Santa Klaus Iohanis just REJECTED the Muslim whore known as Sevil Shhaideh who swore on the koran instead of the bible, pushed forward by the Socia Democrat Party as the new prime minister
Santa Klaus Iohanis just REJECTED the Muslim whore known as Sevil Shhaideh who swore on the koran instead of the bible, pushed forward by the Socia Democrat Party as the new prime minister
also fuck the social democrats, bunch of muslim promoting commies
Here is source, no English one atm, this is 14 minutes old only
Based Santa Klaus, I knew he wouldn't betray us like the social democrats
And to add to that, fuck you Liviu Dracnea, you traitor faggot
so what now? is she still the PM or will you get a new one?
>Santa Klaus
Based Klaus!
Where have all the PSD cucks gone to?
She was never our PM, just a proposition that got rejected
she is off the table of nominees for a pm
still no woriies bcs we can change the pm even 4-5 times aka 1 per year
She was never the PM, just a candidate proposed by the largest party.
Everythings fine with romania? Refugee problems there? We dont hear much about your country
They can't, she is a threat to national security and already rejected
We are too poor, so no mudslim would like to live here
well those that pass the border ilegaly from bulgaria / other neighbours get deported and get 10 year interdiction
We arrest and deport any and all illegal aliens, we are not part of the Schengen Zone Treaty
they come in ro as well
we deport like 10 ppl a day
>part of the Tatar minority that is traditionally loyal to Romania
>completely unrelated to any Islamic nonsense
>husband is an Assad supporter
You guys think there's something wrong with her.
very good to hear. We are a sinking ship, but the people are getting pissed off and the youth is indoctrinated as fuck. (((They))) are on the edge to win
you need to find your balls germabro
fucking hel if those fuckers tried to do that in romania they would get linched and exposed at the border
She swore on the koran, not bible, pretty muslim if you ask me
Isn't Romanie like 1% muslim? How did this happen?
She swore on both actually , still muslim though so in the trash it goes
she's a woman
the muslim population dates back to when the mongols invaded europe, many tatars who arrived converted to islam
So? Lots of people are .
well the leader of the psd (social democrats) got an investigation for electoral fraud and after they got the majority of the votes because the others where shittier he had to apoint a nominee to the pm spot soseen as he was not able he needed a pupet with minority points so that klaus who is an eu cuck can't say no
Not even 1%, I can explain, the social democrats have dirty money in the Muslim world, mainly turkey, they even have a fugitive Sebastian Ghita who ran from our country waiting and hoping for a muslim prime minister to save his ass, not gonna happen now you thieving scum
women as leaders is no bueno
below 1% muslim
they are usualy in lumped in, in the others category
And Santa Klaus just proved he's no god damned cuck, he's a player
when she was nominated to be PM i was mildly triggered.
the party who won the elections and nominated her kept saying "romania for the romanians" during the whole campaign.
the president is a cuckold of german origins.
him and his sjw following were left looking stupid. they are chimping out over her nomination.
so the only dirt they could find on her was that her syrian husband is an assad plant and if she were to be nominated (she gets acces to classified material regarding national security) then putin via assad will get information.
this is beyond retarded.
also she's not a real muslim. she doesn't wear any head bag and she said she enjoys doing anal with random strangers.
Another muslim apologist, cry harder social Democrat scum
PSD traitors on suicide watch.
Nice tie aswell.
>she said she enjoys doing anal with random strangers.
Fucking degenerate
>muh pensions
>shut it down
Never understood the love for PSD
>she said she enjoys doing anal with random strangers
top fucking kek
>wank time
>Klaus still thinks that the constitution allows him to be president
>it doesn't
>this is a reason to temporarily suspend him
>the senate leader becomes president
>he promotes the PSD PM
>guess who is the current senate leader
e video cu ea
urca-l !
I smell dead commies in the future, starting with you
cum merge la furat in Elvetia fratemeleu?
e pe brazzers
sunt in romania
i se spune "boss" si are bemveu din 93 cu xenoane albastre , fan inrait liviu guta .
Does Romania get many tourists from Serbia? How's the nightlife, grills?
da boss un sos sau macar zi ce ai cautat de ai ajuns acolo
e un clip cu ea undeva la primarie.
ii da unu jos chilotii in vine.
Why wouldn't the constitution allow him to be prez, he was born in Romania.
Why is Sup Forums so full of you PSD gibsmedat commies, anyway? This is literally the last place one would expect postaci like you.
You guys sure love Banat, especially Timisoara, my godfather is serbian, Sava, bless you guys, he calls me "cume", what does cume mean?
First of all you can't make a PM nomination as interimary president.
psd e nationalist.
klaus ciolanis si papagalii lui sunt internationalisti care-i ling ghetele lui merkel.
tell me about Romania
why are you all good for nothing gypsies
my bad, the constitution doesn't give the right to the president to pick the PM, only to a parlamentary majority
you can accept them
it's not the president picking the PM you retards, he only has the formal duty to accept the majority candidate
Kume, highest possible honor. Cross between godfather and best man. I call my best friend kume.
You're a retard. Article 103 of the Constitution.
God Emperor Iliescu
Why would you even want a muslim to swear on a bible? He thinks the book is bullshit, so he wont feel at all compelled to uphold is oath. it kind of completely defeats the purpose of swearing on a book.
Indeed, PSD is nationalist in the sense that they want to be the only ones who steal literally everything in this country. Fuck off with your PSD cancer. If PSD is so amazing why aren't you in Romania scumbag, to experience firsthand the joys of living under their rule.
post it here and see how you get BTFO
>Preşedintele României desemnează un candidat pentru funcţia de prim-ministru, în urma consultării partidului care are majoritatea absolută în Parlament ori, dacă nu există o asemenea majoritate, a partidelor reprezentate în Parlament.
>dacă nu există o asemenea majoritate, a partidelor reprezentate în Parlament.
sunt in romania fmm de prost.
ce sloboz ti-a dat ciolos? sclav spalat pe creier.
fac pariu ca ascult conectar si esti pro musulmani in romania.
>Preşedintele României desemnează un candidat pentru funcţia de prim-ministru
>Preşedintele României desemnează
The president is the one who makes the nomination.
>also fuck the social democrats, bunch of muslim promoting commies
Lmao these fuckers are the same everywhere
Average PSD voter, everyone.
Well, they are part of the same International.
How many of those already failed? Is it now 7th Internationale?
cacatii de pe r/romania se deconspira asa usor.
mai sunteti in doliu, sclavilor?
only after taking a candidate from the majority leader
After (((consultations))).
To be fair, the (((center right))) has seminars of their own. Our own governing party goes to retreats with Merkel's CDU on the taxpayers dime. Meanwhile I'm thinking of starting a company, income tax is 63% not counting the flat rate and other expenses.
>income tax is 63% not counting the flat rate and other expenses
What? You are full of shit.
I wish I was. These are all ex commie laws that never got repealed. Please nuke us.
He was right to do so.
The Koran says women lie. So swearing on the Koran as a woman means she can legally lie in office.
Thank you for explaining, you guys are always welcome
You're so proud of Romania and its winner (((((nationalist))))) PSD gibsmedat commie party that you need to hide behind a Switzerland proxy.
That says everything about you right there, cioara.
I can't find anywhere where it says 63%. In English sources they give me 10% income and 15% corporate
desu dragnea only made the proposal to fuck santaklaus.. and see how far he can go with it... johannis did not accept this and the shitstorm can begin ... not sure if they even expected this to be accepted
ma prinde sri-ul, ce sa-i faci.
That's probably because english sources are for foreign investors that are heavily subsidized by the state. All in all, it's 63%. For a software company, flat rate per month is about 300 euros, considering I would be a one man show with the capacity to make about 700 euros a month, you can see how doing business legally really makes no sense here.
Eat shit and die muslim commietard, fuck outta my thread
>nu e recunoscator ca armata rosie i-a eliberat tribul de tigani plini de pisat
romanasi prosti, ce sa le ceri.
He thinks we are from plebbit. Iti place sa furi tigani pe elvetia?
Tigane ramai la furat in elvetia si nu mai comenta politica
Search your feelings. Vlad has returned.
uite-i si pe capcaunii astia prosti.
zero argumente, numai saleuri.
Are you sebastian ghita? kek
Its not like I know, but that sounds impossibly retarded.
>flat rate per month is about 300 euros
that is probably more than average salary in Serbia
We have the one German who can say no to mudslimes.
How jelly are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
Can someone please translate what the socdem user is saying in Romanian? Wonder how a socdem voter's brai is working.
in what posts?
>esti pro musulmani in romania premierul propus de PSD?
With this ID. The answers were usually in English.
You elected socialists, you're still fucked
nu o sa ma las angrenat intr-o discutie tembela despre una dintre caratoarele de apa ale lui dragnea.
tiganii de nisip nu vin in romania pentru ca romania nu are ce sa le dea si nu pentru ca romanii sunt mari strategi in a-i tine la departare.
>current year
>ideological labels matter
Wew lad.