Average women photos generated by a computer from combining different faces. Sup Forums, are you completely wrong about Europe?
-Insert European country- is not white
I can only speak for Germany and it looks pretty spot on.
>no estonia
they're hiding qts from us lads
God, Sweden and Netherlands are total qts. Greece too.
nice try roach
>60% white
jokes on you I'm not white
>Sup Forums, are you completely wrong about Europe?
Yes it's only banter dawg.
Turkey looks the best..
>average face of photographable woman
>fats, shitskins and uglies not considered
you've represented 10% of the population of southern europe
that is, only 10s (nor arab or nigger)
you're point is?
Part of its land is in Europe, its past is heavily affiliated with Europe, it tried to adopt Western values, etc. How is it not European?
That because turks are Albanians and Greeks with some central asian and arab in them BB
More like 10% of the population in southern Europe are arabs or niggers. This an average buddy. Darker colors, unpleasant faces are averaged out.
So is Kazakhstan
They are mostly anatolians, influenced genetically by their neighbors like all populations
>all these
They all look like weird aunts or roastie librarians. Gross.
>Polish women
I don't understand slavs
Their women are the most beautiful but their men look retarded
I fucking bet you have never been to Souther Europe
Why did they do the composite photos with makeup on?
Half gypsy breed
Oh shit Tay WTF
I said 90% are arab, nigger or UGLY
please show me that ugly women were included in the study (only prim white wives were)
>i dont understand that ethicities has different facial structures which might be attractive on only one gender
lmao idiot. look at meds, both women and men ugly, slavs have ugly men and pretty women, anglos has ugly women but fine lads.
>average greek is not dark haired
no way
muh dick
totally would bang Ukraine or Germany
Netherlands and Belgium are the hottest, no contest.
It's odd to me anyone would disagree.
There's absolutely no way the average Turk looks like that. Which Jew did this study?
>my subjective perspective of beauty
>it's odd to me anyone would disagree
It's a mesh, dumb dumb. Ends up looking a whole lot more proportionate and symmetrical than people actually are. Meshes rate higher than the people they consist of.
They forgot America
Roach detected, TURKS ARE ASIANS read and learn.
You dont look like asians just cuz you enslaved and raped millions of white people.
ye aright they go for asians, lmao cuck u r ugly as shit
They all have sameface this is clearly a retarded computer
>muh huritage
Enjoy the refugees kraut
the greek looks mexican
>no slovenian qts
>no estoni qts
0/10 kys
she's not fat enough
>tfw no qt3.14 homely average swedish gf
>being blind
It's almost like "X country isn't white!!!!" memes are explicitly designed to divide white countries and get us to fight each other instead of some common enemy...
1. Czech Republic
2. Spain
3. Anything else except Turkey
4. Turkey
Germany wins this one, scandi countries next.
Want to bang these
You're just mad I called you out for having a wrong opinion.
I thought I wanted to visit Austria but Polen looks very nice.
Gowd slavic men looks ugly because they're supposed to be ugly
Im slavic and im pretty just because i take care about myself
>race is all about skin color not genetical similarities
>t. Gypsie
I think Czech lady is the best.
>they forgot Australia
Spain here, can confirm.
Why are romanian women pink, by the way?
>pure dutch gf
this is spot on
>turk looks surprisingly white
>it tried to adopt Western values
and failed, and thus it is not considered European
Czech, Swiss, Finnish and Dutch are the best
Also I feel like that's not actually the average
When our girls look like old boot leather, they all look good to me.
Netherlands and Swiss are the best ones
>Part of its land
Like what? Less than 1%? Fuck off Turkey will never be European
Compare the Gyppo pic to someone from Western and Northern Europe.
Look at the eyes. Not just the eye color, but also the shape. It's an adaptation.
Look at the nose - from the bridge to the nostrils. Also different and also an adaptation.
She looks more like a Turkic (who are NOT white) than a Western and Northern European (the definitive whites). She look more like a Turk and/or a """""Greek""""" than a German or English.
There's no escaping your genetics. You may be European, but you're not white. Your people is some Turk mongrel.
What the fuck are you talking about? Most of European countries are 90% white or more
>American education
Here's the site for more details: indiatimes.com
Germany is the qtest
Sex tourism isn't about finding the prettiest girls, it's about finding easy roots.
We must steal all the spanish women, they can have north africans.
nah, Switzerland is the best
Sup Forums like journalists look at news every day so they live it more intense
They both hold everything under a microscope so naturally even unimportant events seem like a big deal.
Top 3 post count belongs to USA Canada and straya. Majority of these people don't travel outside their own country so their world views are very narrow and constricted. The msm like most of Sup Forums is easily scared and not too bright so after 1 attack by some nutjob they'll question if that place is infested with terrorists. American Msm will shout that europe is unsafe and pol eats it up enforcing their views with local acts of minor inconvience shouting europe is lost and not white.
from what i can tell after seeing this world even spain is cleaner and whiter than america. Americans are also weird in the sense of how they argue they tip toe around stuff. They are soft and almost incapable of reaching a point. My deduction is that this softness is due to unhealthy fast soft food injected with chemicals and that doesnt require chewing. Probably also drugs san francisco is like sodom compared to amsterdam.
Why i preffer pol over american msm? Well atleast together you double digit iq people who live in fear and anger are more skeptical. Ordinary folk too enforce eachothers opinion like the msm as an echo chamber. So while they are indoctrinated by crying children pics among rubble and thus ask no questions when millions of young men enter europe after 2014 Sup Forums see's a clash of cultures that should not be underestimated.
Integration has always failed here. The model we use is waaay to complicated and fast for arabs / africans. Like a child you first learn to read and write but if that child doesnt get you should adjust lower yourself to his level and explain it using 10 or 20 steps at a time.. not 3 or 5...
Ur a race traitor
Veryone has illusions that is the reason of /pol... Dont you know? And in the USA we get much unfiltered internet not just MSM. I fight with relatives over their brainwashing via MSM... Sad... RT is brainwaashing too though, and Al Jizzero. No outlet is ever safe, only primary sources can be vetted.
>Med men
The bloke on the left is an Anglo tho
>not Mountain Germans
Enjoy you wog/frog/Kraut mongrel
I thought it was the Nordcuck who looked British.
I'm American you dipshit. Born in Indiana.
So I don't give a shit Abbo
Eastern French and Far Northern Italians are pretty much ethnically German anyway
They both are
You need to go back, shitskin. Start using a proxy so that I won't mistake you for a quality poster again.
my question is how old are these?
The map is full of shit.
>forgot how to make fire
>calling People shitskin
I'm not seeing India on that map.
>Australian abos
>2% of population and isolated in rural bumfuck communities
>American niggers
>15% of the population and distributed through urban areas and places where they can mix with the white community
>much of the """white""" population carries some measure of nigger DNA
At least call me Chang, d'sharn
You do guys know this was done by an amateur who had a software and compiled a bunch of photos (God knows from what sample of people) and did this?
stay away from our cutes alexandros we are not european or white
>60% white comes here and makes a comment
haha the turkroaches are getting even more clever...
this is why we have to draw the line somewhere
if we allow the moorish spaniards and indian skintone southern italians in then we are basically obligated to allow the turkish greeks and the ACTUAL turks in
this is why you have to play by the rules of whiteness our forefathers laid out 200 years ago, anything else is a slippery slope
Updated to current year
We are discussing women here. Med women are fucking goblins and everyone knows it.
How is the University of Glasgow considered an amateur?
I think I was a little hard on Italy. Italy deserves a goblin too.
The american woman is the right size but I think its a little too pale. Pic related is more likely.
>another inane
On average all look passable. Only Hungary and Romania looks shit. Probably because most of your women work in western brothels or in porn industry. The strange thing about Romania is also that they can't afford good pics.
Why no Lichtenstein?
There's less than 100 practicing Muslims in Latvia and the Burka is banned here... Kill yourself idiot.
the average age of a Swede is very old.
the average age of mass immigrating invaders is very young.
more than 20% of Swedens population is over 60 years old.
in a few years, if it isn't already happening there would be entire schools/classes with little to no young Swedes, and a plethora of young immigrants.
Sweden is fucked, that average face will not be the average when the old and dying Swedes die of rapidly in a few years.