I just had an epiphany, Sup Forums
Black people in America need to be treated like women
When women come to men with problems, they're not looking for "honey, maybe you should just do this", they want to hear "yeah, honey, that sucks, I know how hard you work"
Black people in America want validation, they want to be acknowledged, they want to hear "Yeah guys, sorry, slavery sucked, it was our fault, we cherish you" even though slavery doesn't mean much to American History and all of the "WE WUZ" and "WE BUILT AMERICA" theories are false. They want to be considered important, and this is why they constantly portray images of empowerment (gangs, BLM, riots, propaganda libtard sjw movies, etc) from positions of actual disadvantage (nobody likes them, and with good reason).
The empowerment aspect is even more clearly evident when you look at black american culture. Guys who act within society are "uncle tom", "acting white", etc. and most blacks prefer the narrative of Malcolm X (violence) over MLK (peace) because they are insecure over the fact that whites owned them.
Coming back to the "women" aspect, this is similar to the way women feminists yell "inequality! i want empowerment!" when the solution is to practice traditional gender roles and ACKNOWLEDGE it and BE ACKNOWLEDGED when you don't, instead of fake encouragement and "you go girl!"
If you look at the way jews and libtards behave towards blacks, this is exactly the type of feeling they transmit, of white guilt and "black people were important and abused!"
so, Sup Forums, what is the real answer? can blacks be integrated once again and produce real american icons like Wilt Chamberlain once again? can women stop being fucking cunts? will Trump unite the American people regardless of race and gender?
Find out on the next episode of Sup Forums- after the 8ch raid