what does Sup Forums think about automation?
it's going to happen regardless of what trump does, so what do we do with millions of unemployed, low-skilled workers? are we going to need to rise up and break the machines to artificially create jobs?
what does Sup Forums think about automation?
it's going to happen regardless of what trump does, so what do we do with millions of unemployed, low-skilled workers? are we going to need to rise up and break the machines to artificially create jobs?
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But, user...
we already HAVE automation.
10%+ of California's work force are illegals
pic related.
im talking in mass automation in service industry and driving based jobs
it's a good thing. We just need to reduce the population(especially the gypsy, nigger, sandnigger, jew)
technology never slows down, and year by year robots are going to get cheaper and more advanced
what then?
>it's going to happen
Uh hey man...
1 out of 10 workers in California are illegal. how can anyone really say we don't have a problem. shit worsens every year
>im talking in mass automation in service industry and driving based jobs
Usually what ends up happening, is that automation creates some jobs, and removes some jobs.
Sure, it usually ends up creating fewer jobs than it removes, but that's just the way these things go.
I understand your question though... what will happen when basically everything is automated, and humans are no longer nessecary...
And it's not really a question that we have an answer for yet, other than there will be different jobs for people to do, other than manual labor.
Designing the robots, maintaining the robots, building the robots, etc...
But eventually, the way things are going, a whole bunch of jobs are going to be lost to automation, which will end up messing up the consumer economy, as if people don't have jobs to buy the things that the robots create, there will be no point to have the robots make the things that no-one can afford to buy, and the whole economy will basically collapse.
It is estimated that approx 700 news types of jobs related to automatization will appear over the decades.
And the timeline of displacement of millions of current jerrbs is long, 30-40 years one. We are decades away before bus and lorry drivers are forever displaced.
2050-2060 don't be surprised in seeing giant drones the size of ships conducting transport of goods.
its a good thing it will push out low iq niggers out of the workforce. Next step is eliminating welfare and shit hit the fan
nah, to easy for people to fuck with it will never happen.
automatization in factories sure, outside in the public.. nope.
people will be robbing that shit, in america, left and right.
>people will be robbing that shit, in america, left and right.
Vending machines.
most are inside, people rob them all the time, and they don't move. easy to keep an eye on.
i wouldn't worry about it too much
The fact that the vast majority of the world will be populated by fanatical mudslimes and niggers is a far greater problem than hypothetical technological innovations that (for the most part) won't ever come to fruition.
>most are inside, people rob them all the time, and they don't move. easy to keep an eye on.
Well, I think people will realize their potential vulnerability, and put measures in place, like armor, securing bolts to keep them in place, video cameras, etc....
hell, people rob ATM's all the time and they are most inside, guarded, with cameras.
now imagine a truck filled with goods, traveling at night with no driver, the truck would have to stop or people would sue if they got hit. win/win for the nigger.
automatization that runs people over, won't work.
Short-medium term: dunno
Long term: automation replaces all jobs not requiring large abstract thought, corporations that own automated workplaces are forced to pay ever increasing taxes to support the jobless class, eventually leading to a total replacement of all jobs by machines and all machines become nationalized and benefits given to all.
>what does Sup Forums think about automation?
China will collapse when our robots produce faster and better than their slaves
per capita the west has more educated people than china therefor we will adapt way better and faster than china since they have millions of uneducated people.
this will cause social inestability, and a need to wipe out huge portion of the population
Automation will happen whenever it is more efficient to have a robot do a task than a human because doing more with less just makes sense.
It's professional occupations that should be worried about automation and narrow AIs. Once a computer can do most of your job, you just don't need to hire as many people to produce the same output.
Almost every factory job that could be done by a robots already has been automated at this point. If it helps bring back factories to the country, it might not be a bad thing.
Billionaires gonna billion
First revolution : got farmers out of country side and put them in factories.
2nd Revolution (to come) : got factory workers out of there and end all labor
but the question is,
will we survive the transition ?
Don't forget those fucking Hungarians always fucking hungry
It will come faster than that.
If we don't have major crisis we will get those in 2030 easy
we all gonna go on dem programs and live like kangz
it is good that it frees men from the slavery of factory labor, but it is being misused to enrich the Jew. This is unacceptable. Automation must be used to destroy the Jew.
It's already happened you stupid, look at the automatisation level in first world countries manufacturing. Still, someone needs to manage all that machinery and it's plenty of peoples. Almost no company would employ literally uneducated monkey what can't operate CNC. So where are those monkeys now? Right, they either niggers, waiters and such or useless white collars in some useless company.
Supposing mechanical engineer has no limits, when like 95% of population can't get a job then mass production won't be needed, removing big corporations and the need for robot workers (in fact the actual need of industrial workers, I'm talking about the return of artisans in this hypothetical scenario, so it wouldn't make sense). On paper this should balance itself but who knows. Big industries will be forced to use robots to compete with other industries so maybe collapse is inevitable.
I think it will bring people back to rural area in future.If it was me i would start moving away from city and get big piece of land before masses do.City are done as we know them.
People love homeowner association because they dont have time to keep up their property.In future you have automated lawmover that cuts your 5 arces grass.Machine clean your pool for you.robot vacuum exist already .Food technology is improving every year.They have air fryer,pizza maker,etc.soon you will be able to eat 4 star qualtiy food in comfort of your home.Taxes continue to keep climb.Driving 2 hours is bitch but with self driving car it will be much easier to live farther out then ever before.
>China will collapse when our robots produce faster and better than their slaves
And since when Spain is in the robotic club?
Anyways, for example, for clothing industry, diversity is the key on it, something robots and automation is still lacking and underdeveloped, so human labor force will remain important in the incoming years.
Automation is not the key for the future, robotics are, and the diverse applications and uses on robotics.
And for that Japan is way ahead the USA...and surely way way ahead of Spain :)
alright, alright, alright
I love the implication that because robot arms and warehouse drones will soon have a role, we shouldn't manufacture anything in the US. Welp, robots will soon be building everything, better just let China handle it.
>And since when Spain is in the robotic club?
since we can buy kuka robots whitout causing a social breakdown
>for clothing industry, diversity is the key on it
sure you need modists and people related to graphic desing but you wont need 1000 chinise women in a factory
Boy o boy here we go again.
In my diploma work, i had to write a part about the aspects of Toyota. So the Toyota's experience is:
>If they cant run it 24h/24h they shouldnt use it.
>If the cost of automatisation is higher than they could save from the workers wage is, they shouldnt use it.
So the result was:
>They did use a lower level of automatisation.
>They started to standardise the amount of work of employes. There were two aspects, stress and fatiuqe.
So guys what you think about this? If some industry technology leader companies dont go full automatisation because of the cost, will other companies go this way?
Where does this meme that some fucking nigger with no education will design a fucking robot?
This is actually a good point. Hopefully all the factory labor and any job replaced by automation move to rural areas and work farms. Society ends up having a larger agrarian influence plus the service and finance industry of the city. Clean up industry in the city.