What is the red pilled prime age where a specimen of the female gender reaches peak attractiveness, Sup Forums?

What is the red pilled prime age where a specimen of the female gender reaches peak attractiveness, Sup Forums?

When they are drawn.

Scientifically, 16.

Moment they hit puberty



fpbp 3d btfo

Oh god no. 2D girls are a hot mess. All those stupid fucking problems and all that bitching, moaning, and crying. Give me 3D anyday.

Mid 20's

Then it gets bad for a while but then becomes Milves

I think late-20s early-30s is most hot because their faces are more mature looking, and if they dress well, they can come off as distinctly elegant, something a younger chick can't quite pull off.




>falling for the milf meme

18 weeks old


14 is the correct answer


Probably between 16-21

>tfw my gf is 25
>looking back through her old photos and she used to be more attractive

16. Then it remains stable until they're about 25, and then it enters a slow decline until they're about 35, and then it enters a very rapid decline.

Хpиcтo, cтигa бe, бpaт...

Why haven't you been passively body-shaming her into improving her fitness and general appearance.


how can one man be so based
they tend to leave after they feel better about themselves

Pretty much as soon as they reach sexual maturity. Nubile features are attractive in women (as opposed to mature features such as wrinkle lines or a beard in men) and thus women are most attractive as soon as they are old enough to fug

Don't fall for the meme that girls get thick later in life either, girls with high estrogen will have god tier fat distribution as soon as puberty's over


She looks about as good as she possibly can

She's relatively fit and in shape

But she just looks... older. Hard to explain. Something about youth that is very attractive.

It's a good meme

Like having a second mom

Fpbp, 3D pales in comparison to superior kind and everloving 2D girls.

its the softer undeveloped bone structure

Kind of know this feel, I was super attracted to this girl freshman year of college, by the time she graduated she looked like a different person. Not a party girl either. The "freshness" of her face was just gone. Like the plumpness of her cheeks just started to look like puffiness and her eyes looked more tired. Plus the killer wrinkles running from the corners of the mouth to the corners of the nose.


roastie detected

A few years after hitting puberty. For many 14-16

Physically around 16-17. However they're decent looking up to 25 and become more interesting to talk to during that time.
Optimal fucking age is around 24 if you want it to be good.


14-17 generally speaking

Its different for different girls though its not set in stone


>become more interesting to talk to during that time

They never become interesting to talk to.



>every popular thing I don't like is a meme

>girls are dumb yaaaay

your aryan masterrace everyone


Milfs are literally a meme tho. Women age like milk.


>t. 28 year old girl
Post tits

>something about youth is very attractive
Well of course, would you rather fuck a fresh orange or an old shriveled up rotten orange?

I know this feel bros

>tfw your gf hits 25 and you know you're about to watch her collapse in slow motion for 15 years
>tfw the good days are over

Would love to get some hot 16 year old and make her my perverse sex slave.

Agreed with this user. If you can get them before they get fucked up by people not loving them, they're great.

Also, if you fuck a teenager just for sex, kill yourself. Don't ruin women even more.

It's crazy how only the first quarter of your life is really any good, at best...
Why did God fuck us over so hard? "Here have a small taste of what's good and now eat shit for eternity"

W-why would I want to fuck an orange?

With timestamp, please.

Women in this thread are probably so mad at the truth right now. The truth that women hit peak attractiveness at like 14-16. "OMG PEDOS!!!!" sorry that's nature there have been studies concluding it's true.

One salty bitch can't change universal law. And we aren't wrong for it. It was the norm for all of human history til 100 years ago. Feminism then ruined the natural way.

Note that is only physical sexual attractiveness. I don't deny they are annoying with the mind of a child.

>Implying 25 year olds are any better

Oh you!

>not wanting to enjoy your wifes body on both the ascent and descent

the only redpilled answer is to marry once she has started puberty.

Literally the only thing that puts me off is that my nieces are around that age.

Otherwise I have no qualms and wood berry.

But I admit there are 16 year olds that look like pic related (17 in this pic), and 16 year olds that look like children still.


16-22. Most women it's around 19 that they start dropping off.

Real men of Sup Forums answer: 20-23. Optimal age for childbirth to produce the healthiest children.

New-age muh dick reddit Sup Forums answer: 13-17. Because they only care about attractiveness.

I'm no fag, I'd fuck a well developed 7th grader if I could get away with it. I see plenty of hot ones every day, and I swear girls are getting hotter at younger ages. Especially American girls that consume all the leftover growth hormones in our food.

But as hot as they are, their bodies aren't perfect for childbirth, even though they're capable of it. I don't want to pump out some random kid, I want to make the Caesar or Tesla or Alexander the great or Schwarzenegger.

>t. unhealthy manlet who really wished his parents had listened to the fucking doctors about all things concerning a healthy pregnancy

>Something about youth that is very attractive.

That's the real problem. There's just this magical aura of youthful bounciness about them before they hit 21.

I can't even tell what it is. It's some combination of baby fat, flawless skin, etc. Do any other bros know what I mean?

21-25 is still alright, but you can still tell something is going "wrong." Especially if you see them naked, that's when all the stretch marks start hitting, and everything just starts to look "sad."

Yeah when they are creating 13 year olds that look 18 now it is causing problems

we should worry not about attractiveness but by the years until about 30 to pop out as many kids as possible

>tfw born when mother was 38
>tfw i'm a 5'10" manlet

>thinking 23 is an optimal age for childbirth.

You do realize people used to die in their 30s on average right?

>trusting the medical Jew

>Also, if you fuck a teenager just for sex, kill yourself. Don't ruin women even more.
Seconded. You must actively attempt to make them be wife material.

>tfw born when mother was 16
>tfw 6'4
>brother born 1 year later is 6'5
>brother born 4 years later is 6'3
>brother born 5 years later is 6'3
>mother is 5'9
>dad is 5'10

my mother was 26 when I was born, she's 5'5 and dad is 5'8, I am 5'8 also. Meanwhile my cousin was born when his mum was in her 30s and both his parents are/were midgets, yet he's 5'11. Don't think you're going to game the system, ultimately genetics is a crapshoot and you're going to end up hating your child for not meeting expectations

but t.b.h it was because we were raised on a super nutrient dense diet our whole childhood and tons of farm work. Eating steak every day, farm raised eggs, etc

>mother is 5'9
there's your answer dumbshit, that's actually very tall for a woman if you don't fall for /fit/ memes. I don't know a single person with a mother over 5'9 who is under 6'

I became so numb I can't feel you there

Oh well, at least I have a Sup Forumstier qt conservative gf who was a virgin when I met.

What did they mean by this?

Born when mother was 35 and my dad was 40 and they actually needed to try really hard to conceive.

Im 6 foot 3 and have quite good body shape genetics. My only problem is that i'm short sighted and could have polycystic kidneys


Literally only because of high infant mortality. Same with the romans. Once you hit like 15 you were likely to live to a decent age. Average adult life span is misrepresented because of the infant and pre-pubescent death rate.


14-18 depending on how puberty hits them.

Then they hover for a bit.
Then they decline after 26.
After 30 they go into the trash.

Checked for truth. I prefer she doesn't talk too much. In a relationship I'm not trying to be her best friend, I'm trying to be her man.

This thread makes me want to blast my head off because I know it's true lmao.

Over the hill.

1-3 Ugly
4-9 Prime cuteness
10-13 Still has a ton of qtness plus prime lewdness
14-16 If they mature late, same as above, otherwise some of their qtness and and a little lewdness wears off
17-21 It goes right down to the abyss here, where they turn into hideous horse-mouthed beasts
22-33 More of the abyss, also the main time when they hunt for beta providers to settle with
34-55 A few rare MILFs fill up nicely at this time and a different kind of lewdness manifests, still nowhere near as good as before tho

To answer an obviously retarded question:
>if you're not a pedophile, wait for puberty to finish
>if you're being objective, wait until the woman's body is in peak child-bearing age
>if you're a beta cuck, she'll be fucking chads until her early to mid-thirties--so you'll say they're most attractive when they become "mature"

>You must actively attempt to make them be wife material.

this is bullshit. if you try this they label you the bad guy lie about you until whore cult swarms

you cant repair women

Women enjoy a great short life early on, men have the ability to enjoy life later on and for longer. SMV is real.

Got examples of interesting conversations with females? Anyone? Kinda makes me sad.

every inch after 6'0 shortens your lifespan by like 1.5 years (google it)
and me and my 6'5 brother both have back pain at only 21
When I see someone who is about 5'11 to 6'0 they always seem more well rounded and better off


Hi Dan Schneider, didn't know you spent your Christmas Holiday in India.

Nope. It's the primary cause.

you know, i don't think that's a coincidence at all...

I've seen 45 year olds I thought were hot so it's not that big of a deal

>wait until peak
Retard, that way you miss half of it. You should bat for way before the peak.

This does not compute to the male mind. (aka dick)

Why does this never get brought up in threads like this? Just 200 years ago, in the most developed nation, it was legal to fuck a 10 year-old. Let that sink in.

Nah. It is, actually.

Very few 45 year olds are hot. I'm definitely not going to be one of them.

How did the US do it anyway? Did all women suddenly have votig rights as men?

In the UK, after 1918 women could vote if they were like 25+ and were married or some shit. Full on universal suffrage didn't happen till quite a bit later.

They've lucked out in the genetics department or they've had plastic surgery. In this day and age more likely the latter.