what is this place, and why does it exist? Why do you never hear anything about it? Is it a made up state? Has it any real history? I'm of slavic descent and grew up in a neighborhood populated with mostly families who came here after the fall of the USSR, but still never really hear very much about Belarus.
What is this place, and why does it exist? Why do you never hear anything about it? Is it a made up state...
It's just Russia with more blonde people.
Last remnant of the USSR. Still communist. Russia's lapdog.
Cheap cigarettes.
Russia lite.
Does anyone actually actually speak Belarusian, or have they ever?
It's like ukraine with less resources, but with stable sane leadership.
Also IIRC their food labels are required to indicate how radioactive it is
Yes. Their language is similar to Russian somewhat but I still can't make sense of anything they say unless they say it in Russian.
Buffer zone from Bolsheviks.
Also troubled history...
ex gf was from there. she had the most beautiful face but the worst of tits. she was from gomel
more likely similar to Ukrainian and Polish rather than Russian
>sane leadership.
Yes, kurwa, it's sane
Fuck, I really want a belarusian girl. They are beautiful, Slavic genes, feminine, and will be my prize after 10 girls compete for my passports. I would pick the youngest one! Too bad it is hard for burgers to go there.
I like Lukashenko. He once shamed our openly gay foreign minister (now fortunately dead) for his degenerate lifestyle. I laughed out loud when I heard about his remark. Good man.
>(now fortunately dead)
You're sick in the head, Alter.
What a wasted quads.
Soon you will hear about them a lot when they pull ukranian trick and get rid of lukashenko. Pro-polish opposition is getting stronger there.
That opposition is a meme. The ukrainian oposition before the maidan had large parties, ruled in certain regions, and even took power once (Yushchenko). They had real power and capabilities. Belarussian oposition achieved literally nothing in three decades, they are only bitching we should be giving them money for "democracy" while not offering anything in return (they have nothing, rule nothing and achieved nothing I can think of except of getting arrested)
If Belarus means "White Russia", does that mean Russians aren't white?