>Sup Forums hates jews
>Sup Forums loves a guy whos family are completely jews
You literally can't make this shit up
Sup Forums hates jews
Trump is Christian so it's fine.
The only jews i hate are bankers and zionists.
Trump and his family are constitutionalists
Sup Forums never hated jews. that was the berenstein universe. in the berenstain universe Sup Forums is /shabbosgoy/
um excuse me straya, the new Sup Forums is pro jew now. this sort of flagrant antisemitism is frankly extremely bigoted and will not be tolerated on our new alt-right safe space
We will know if Trump is co-opted by the kikes based on how his relationship with Vlad progresses.
>nu pol
> Makes fun of Sup Forums when they put all mudslimes in one basket
> Makes fun of Sup Forums when they don't put all jews in one basket
You literally can't make this shit up either.
>Trump is a constitutionalist
>Proposed a ban on Muslims violating freedom of religion
>Constitution applies to non-citizens
Try again leaf.
>proposed temporary ban untill we can find a way to vet them
>typical leftist parasite leaf can only hear 3 words untill it gets triggered
>Left wing leaf
>Implying I didn't vote Harper every election
Let's put a temporary ban on Catholics too and see how that flies. I think muslims are the scum of the earth but the constitution does grant freedom of religion no matter how fucking stupid that religion is.
Constitution applies to resident aliens as well, doofus.
Sup Forums is infested with r/thedonald redditors who unironically believe that Israel is the greatest ally, jews did nuddin wrong and that Trump will save the white race by pandering to Israel, one issue at a time. Should be called /nupol/.
Does anyone remember when the term "cuckservative" was popular?
Since when does Sup Forums hate Jews I've been here for over a year and we've always been Pro-Nationalism. Zionism is based af, they're just protecting their country from Mudshits like we are.
Why is it always Canadians? What the fuck is wrong with them?
Why is it ALWAYS a leaf that comes in with the worst cancer of every thread?
>Why is it always a leaf that comes in with the worst cancer
Please explain how using logic is cancerous?
You're being an apologist for an ancient enemy that's trying to invade and genocide the West. Islam= enemy.
Fuck your faggoty sophistry, bitch
No you dumb nigger I'm saying that calling Donald Trump Constitutionalist is fucking retard because he doesn't follow a shitty and flawed Constitution. Lrn2readingcontext you knuckle dragging shit skin.
wow, it's almost like people who you thought were racist don't judge literally everyone the same way
I'm sure you could use this to learn that the "bigots" are in fact more tolerant than you may have been lead to believe, but let's not challenge our liberal world view :^)
it's almost as if jews aren't all the same
kys pea-brained libshit