Kikes at war with the world


Butthurt Israelites baned everyone who voted for the resolution that recognized their illegal settlements on foreign land illegal.

How come jews don't even try to hide the fact that they deem themselves above the laws of goyim?

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this is quite a tantrum. my first thoughts are he must be pretty sure trump is going to take his side.

i actually suspect fucking with the palestinians is the current plan. if there is a third intifada it basically gives everyone an excuse to attack iran also ^_^

>Russia annexes Crimea
>muh palestine
kek, this is all part of the plan. You can only get greater russia in exchange for greater israel.

you have to shut your foreskin
your whole country sucks our dick for tech

pro tip:we give you 2000's tech and you bow down to suck my dick while we already have tech you filthy foreskins won't have until 2070 or so

im russiankike btw


>You now realize that even if the world recognized that Jews are bad, the US gave Israel tons of illegal nukes and they will nuke Europe without regard if they ever get cornered

i've been finding the recent influx of nationalist israeli jews quite enjoyable.

yeah i'm positive there is a deal for russia in all of this somewhere, they're going to have to be kept sweet while we push iran's shit in

>cut all diplomatic ties with russia ,spain and france
Schlomo has officially lost it

>yfw everything Hitler did has not been justified


its your fault
the goyim crossed the line recently

Iran is going to have nukes by 2030, checkmate kikes. USA won't be dicking around in the middle east for the next 2 decades AT LEAST. Bye bye Greater Israel. Trump isn't a zionist buddy of israel.

Fucking really?

by 2030 we will already be Cyborg-spaceJews

Your country is about to be checkmated by Iran and that's all you have to say?

Do you have a list of the nations that went against Israel? To be fair though Israel, you've been a naughty boy the past few years, it's about time you got knocked down a bit.

Israel stole the nuclear triggers you nig nog

>Arabs causing you problems
>Americans are also causing you problems

Jews, not even once.

Man can't wait till we all get a long and remove kebab.

the alliance has already been established
but people on this board confuse Israelis with western dispora leftie kikes
we hate them more than anyone here can even comprehend

Why do your people attack Christians then? Why are Churches defaced? Christians spat at and attacked with rocks by settlers? Why are chants and taunts of "we killed your lord" screamed at Christians by the disgusting curly haired inbred Jews?

We played the long game and we've won. Payback is a fucking bitch isn't it Lehi lover..

I really hope this is a political masterplan again.

the once that are doing it are religious nuts, basically subhuman, they get arrested and thrown to jail
the christian community is flourishing in israel

Finally the kike feels the wrath of God.
Looks like they really desperate now, screaming and punching around them like an autistic kid that feels he has been wronfed.
U mad chosenboi?

That's a load of horseshit, get those inbreds under control, go send them out to war, all that reading of the Torah has melted their brains.

I thought Israel stopped Christians from being massacred by Palestinian refugees in the Lebanese civil war

Bibi is betting all on trump

well he would have an idea of trump's thoughts on the matter by now, they've obviously discussed this... and trump's tweets show that he is going to support israel.

You're getting jewed mate, by dropping out of the un israel can stay neutral whenever it's decided all un members need to go to war with russia.

there isn't a cat's chance in hell of the security council unanimously agreeing to that, even if you ignore russia's veto.

You should see what's going on today, any Christian that complains about what is happening to them gets kicked the hell out of Israel or locked in a prison, so this shit isn't just happening to the sand durkas, the zionists are attacking Christians as well. It must stop and it will fucking stop.

He is. Soon he'll take over the temple mount and the rest of the west bank. And soon Putin will take over the Hagia Sophia and the rest of the Bosphorus. It will happen simultaneously and Trump will do nothing. And Sup Forums will rejoice!

Those christians are Bullshit Christians. They didn't even attend the council of Nicea

The common jew is not our enemy, Hell leave them to themselves and they will starve, there culture is parasitic but like blacks if in small groups they are beneficial.

They will reap no rewards being the preserved genetic imprint of whites while we are brainwashed into racemixing our identity away.

>Quasi robot civilization devoid of emotion

>Europeans will not go down softly once critical mass is reached.

Isn't 80% of Jewish immigrants per year from France, Ukraine and Russia?

Save your bible belt Israel loving crap for your fellow inbreds, I know what the Israeli's are doing, they've been doing it for years and at some point you Americans will see it too. Although with all the zionist brainwashing and old testament loving crap they shove down your throats? I won't hold my breath.

>the once that are doing it are religious nuts, basically subhuman, they get arrested and thrown to jail
lmao you sound exactly like the fucking mudslimes you filthy semite, pretending its not an ingrained part of your shit culture.

>b-but #notalljews!
>its j-just the extremists!!!

get gassed schlomo

the bullshit Christians are the israel-worshippers. the kikes basically rebuilt sodom and gomorah in the Holy Land and they did it with help from the huge amount of donations from dumbfuck evangelicals. Tel Aviv is one of the most degenerate places on the planet and jews regularly have gay pride parades in JERUSALEM. that's what your money bought, damnation,

Thank you. Finally someone gets it.

My catholic relatives went there a year ago and they said it was a very pleasant experience outside of the constand military presence.
Muslims are more harassed there

b-but I thought the jews controlled the world.

They don't live there do they? Besides the anti Christian shit has been going on for hundreds of years. The Fatimid Caliphate allied with the Jews and burnt down the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.. Two peas in a pod and both of them are no friend of Christianity.

Yup and we should kill the Christians and the jews because of it. Then the world will be peaceful and better off

>Leaving the Muslims out
I'm onto you Abdullah bin Rafiki al Lion King.



No no. You misunderstanding. We kill the jews and Christian. Then the world will be better and peaceful.

It is written and willed.


>this is quite a tantrum. my first thoughts are he must be pretty sure trump is going to take his side.

This is what i thought too. Kind of like Australians were confident they will win against emus and lost. So now due to fear of embarrassment they preemptively attack everyone and are designated thread shitters.

Look I'm happy to have Israel to create eternal keks from Arab butthurt but there's no need to nuke the whole of Europe should you ever collapse - unless of course you mean solely continental Europe in which case Germany and France's noble sacrifice shall be honoured by generations of Anglos to come.

can someone tell me what the resolution was that made king kike so butthurt?

And what of the billion or so Muslims?

Why do American proddies cuck so hard for Jews though? I mean they even say stupid shit like they're already saved just because they're Jews which is daft given Jesus primarily preaches to Jews.

Synagogue of Satan.


Eventually we'll all be Muslim. Just gotta take care of a few groups

Read The Book of Revelations.

something like this
>"erm Israel maybe you could not take more land and build more settlements? Please? Maybe stop killing Palestinians for a few minutes?"

The bible even calls out modern kikery.

There is literally nothing wrong with killing Arabs and taking their land.

ah ok. now i understand. how dare we get in their way of installing greater israel


Stop saying the children of Satan are the chosen people.

Synagogue of Satan is Ashkenazis.


I meant to reply to the OP

Do you have a point?

Such a nasty group of people


They said to remove settlements and stop making them.
It's a proble since 400,000 people live in those settlements and the government has spent billions of dollars on them.

You'll be hiding under the mountains lest you repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

"Well if you want us in Israel, you have to support Israel. (By which I mean my version of the borders of Israel.)"
Watch for this.

I'm fine as I am.

Don't say you weren't warned on the day of judgement.

>russian kike
most worsthless people on earth

Read my shit.

you little christ cucks, sucking his dick and paying the emperor to do so for over 1000 years..idiots of the higest order

At least Australia didn't go against greatest ally.

We actually want to survive WW3 thanks

Good choice, goy.


>Israel thinks it will survive WW3
You not read your own book? You're the sacrificial lamb. HAHAHAHAHA!

>Country founded by Rothschilds in the last 70 years
>Complains about leftie diaspora kikes

I bet you'd apologise to a mugger.

We've got Indonesia and China to worry about. We can stay friends with Israel

We win.

You sound like Trudeau.

>If I burn in a nuclear fire to usher down the Messiah
>I win
No, you just get vaporised. Sorry.

sad part is that many of them don't even realize this, seriously..

I'd love to go to Tel Aviv and ask random people who the Rothschilds are, it's like asking Americans what state Utah is in.

What did Israel do to Iran or vice versa that make them still hate each other?
Egypt, Jordan and even Lebanon are neutral towards Israel. Iran still has death to Israel protests.

>jew president
>jew prime minister
>jew banksters
>jew political elite
The fuck? This must be some jewish multiflaged operation?

iran's government is an islamic revolutionary government. they see the palestinians as oppressed muslims who need to rise up together with iran and establish a global caliphate. as a result iran finance hezbollah and hamas to kill israelis constantly while continuing to say they haven't attacked another country in 200 years.

something along those lines

But how about every other Islamic neighbour?

>it's a kike-is-throwing-an-autistic-tantrum-to-divert-attention-from-his-own-legal-issues episode
nudda shoa

Jews are literally enemy of every race religion and nation on Earth.

Hahaha nigga like how is Israel gonna walk in with a dick swinging like ahaha the entire world knows you are completely dependent on the US haha nigga Israel looking like god damn toadie from a Christmas story trying to bully like nigga no one scared of you haha

Iran is retaking it's natural role as the Aryan ruler of the savage Semitic tribes. You'll notice it's not just Israel that fears an ascendant Iran, but all the old arab powers, because they are all Semites. All these Semitic groups came to power and continue to hold power by sucking the dicks of western powers. That Iran is rising not only independently, but also suffering heavy opposition from those powers makes them realize their own inferiority and terrifies them.

Israel lives in US tax payer's money.

>That Iran is rising not only independently
What do yo mean?
Their millenials are secular as fuck and their only hope for progress is the Nuclear deal

if Taiwan can't be legit, why should the jews?