the (((faggot))) being a faggot you fag

nice source faggot

Part of me feels that Cern/Jack Donovan and the whole Red Pill crowd is mentally diseased desu.

Like all jokes/memes aside most of the alt-right is fucked.

Nathan Damigo/Richard Spencer don't know how to separate humor/political discussion.

Milo steals money.

Baked Alaska doesn't do much but make memes.

yeah. fml


read No.104564956 fgt


I prefer links.

If anyone on Sup Forums gave a faggot jew money you should end yourself. In the most painful way possible.

or just fucking google her twitter username bc lazy/fuck you


>cookies crumbling

No. Link it faggot.

I just can't imagine a jew acting like this. It's so out of character. If only we could have known

Maybe you didn't notice, but cuckchan is basically kikes and children now

Didn't want to give those pol memes any confidence but if Milo's even stealing money god could only imagine what Shapiro is doing. Or the Bankers. Or Israel...

actual ISIS religion of peace footage 2016 colorized

Top quality.

>being surprised these faggots are moneywhoring con-artists
That's what you get for believing everything reddit says, kiddo. Let that be a life lesson.

Someone should give his address to some asshole paki muslims.

they could honestly just take the land though already. hurts to say but haven't met a jew who didn't fire my relative/steal money/not an asshole besides Ben Shapiro; though pol hates him for some reason

Lol twitter is a worse fucking source than Sup Forums. your agrument carries no weight. Literally all she did was share a picture of some guy whining about breaking his NDA Milo had him sign, say he used prop money in a photo shoot, accuse him of hanging out with drug dealers, then dox him bcuz lolz.

Its a lot of unbased slander, and if milo is smart he will sue her for slander, defamation, and endangerment of his person, slap her with a cease and desist order, and have the courts force her to shut down her twitter account or face a massive fine.

If Layne Norton (a pro natural bodybuilder) had a fitness youtube channel shut down and sued the owner for accusing him of being on steroids and making vague threats at his family, then Milo could easily destroy this woman in court.

Oh no, I didn't get scammed. I just feel bad for Libertarian/Alt-Right people who are genuinely nice/cool but poured money/time/care into these people.

He asked for sources, retard. This is just hearsay and slander and libel.

Anyone unironically following that labeling psyop deserves to be jewed.

there's always that one fucking guy in a pol thread who always just wants to argue though my source is clearly displayed right there and it's plenty believable.

fuck you.

No. 104564956 kike

>Amazed that a rich guy milks Sup Forums collectivism for cash

>Utterly unable to see that Trump does the same.

So once again, no source provided.

Thanks, OP. Top quality hearsay

No. 104564956/why would I make all of this up

Did i accuse you of making anything up?
I said you didn't provide sauce. That twitter is bullshit and only exposes his dox.

I'm asking for sauce.

1- there's no example of a non biased source in this case.

2- you act like I know these people personally. i don't.

heresay is my only option until at least a trustworthy centrist speaks about this.

which, given the fact the whole community is pretty much a circlejerk, is unlikely. + it's 3am so everyone will probably just wake up tomorrow and forget about it like we've forgotten about the Milo vs. Ben debate which never happened

no its not. It is however a woman releasing unverifiable private information of a very public figure and making up an elaborate story about how "she knew he was corrupt for months, but didn't say anything!!1! Now its time to take a stand!111!"

Its literally some twitter bottom feeder trying to leach success from an actual celebrity and get her 15 minutes of fame by making up a fake happening. However by releasing Milo's personal and banking info on a highly visible platform, she did give him miles of legal ground to destroy her ass in court.

Wait, now I get it, OP is a faggot concern shill who is trying to aid in the defamation of a prominent conservative figure. He has no sources because the only """evidence""" is some twitter bottom feeder making ridiculous claims and doxxing Milo.

Hey OP, are you near a rope/belt/extension cord? good, i want you to take it, wrap it around your flimsy numale liberal neck, and fucking hang yourself you cancerous piece of shit. Dont come back unless you have actual evidence of fraud, not some twitter cunt making shit up.

Sure is CTR in here.

quick while OP is AFK, post pictures of Milo to trigger the numale

Ultimately this is the fault of gamer gate. That created all these cancerous figures.

So what you are trying to say is, Milo is a jew?

Milo is that you?

no, just a fan calling OP out on his bullshit and inability to provide actual proof.

Shut up

Hasn't the "real" alt-right been saying not to trust the jew milo since the beginning? He always seemed like an opportunist to me.

>i can make fun of fat feminists!!!1!


Milo you are a greedy Jew attention whore. It was only a matter of time before this charade ended. Have some dignity

Yeah right Milo or Milo staffer. You shouldn't be so obvious, have some subtlety, we are experts on Jews and their tricks.

While I am not concerned about the drama one things does pop up that is quite amusing, the jew Milo taking advantage of corporate law.

Has written in multiple loopholes so that any donations made to the grant can be paid to him as a wage/perk and he is able to dispense it at his own whim.

Not only that but also written in a clause that seperates him from the company if someone decides to sue the company and keep him from all indemnity.

Not saying it is illegal, just exceptionally jewish.

>jew is a con/scam artist and steals from people degrading a movements integrity
go back to plebbit fag, we have been saying hed do something like this for a long time now

Only redditards looking for a socially acceptable hero ("see I'm not racist, I love this cock sucking Jew!") ever liked this attention whoring fag who spams threads about himself.

why are the leaders of the alt-right movement all basically ecelebs?

>Its a lot of unbased slander
