In order to reach new heights of human enlightenment and for our souls to be saved we must accept the glorious Bogdanoff brothers into our lives.
Our near future will be filled with destruction and suffering. Tyranny and oppression will run rampant throughout the world. Minorities will invade and pollute 1st world countries and turn them into 3rd world countries, leading to the downfall of western civilization under the guise of multiculturalism and diversity. Crime will infest our planet and people of the earth will be subjected to endless warfare and censorship and famine and drought. The day will come where brothers turn on brothers, and husbands turn on wives. The final pillar of civilization, family, will cease to exist.
This can all be diverted if one simple change is made in our bleak and meaningless lives. This minor change involves accepting the glorious Bogdanoff brothers into our lives. They are greatly revered by cosmic forces due to their endless troves of knowledge and wisdom. According to legend, the angel Gabriel appeared to them, granting them wisdom unparalleled by no other human beings.
The Bogdanoffs only want peace and happiness for their lesser beings, and one must accept this in order to reach a new stage of enlightenment and prosperity for all of human kind.
You future saviors for the betterment of humanity.
Noah Jenkins
This is the worst fucking meme of all time.
Julian Young
Blake Gutierrez
they look like Jojo characters wtf
Joseph Collins
Stop pushing these human gargoyles every day you fag
Ian Green
>human gargoyles
Don't you mean your saviors?
Isaiah Price
This has gone from shitposting to funny shitposting
Brandon Moore
Why do people keep posting photos of these two fags?
Logan Sullivan
When will people accept that this is true beauty? That this is what every man should aspire to look like?
Nathaniel Young gods name are these....things..?
Chase Diaz
Thank you, they are prime examples of beauty.
They are your personal saviors.
Eli Gonzalez
Came here to post this. Hope I can be even 1% as beautiful as the Bogdanoffs, some day, even if only on my inside.
Eli Green
Trully amazing how detached from society you must be to do such active shilling.
Christian Wright
The BIDF is working night shift it seems.
Eli Campbell
Even if you're trolling you just made me throw up in my mouth a little
Hudson Powell
You are misguided and misinformed, but I don't hold it against you. I hope you can see their true nature some day. Humanity will awaken when they become apparent as our leaders, but I had hoped many would see their light before that time, as it may yet be a decade or two away.
Cameron Fisher
when will the media stop pushing this unrealistic standard of beauty for men?
Julian Rodriguez
Thank you for your contribution. May the Bogdanoffs smile kindly upon you.
Aiden Phillips
Trump pls, I wasn't serious with the whole ''make anime real'' thing.