>the left isn't trying to take your guns away
The left isn't trying to take your guns away
Why just gun violence? Whites aren't really affected by it.
He's right.
On a related note, isn't it about time we banned terrorism? It's those damn republicans holding up congress!
>Want to stop pot smoking? Ban pot. All of it.
i would be alright banning guns if the police and military got rid of them too
Gun violence is a black problem. Banning blacks would solve it too. Easier solution as well because they're far fewer in number than guns and guns don't abort half of their more recent models.
So if banning guns stops gun crime, why are liberals always raving about how the war on drugs has failed and drugs should be decriminalized? I mean, it's almost like banning something doesn't stop people from getting it.
Just put more modern ammunition at walmart that explode the niggers' shitty, old guns and leave their hands mangeled.
>Want to stop crime? Deport blacks, all of them
worked for drugs
Interestingly enough, today was my first time to the gun range, and it was full of liberal-looking beta males and blacks.
They are adapting.
Facts are racist please stop posting factual evidence
So when you ban blacks, where do all the illegal guns go?
Left behind for the next poor generation to shoot shit up
>criminals wont break the law
>Want to stop alcoholism? Ban alcohol. All of it.
Converting, rather.
>the 2nd amendment was a good id-
The parties responsible (I'm not necessarily talking about political parties, obviously) for taking away American firearms are not actual leftists, seriously.
In Australia is was the right of center government that took away our guns and it's the centrist "liberal" cucks that are taking away yours.
Gun control would work...
If you weren't 44% non-white, have a population with the same IQ as a house-standard doorknob and have a pretty much open border with the third world wasteland next door
Farmers could manufacture guns in 1776. The left is so fucking naive to think that it's hard to make guns.
I dont care about gun violence, but truck violence worries me. Should we yuropooreans ban assault trucks?
>have a pretty much open border with the third world wasteland next door
>black people killing each other
oh shit
ban guns and return to the days of a slow and painful knife death
>have a pretty much open border with the third world wasteland next door
Yeah, and also there's Mexico.
we need to talk to Merkel about banning all trucks
What a waking taking exercise in hypocrisy that page is.
On the actual same page as advocating banning all guns, they wonder how we will fight the coming robot rebellion....
Pic related
There aren't enough lefties in state police forces to muster up the man power needed to enforce a full on gun ban.
Want to stop terrorism? Ban Muslims. All of them.
Oh wait, DAS RAYCISS!!!!1
You're thinking of the 13th.
That one tale of a /k/ommando who defended his house from niggers with a 20mm antimateriel rifle makes me doubt the few lefties in the police force won't like the idea of trying to take someone's guns.
more good advice from the fatherland.
>gun control reduces homicide
Surely those murderers and criminals will stop being violent if you just make it illegal.
they wouldn't and i think they know that. they would try and do a false flag to trick the police into raiding houses though. for example they could fake a militia attack on a police headquarters and now the police are motivated to go kick down doors
They were going to confiscate all of the unregistered "assault" weapons in Connecticut until they realized how many unregistered "assault" weapons were owned by police officers.
what's the story with that?
They had this little gem all lined up for after the election when Hillary won to start pushing the gun grab.
Yeah, this is stupid. Banning stuff doesn't stop anything, so let's go ahead and legalize rape, murder and theft.
really nigger?
Disincentives to commit crimes aren't created by statutes but rather the capability and willingness of law enforcement to actually enforce said statutes.
Make no law...oh wait I forgot, all the other amendments are garbage only #2 matters.
>Using fucking Chicago as an argument against the 2nd amendment
I know you're a leaf but goddamn.
Well no shit, sherlock. But they have to be laws first. That's precisely why the prohibition argument is so fucking stupid.
>State with the Strictest Gun Laws
>Worst Crime Rate
Funny how finns like to kill each other.
It's like Canadians can't even read
I wonder they'll continue to cry for "gun control" once Trump is president?
>Country with laxest gun laws
>Worst incarceration rate
>A fucking criminal cesspool
It was foretold.
Member assange?
We already have a bunch of poorly enforced gun laws. Also gun laws have no measurable benefit when they are properly enforced.
That's only because of the gross amount of minorities, particularly Black and Hispanic, that the US has.
American whites are incredibly civilIzed and responsible firearm owners.
Do you want to see what a country with a Federally Mandated Gun Ban looks like?
Here Ill show you.
I don't see South Africa on there. They should have a higher overall rate than anyone.
White trash single mothers in the old Confederacy.
>All those niggers killed on Christmas
Santa Claus exist, and fly in an attack helicopter.
And yet every single chart shows more guns = more crimes
It is when it continues to fucking show up.
WRONG. Look again.
You mean a country where the American government is literally selling weapons to drug cartels?
Why is everyone so fucking stupid?
Dunno, but if you go to the FBI website you can view the stats for yourself. Even American whites commit more homicides than other whites, by about 3x the rate.
This has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment. These niggers are killing each other with illegal guns.
Can you even carry a revolver in Chicago legally at this point?
all other amendments are enforced by the second, so yes, it is the most important you lefty faggot
You dumb NRA shill piece of garbage.
>State with the Strictest Gun Laws
Other states have loose gun laws so they just smuggle them in. If the whole U.S banned guns there would be almost no gun violence because we are their only neighbours and already have strict gun laws and low crime.
T. Niggers
>And yet every single chart shows more guns = more crimes
Without outliers homicide trends down with more guns per capita and neither correlation is likely to be causal.
>The government will respect my rights XDD
Canada is due north bud.
yeah and I bet bug spray purchasing correlates heavily to the mosquito population of an area. By your logic taking away the bug spray should reduce mosquito bites.
>11 homicides per 100K as the max Y-axis
Half the job of a statistician is to make it seem worse/better than it really is.
You sound angry. Like an angry white male ?
banning things does nothing to stop criminals. law abiding citizens are the only ones affected by bansenforcement of current laws, investigations and public punishments are what reduce crime. you are a dumb ass
what's wrong with the nra you fucking traitor? the majority of its funding comes from its members so the nra can properly represent the voice of the people to the us government. the nra is the one of the most american organizations that still exists
>You mean a country where the American government is literally selling weapons to drug cartels?
But we already banned guns, how can they get guns when we banned guns?
Are you even reading what youre posting?
Fuck off nigger.
americans arent exactly known for logical prowess
>Ban all the Guns in the World
How about we Ban all Canadians?
You filthy leaf
>You mean a country where the American government is literally selling weapons to drug cartels?
so you would disarm a populace who's government is actively supplying violent criminal organizations. my dude, you're completely fucking insane
Oh gee, that sure stopped ours
canada isnt THAT bad
fresh oc
>i'll be right back, I have to go turn in all of my pens and phallic, stabbing like objects
>Want to stop gun violence? Ban niggers. All of them.
Seriously, removing niggers from society would put an end to almost all gun violence.
nice i r8 gr8/8
How is that bait if liberals do think that way.
So then literally only the criminals would be the ones with the guns. Being as stupid as you are, how have you not died so far from forgetting to breathe?
i never said it was bait shit dick, learn to read.
it says i rate great out of 8
WELL OY VYYVEY My mind automatically associates r8 with bait
eh it happens when you shit post stale pasta bait for (you)s
We could theoretically take away every single gun were taken away from every civillian, cop, and soldier on earth.
>Then we can start talking about the crossbow problem.
I wonder what will be a final solution to the fists and teeth question.
Sadly it actually works.
Effects are not immediate and it's also important to close easiest sources of illegal guns, but once it's done gun violence rates drop to near zero.
If there is a will in population to harm each other substituetes will be used (knives etc.)
>Implying you can take away the massive population of US unregistered and unmarked guns
It's worked in other countries with far fewer guns and far stricter laws in place in the first place. You can sell a firearm without papers in a lot of states. There's no way to trace the owner for even legitimate firearms in some cases. You're ignorant of the entire situation and that's why you think it would be so easy.
If 1 in 10000 gun owners or more decide to resist having their guns taken away using violent force, it would become impossible.