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"White People Are NOT Human!"
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Man buns were a thing even back then. You're right they're not human.
Maybe it's the niggers that are not human instead.
>yfw homo sapiens is literally the nigger of the human evolutionary line
Even all those thousands of years ago the bad guys won
Fuck this gay earth
Some black guy called me a vampire yesterday saying I can't handle the sun being white is this the new insult that won't catch on?
We are divine
huh thats interesting as fuck,
i always wondered what the ridge on the back of my head just above the neck to the curvature of the top of my head was. Guess im full of neanderthal DNA.
Black intellectuals are on a whole other level, our puny white brain can't even hope to understand their thinking.
I hate humans now.
Then human race is inferior because white people invented most of the things
Thas right we are supra human.
Black guy is pretty smart for a nigger in regards understanding that race is not a social construct, races are subspecies, "we're all part of the human race" liberal crap is bullshit etc.
However I have no idea how he comes to the conclusion that niggers are superior... pretty big cope if you ask me.
>Europe was BLACKED thousands of years ago when neanderthals created feminism :(
if you're homo you're human. Neandertal, erectus, sapiens all homo
Man Neanderthals had some big ass domes. Doesn't that mean they had bigger brains i.e. Smarter than humans?
Maybe that's the secret behind all those thousands of years of blanks, we're stuck in a loop where civilization arises and then plummets back to the stone age due to women.
That also explains why 99% of cultures around the globe treat them like shit, it's the only thing that consistently gets passed down, women are the ruin of mankind.
>"White People Are NOT Human!"
This is so retarded it is not even funny.
On an unrelated note, that bitch on the beggining of the video has the biggest motherfucking lips I have ever seen on a nigger, and being from Brazil I have seen a whole lot of niggers.
>no, it's the whites that aren't human!!!1!!11!
I mean fair enough, call us what you want we're still objectively superior
>tfw so much superior that we are not even human
Brain size doesn't correlate perfectly with IQ, also given that their is some evidence which indicates the hormonal profile of neanderthals (extremely high-testosterone and cortisol production) they likely weren't as group-centered and socially capable as humans. Their greater intelligence or sensory capability was likely limited to lower-level non-cognitive sensory functions like spatial awareness or possibly smell/hearing, perhaps smell considering humans have exhibited a markedly drastic reduction in the olfactory region of the brain which has been measurable since agriculture (ca.12000 B.C. or so)
Her lips looks like a baboon's swollen arse
>American education
Studies on the Neanderthalensis skull have shown that while their brains were bigger, they weren't as much folded as sapiens, also their brain consumed less energy than sapiens.
There are more factors to intelligence than just the size of the brain.
>dem wyte ppl r just mix of us reel kangs
Is anything the nigger said in the video false?
He didn't provide any evidence, he just said: da new stoody canfirms dat wyte ppl are our mix
90% more neanderthal then most europeans. They were not as primitive as they would have you believe.
Imagine the outrage if someone made a video called "Black people are NOT human!". It'd get pulled from JewTube instantly and the account would be shut down.
Sweet double standard, kikes.
More pigment is more aggression. Niggers are biologically unsuited for civilized society.
The fuck is wrong with his traps?
Light=Male/Builder Dry/Hot |Sun/Mars
Dark=Female/Destroyer Moist/Cold | Moon/Venus
surrender to cosmic cycle of "humanity" user, resistance is pointless and futile
Why do blacks think it's only whites with Neanderthal DNA ? It's literally every other race outside of Africans who've never left Africa (and aren't they doing well), and that includes African Americans.
No one would care. Lots of crazies on the internet.
Not a single source was seen that day
thank god, I would hate to be a nigger.
I heared white people are aliens from Mars.
Huh, that's a new one.
No credible sources, just a wikipedia article, with dodgy ones... Pretty sure this is made up.
Stop believing the jew's lie that neanderthals were white people
You are literally believing you come from subhuman species
>got a degree in nigger philosophy
He mentioned this nat geo article
Check 'em
These people agree. Fuck white peoples.
He's right in that it -is- pretty commonly accepted that any homo sapiens out of Africa inter-bred with local species; Europeans have Neanderthal DNA traces, and even Asians have traces of Denisovan, which was another sub-species of human.
But seriously. Who gives a fuck? I think the tone he's taking in the video is that whites are some how sub-human (and therefore worse or inferior) because our ancestors interbred with Neanderthals. I don't understand that logic. It doesn't really matter how Europeans gained their white skin, whether it was due to climate or interbreeding - it really doesn't matter. What matters is our culture.
so there are different races. Thank god, fire up the ovens!
East Asians are part Denisovan, which is distinct from Neanderthal, although the point still stands somewhat, non-Africans all possess some level of non-sapien Homo DNA.
Neanderthals were smarter with bigger brains.
Whites have neanderthal DNA
Whites are smarter and have bigger brains.
But race is a social construct.
If I remember correctly, only abos and sub-saharan africans are not related to neanderthals.
And they are, well...
I bet the guy was jerking off & crying while he posted that.
Yes and he's apparently 1/4th white so apparently he is a Neanderthal as well. Also in the comment section he claims that salty crackas are claiming they invented shit while in reality black people invented EVERYTHING including the internet, computers, etc.
I never said anything contradicting any of this
Ofcourse white people are not humans we ARE GODS all other races are to serve us.
They have both Denisovan & Neanderthal, only Africans who never left Africa have no Neanderthal.
Wasn't disagreeing with you mate, only confirming and elaborating on your point.
Why do they think everything revolves around them so much? What would we even gain from having blacks as slaves at this point? Literally nothing, if anything they'd be, well, they are, a massive detriment to our society by ensuring the misallocation of tons of resources to them while machines could do all of the jobs they could do better without shooting each other and asking for taxpayer funding over crimes committed 150 fucking years ago.
>Also in the comment section he claims that salty crackas are claiming they invented shit while in reality black people invented EVERYTHING including the internet, computers, etc.
Yeah I saw that lol. Dumb nigger.
The union only wanted to end slavery so they could kick the blacks back to Africa. Their problem with slavery was that blacks and whites were living in the same areas.
Not to scare y'all, but that pic showing the difference in fsce structure between a black and white woman looks like this only the black woman looks like the neanderthal skull.
>What say you, Sup Forums?
I say that people will perform all kinds of mental gymnastics to mask their insecurities they have for their own race.
That was too many redpills too fast. Good night pol
It happens if you lift very heavy weights on your shoulders. en.rocketnews24.com
Feels good man.
As alpha as that is that's fucking disgusting, it looks like they're carrying around giant shoulder tumors
Your typical nigger WE WUZ intellectual.
>Doesn't mention the difference in iq between blacks and whites.
>Promotes another video in the comments claiming nigger invented everything.
Modern day Neanderthals are not human but Ubermensch.
If you don't have a significant bun on the back of your head you're a subhuman
Maybe this is the purpose of gays
>Doesn't mention the difference in iq between blacks and whites.
It's because he probably believes that 'iq iz a raciss test created by crackkaz bruh'
why senpai?
Intelligence doesn't matter if you have the superior BBC
>overthrew Rome and began the Dark Ages
This is something the nigs are proud?
I was talking about the picture of a nigger and a claim that he was genius matematician...
You people invented the slave trade & now whites get the blame.
Germans confirmed white niggers.
because that means you lack neanderthal admixture
I immediately thought of this video.
Pretty inspirational aside from useful info
Even muh dick is just a myth.
Niggers have literally nothing.
>That also explains why 99% of cultures around the globe treat them like shit
not true. Extremely patriarchal societies grant women prefferential treatment in almost every aspect except public life
the arabs here love the shit out of their women. I bet they are all pussywhipped
Nothing more pathetic than some Arab pretending to be black so he can say "Muh dik"
I have it and I hate niggers. My burning hatred of the negro must be ancestral memory of their first invasion.
That's a myth, only in self reported studies where niggers lie (typical) do they have the biggest dicks.
In America there is no difference between races average penis size, even asian americans.