>narrow hips
I fucking hate people who can't into stats.
>narrow hips
>no tits
>no ass
>no hips
Too old and too tall.
hmm this is all wrong.
As long as she has a vagina I'm good
Fuck nigger asses and bip.monsterz
hmmmm probably because
no that can't be...
different men may like different things?
Women are really insecure about their tits.
Impossible beauty standards is a faggot meme.
Real men don't care about that shit.
Have a pulse and a twat and be around at closing time and we'll totally fuck you.
im always anxious and on edge that my bf is going to leave me over trivial things like that. he's done something kind of similar to that in the past but a few months later he asked to get back together and i said yes. just thinking about shit like this gives me a knot in my stomach. pls tell me that's normal girl behavior. i don't get how some girls can cheat and do other crazy shit i'm already afraid of talking to much and being too cling or being too masculine or too girly.
I think that there's probably a better board to post this on
Not an argument
pls it's 4am and in responding to a shitpost with no real value.
>Narrow hips
Whoever wrote this needs to hang
The only way to be sure is for you to post tits or GTFO.
Why do you get anxious? Just get another bf if he's such a faggot for leaving you because you don't have DD tits.
>im always anxious and on edge that my bf is going to leave me over trivial things like that. he's done something kind of similar to that in the past but a few months later he asked to get back together and i said yes.
>narrow hips
Might as well just fuck a dude at this point.
don't you know that's what girls do? it's stupid but i think every girl i've ever talked to does the same thing.
>>Narrow hips
>Whoever wrote this needs to hang
this, never read something so wrong in my life. bitches with narrow hips often need cesareans and tend to walk like john wayne.
fuck nigger hips, I wil take lean any day
also it's not just "wash her tits are too small time to leave" it's just worrying about inadequate. i don't care that much over boobs size but i do know some girls who are saving up money for boob jobs to appease their bfs in hopes that he won't leave them. also i live in a very small town that's generally conservative so who knows if that effects it.
>I wil take lean any day
This has no necessary correlation with hip width though you dumb burger cunt.
How can real life 3D sluts can even compete with pic related?
Why is cooking and housework missing. I give a shit if a bitch can read fancy books or has a diploma
Im afraid you are fucked. Post your tits.
I love perky B cups. That is what my GF has. Im over Ds and Es. That is what the ex had. Fat cow.
They also forgot
>Rich parents
My house isnt going to buy itself.
good tastes user
I literally don't know any guy over the age of 20 who likes fake boobs. They look bad, they are hard and not jelly like real ones and just unpleasant.
They only look good with clothes on which is why women tend to wanna have them. But we guys don't give a fuck about how good they look with clothes on.
>gap between the tits wide enough for a refugee truck to pass through unhindered
>boob jobs
Lel she's fucking a Chad that's what Chad cares about.
Well the OP is right I find girls more marriage material if they have a degree in something useful and make decent money. But it would still be pretty basic like being a primary school teacher.
I knew a girl with huge J cups and she had to get custom bras. She got a reduction thankfully. She was really skinny everywhere else too, reminded me of the girl who was arrested for masturbting in a church.
I literally couldn't stop watching this show over and over again. The cuteness took hold of me.
yeah i wouldn't get them but bitches be crazy. I felt one before, they're like very hard avocados and are always super bruised :( not a good look and a waste of money too. did you know you have to replace them every 10 years? never marry a girl with fake boobs because you will pay for the rest of them.
Is this real? I mean, the whole pic is stupid and incorrect. This kind of shit is not made for men, but for those fashion faggots who design clothes. I don't know any man who likes a narrow hip in women (I'm not talking about big asses and nigger stuff).
I mean when I see a woman with body, curves (not obese) my procreative instinct emerges and feel like I want 5 kids with her. I don't want dumb unnatural sticks.
>She has brown hair.
They can't and it angers them. The perfect woman is 2d.
what about a better degree than you? or a job that makes tons of money, do guys get upset/envious over those things?
I watched my ex go from skinny with huge Ds to fat with Es.
It was sad to watch although for a short while she was perfectly hitting my THICK fettish. The amount of looks she would get in the street. She just couldnt cover herself up.
Short lived though. Now she is gross.
>You will live to see them relegated to the role of surrogate breeders.
>You will live to see the death of Disney societal programming.
If you come across anymore of these "what men want" or "what's beautiful in this country" survey things they always try and make it diverse. This one isn't that bad compared to the other ones I've seen. One for the united states literally had a nigger as ideal.
why'd she get fat?
>this is so fucking true
>women owning their bf only happens when you deal with cucked betas
>I always have to be careful not to be to much of a pain in the ass out of the fear of getting verbally and emotionally raped by my bf
i fear the verbal rape. he was mean to me like once in my entire life and it wasn't even bad, but even before that even the thought of verbal rape had me on edge phew.
it sucks both ways.
if you're a good looking upper class woman you will undergo a series of expensive and time consuming rituals to keep yourself that way, and now, thanks to feminism, you're obligated to become educated and get a career
as a good looking man you have an obligation to find a financially stable career, and now, thanks to capitalism, you're obligated to participate in the same rituals women do to keep yourself attractive. hope you got your masculine-branded exfoliating scrub to use in the shower after you hit that gym, boyzz.
the only difference is that men are thirsty animals and would sooner take a lower class hamplanet than the other way around. lower class inferior males aren't likely going anywhere if they don't settle in all areas of their lives.
life is a crap shoot
can't tell if trolling or actually sympathising with me
Anyways, if not larp, I should assume you're not a degenerate feminazi who thinks the world revolves around female issues + whose goal is to smash gender roles to oblivion.
How do you cope living in a dying patriarchy/cucked society?
I don't have any female friends left, and my mother hates me for being a "gender traitor".
And men think I have edgy political positions only for the kiks of being an attention whore.
feel with meh
holy shit I actually laughed at this because it's so fucking true. whenever a friend of mine is scared his gf will leave him I tell him to man up and stop being a bitch, that if he feels like that this means he should already looking for another girl instead of being such a loser. If you can't walk out and go get sex anywhere else she owns your balls and she won't respect you.
The lesson of this is that there isn't a stronger force in this world than a man who doesn't give a fuck.
Woman version of Don.
ehhhhh. i didn't have that many friends to begin with but this election I think I lost any female friends I had to begin with. I couldn't help it i was so happy trump won. I just hangout with my family and my boyfriend, just find other relatives besides your mom to spend time with. Maybe a grandma or uncles? But yeah I don't think I've ever had a guy irl accuse me of being edgy for attention... you don't bring up jew tricks as soon as you meet them right?
I don't. I like it.
>brown hair
>no hips
>has a career
Who (((writes))) these retarded fucking articles
Eating and drinking and I assume emotional problems. Her dad left and her uncle raped her.
She turned out pretty fucked up. I was lucky I got out of there.
>14 yo boy with 5kg of makeup and with an excess of growth jhormones
You can have it, i'll stay with white girls that don't have half of their body mass made out of their bones
Yeah daddy issues is really big now, I think the early 2000s did it so now girls who've never even had dad issues claim to have them because it's "sexy." But no doubt your ex was actually hurt by it. I'm glad I never turned out weird or abnormal from my parents shit.
Sup Forums is 90% beta bitch boys desu
Yup I feel lucky I had two boring parents that just worked and looked after us. Also its monkey see monkey do.
Thats what I expect from my life too.
I'm genuinely happy with my relationship and have never had any doubts and we never even argue, but if I told a single person i know irl that I'm scared of upsetting him and potentially being verbally raped they would tell me to leave the relationship and call the police probabaly. He's not even fucking mean to me! I just don't see why anyone wouldn't be afraid of upsetting someone they love. I don't have some demented "must please everyone" attitude at all but I would like to please the person i'm dating. but that's abusive now so good luck.
I can understand that, even more so if you're a redpilled grill living in post elections America.
You're right,I only get called "fake" or "attention whore" when discussing online....
The thing I didn't precise is that online interactions= basically my sole source of social interactions :/
My grandma is mentally challenged and my family already has a very biased opinion of me (they kinda look at me like this weird asociable creature that says controversial shit 24/7).
My boyfriend gets me though, I redpilled him about everything there is to know. So I have someone I can share with, at least.
Still, whenever he snaps at me and makes me feel like the worst thing that ever happened to him, well, I do feel like I only have myself to rely on.
This is one annoying thing that bugs me about women. Why do you have to turn a thread into your personal fucking blog? Like you pick a life experience and your feelings around it and that's the only perspective you can manage.
It's obnoxious. Stop doing that.
((((Their)))) goal is the feminisation of western civilization ---> the loss of alpha males---> the end of patriarchal values that are what makes the world going----> the end of the white race.
Beta cucks and empowered feminazis are both degeneracy and both are the result of social engineering.
The only reason Europe is at war with Islam is because
>0 patriarchy left
> no moral standards or values that holds the populations together
> the strongest patriarchy in the history of patriarchies
>Islam, doctrine that glues every aspect of the Muslims lives together (political/social/religious).
That is why Islam is winning over a dying Europe. That's because Europe is now lead by feminist principles.
How sad
Do you think women on Sup Forums outside of /cgl/ have any other meaningful outlets? kek. Blogposts happen here everyday it isn't that bad.
You fucken cunt, you raw fucken cunt. Fuck you.
Not for marriage tho, which is what women really want so they get a sweet divorce deal.