The Gender Tag - Do you support it?
Is this the future Sup Forums? How far can this shit go before it stops?

>Neutrois Transgender

Other urls found in this thread:


Kill it with fire

i am become wojak; destroyer of genders.


>mfw it turns out it has XY chromosomes

Sooooo... I can't make it though the video.
1. What the fuck is this.
2. Can we make it stop?
3. Preferably with a chemical reaction based off of rapid oxidation.


Name our band Sup Forums

Every day we stray further from God's light

The special flakes

Xer name is Adrian Wu

Empty Platitudes in their music video for "I'm Tired"

Faggoty McFaggotface

>Son, we move to America so you get good chance at life, not like China. When you grow up you will be rich and famous
>Son.. What are you?

>God has forsaken me

>evolution of mental disease through the years

caillou and the gassables

looks like a bald asian guy, just because asians all look the same you can't get away with saying it's a new gender when you shave your head

fun fact: there are actually a lot of buddhist nuns, but nobody realises it because they're bald too and people think they're monks

What would happen to Xer in China? I imagine they would either throw xer in hospital or prison. Intolerant horrible country. I'm glad xer is free to live xer life as xe pleases in America. Truly land of the free. I'm moving there after my transition is complete.

Is xer the chosen one?

>mfw Crowley's communication with "LAM" was actually an "ancient" human meeting a human from the future using time traveling telepathy.
>mfw grays were human once
>mfw we were the aliens all along
ayy lmao

We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

this is not a human

I vote we call this thing "greasy gook"

This tumblr tier gender identity shit is out of control,this guy obviusly has mental issues and is being allowed to cultivate it and take hormones to fuck his shit up into his inevitable suicide.

Why is that bitch so oily?


Is that a cross between an alien and Tilda Swinton? Why so much lube on her face?
>inb4 fullbody fisting



ayy lmao


Off to the Oven


imagine waking up to that face hovering over yours, an inch away from you as you open your eyes

