Their plan is to march into Aleppo in order to protest the war. Everyone remember the Children's Crusade?
This will result in a major redpill for those in the West.
Their plan is to march into Aleppo in order to protest the war. Everyone remember the Children's Crusade?
This will result in a major redpill for those in the West.
Good. Fuck white people.
>t. Paco Enrique Velasquez
The white surrender flags make it even more disgusting.
>Begin march
>Mile number 2
>No vegan friendly frappelappechinocarmamachiattos in sight
>80% Die of starvation from that point
>The rest get captured for ransom
>Nobody gives a shit
>They become achmeds bum buddy
Who really gives a shit what these autists do. It will achieve less than nothing, like most of their actions it is simply designed to make them feel better.
You can see they are already setting up denial 'escape routes'.
>If we get bombed there is no worth in the world
Even then these chromosomeless wonders are still defending the fucking scum that is sand niggers.
The best outcome:
They all die. The survivors will never learn that achmed is a wanker but maybe some of the people at home can learn from their stupidity
>They all die. The survivors will never learn that achmed is a wanker but maybe some of the people at home can learn from their stupidity
That's pretty much the hope. They would have to go through moderate beheader territory to get to Aleppo. There's no way that no one gets killed in this endeavor.
The few survivors will come back with a newfound understanding of the religion of peace.
Dude as funny as the thought of all the "L-a"s and "Starbeams" marching through desert shithole wastlands faggot countries theres no way these pussys are going to do it.
>We are going to do it as long as nothing stops us
>Day of departure
>Uh shit I left my charger at home guys
>Intense relief
>"Ok guys we'll get em next time" WOO
Trust me the survivors aren't going to suddenly realise they were wrong. There are faggots in germany that say refugees are still welcome, it is almost habitual for these people to embrace denial instead of manning up and fixing their mistakes.
But still... one can hope my burger ;)
>There are faggots in germany that say refugees are still welcome
Like every hwhite German I talk to IRL?
Kek yeah probably.
Sometimes you can find the occasional Germ on here that fucking hates refugees though
Some asshole payed/created an NGO to stage a
"Symbolic" surrender of Europe.
>inb4 Pookistanis kidnaps them enroute
What would be a bigger redpill?
Them making it to Syria against all odds and getting captured by Al-Nursa, or getting their shit pushed in before even leaving the EU?
How are they going to get through Turkey without getting murdered? I assume Russians won't even allow them to get near their border.
>How are they going to get through Turkey without getting murdered?
They assume that these creatures wouldn't touch a group of peaceful protesters. They have demonstrated a complete lack of self awareness.
>to aleppo
They are sadly not going to die enmasse if they only do that but I hope they are stupid enought to march to the very frontlines.
>inb4 they blame Assad for their deaths
woah so this is what they are aiming for.
Chupala pinche puto.
>They are sadly not going to die enmasse if they only do that
There are only two options to get there, since Assad is smart enough to tell them to fuck off at the gates. They can go through Al-Nursa territory of ISIS territory. If they enter Syria, they will get their shit pushed in.
Comes from Europe with no borders
Goes to Syria that has a border
If they cross into Syria or Turkey, they will be illegals
Can't wait for the rekt vids.
Violent movies are overrated.
>no human bean is illegal
>implying these faggots will make it past Austria
After three days it's going to be 10 people who'll end up taking a train anyway.
Those hypocritical dumbfucks will most probably want to get through Russian and Assad lines, won't they? Then they will blame them as usual.
How can people be so retarded...
I'll be amazed if even a single person actually follows through with this march.
It's not going to happen.
So is anyone going to stop them?
They are clearly out of touch with reality.
As much as I hate Leftists, I don't want to see ISIS club them like baby seals.
No but they would be an abomination.
Is this the Berlin to Aleppo thing?
Let's hope nothing bad happens. lel....
>As much as I hate Leftists, I don't want to see ISIS club them like baby seals.
Why? I can get feeling bad for them, but their sacrifice will probably wake up a good number of the other retards who stayed behind in Europe.
>As much as I hate Leftists, I don't want to see ISIS club them like baby seals.
Someone will steal their bus in Poland.
They will most probably get tired before they reach the German border and go home. It all depends on when they are gonna fully milk the attention cow.
possibly, It just sucks to watch Europeans get toyed with like that.
Leftists stopped being "European" when they decided to let the entire Middle East, North and Central Africa in.
Don't, I'm looking forward to all the execution videos.
Don't give material to CNN.
Always remember to sage attention whores.
Yous have entered the wrong kingdom my leftist cucks