If you criticize Islamic teachings without actually studying it in-depth, your no better than a man telling a doctor how to do his job after reading a couple of internet articles.
looked like kek's silhouette
Criticizing Islam without understanding it is more like giving a schizophrenic a ride to the psych ward without reading his 30 notebooks full of scribbles about his reptilian gang-stalkers.
Doctors save lives, they don't detonate explosives around peoples necks as a source of entertainment.
>Kek's ass is a Muslim brain
>blah blah only schizos believe in reptoids
Nice try shill faggot
Isn't that dangerous?
He could fart against the poor guy who is praying behind him, and that other guy risk farting at the guy behind him as well.
This religion is so much satanic.
They also point their butthole up to the sky.
Justify your beliefs. Anyways, I said the reptilians were gang-stalking him.
If you're so damn sensitive about what you believe maybe you're wrong.
I'm coming for your Ahmed, the day of the rope is approaching
Clearly, anyone who criticizes the KKK must have attended KKK meetings.
anyone who thinks dying sucks, hasn't tried being dead themselves
You must study about their beliefs, not just criticize them because the masses tells you to.
You would sound like the idiots on TV who talk about the hacker known as Sup Forums before even delving into what it was.
i always wondered why people view ropes are threating, you could go for so many other threats but a rope is just a useful spaghetti.
islamists don't control their violent parts either because they are inept or they aren't a peaceful religion. either way, islam sucks
If the doctor killed half his patients I'd go to another doctor and advocate for the first doctor losing his license.
The real comparison is if a doctor started killing people, and people began to speak against medicinal practice due to him killing people and the bad history of other doctors.
Would you apply the same standard to people who criticize eugenics, fascism, nazism, white supremacism, etc.?
Islam must go.
Recant or die.
oh fuck off with that religion of peace meme
Come back cryiong us a river about misunderstanding when you get rid of your terroristes. Which will never happen in your lifetime anyway.
Your "brothers" behave as dangerous, lecching, dishonest turds. The hate is well deserved.
the real comparaison would be dentists being jews
No you wouldn't.
You would invite the rest of this doctors family to your house.
Then, while your family is hungry, you would feed the doctor and his family while they laugh at you and destroy your house.
You would yell at your family for your now destroyed house.
While your daughter is being raped by the doctors friend you would place both fingers in your ears and pretend that the rapes in your house hasn't increased by 62%.
Finally, when there is shit on the walls, half breed rape children, no food left and nowhere safe to sleep you will smile because you are so tolerant and loving.
Fucking traitor
It's hard to feel sorry for Sweden when you're using doctors who are successful and earns lots of money as an analogy for Muslims and Somalians.
Poor form/10 OP
I don't need to study bad fiction when we've all seen the movie and it's subhuman tier, if that
I do know enough history to wish nothing but deus vult on their asses
True the comparison is false which is why I wonder why OP made it in the first place?
The absurdity of imagining a doctor doing what I said in my 'analogy' highlights this fault in OP originally trying to pair mudslimes and doctors together
so tell me why haven't those doctors been fired or why the doctor's association hasn't done anything to stop more of their doctors from being murderous maniacs?
>Islam is immune from criticism
Ok then, but I'm still going to hate you and call you smelly.