>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS
>Trump @ Mar-A-Lago 12/21/16
>Trump Final 2016 Rally in Mobile AL 12/17/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Orlando FL 12/16/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Hershey PA 12/15/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in West Allis, WI 12/13/16
>Trump @ Army vs Navy Game 12/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 12/9/16
>Trump Rally in Baton Rouge LA 12/9/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Des Moines IA 12/8/16
>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NC 12/6/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Kanye hangs with Trump 12/13/16
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Just The Two Of Us
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>Election 2016
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
Where cum shirt guy and the guy who eats his own cum at?
Based Sheriff at it again, how can a man be so based.
That burnt deep
Lord help me. I am in a den of ne'er do wells.
We good? Jesus fucking christ.
>mom found the cum shirt
>says awoo, doesn't post awoo
Is this how /ptg/ ends?!
That man is my hero.
>tfw to intelligent too support a celebrity apprentice
it all ends with cum in shirts and in some guy's stomach
>take a break from /ptg/ for a day
>the madman doesn't even stop
>tfw now a meme
>tfw to intelligent to cum in my trumpshirt
Nothing personal, kid.
Let's keep this thread wholesome and family friendly now. Christ
>tfw mummy finds your cummies and tells you to put them in her tummy next time
tfw i saw his "have a very very very VERY happy new year" tweet
knew it was a "fuck you" to obama
Just woke up lads. Bit hungover.
Sitting in the pub last night with Normie m8s, the beer started to hit me after a while. Felt kinda sad the years almost over. Trump is president and I realised these faggots I'm sitting with just don't get it like you do. What a year it's been lads, thank you to all of you. I will never forgot.
>tfw to intelligent too own a Trump shirt
Why is it I got so into this US election? Why am I now so full of hope for the future? Can one of you faggots marry me so I can live under the best President?
If you newfags don't stop freaking out someone with more organized Sup Forums download archives will give you something to freak out about.
H-haha! I fooled you guys! I don't actually ejaculate into items of clothing! So please stop talking about this now okay thank you.
Y-yes Madame First Lady
I am going to leave you guys to your devices for awhile. The shitposters have taken over. Someone else must make the new bread.
Hmm Barron, you're growing up so fast...
>being defended by Australia
Oh Jesus, I really am lost aren't I?
What is Donald Trump position on weed?
And get jolted by Mike "Suck a man's rod, fire up the prod" Pence? I don't fucking think so.
>Im gone for an hour
>read previous thread
You're better off being defended by emus
I'm still taking screencaps of the last thread
ShirtFapper will live on
states rights
It's a "oldfag pretends to be wise and complains about everyone who posts in the present time like they're newfags" episode
doesnt care about it, will probably take it off schedule 1 federally since its a waste of money
>Tfw there will be BarronxMelinaxIvankaxTiffany /ss/ femdom doujins
pls It'll take too long getting there otherwise, Canada's sinking faster than our PM's marriage.
Supports medical marijuana on the whole, but wants to leave the decision of recreational use up to the states.
What about circumcision?
is your economy kill or something
>someone with weird fapping habits raises eyebrows
>on Sup Forums
you have to go back
That's the Orc rape one isn't it.
>can't find a vanilla Lala Doujin because nips are obsessed with fat unattractive men raping cute girls
Get out
Economy is kill, jobs is kill, plus just having Trudeau as PM is reducing our intelligence. Unless Trump bitchslaps him into doing his job, I'd rather live under a real leader.
lala a best
just immigrate
no reason not to since canada's falling apart faster than a chinese motorcycle
Probably supports it in some capacity since Ivanka has sons.
She really is.
>can't find a vanilla Lala Doujin because nips are obsessed with fat unattractive men raping cute girls
I really wanna know what that's about
and ya, I think it's the orc one. You'd think Monster Musume would have a bigger variety of Doujin
Sorry, but I feel like living through Trump's first term.
I've been on this webzone for 12 years. I've seen posts you anons wouldn't believe. Cats smashed by Orientals in heels. I watched Snacks shimmer in glory before being snuffed out. All those posts will be lost in time, like tears in the rain. Time to die.
Can't, can't make enough in this shit economy. Less than $400 a paycheque in this shithole. Fucking beaners and Muslims get free rides because "muh refugee status". Fuccunts get free housing and jobs and information exchange and I could barely get a job, they work for nothing. Trudeau wants to bring in more of the worthless parasites. feels bad man
What did he mean by this?
With her removable head there's so much potential for lewd original content but NOPE. I also learned the other day that almost every single HomuraxMadoka Doujin is a foot fetish one. No idea what's going on there either.
This one was alright.
Any chance for a ban with religious exemption?
Or a wait till their 18 ordinance?
Check the comments, lots of antifa and sjw screeching. Fun to be had boys.
Sauce. Also shirt fapper demands it.
>save image
>go to exhentai
>search by image
>save image
you are forever branded as Shirt Fapper
To be honest, I doubt the issue has ever seriously gone through Trump's mind. I can't remember a single time he raised the issue or someone asked it of him.
The shirt is way too small. Needs to at least be XXXXL.
Hey, guys. Remember when all those illegal immigrants turned out at San Jose to protest Trump during the campaign? Waving Mexican flags, shouting, "BERNIE! BERNIE!", parading effigies of Donald Trump around, etc.?
It seems like those kinds of events make them awfully brave. They really don't seem to mind turning out in public en masse when it's to protest that evil, white, sexist, racist, misogynist, orange turd.
It would be A FUCKING SHAME if somebody organized a protest like that and hundreds of them turned out, only to be arrested and deported by ICE. Like, whoever organized that protest really wouldn't be doing them any favors. And if ICE knew it was coming? Why, I would begin to suspect that it was all a trap from the beginning. And if, somehow, there was coordination between ICE and a mole within the protest's organizers? Like, somebody who could gain prior knowledge of the attendance of illegal immigrants and relay it to them? Hoo boy, that would be just awful.
Just saying.
Oh, hey. Trump's inauguration is coming up. Neato.
Oh well, thanks anyway.
HAH, that Megumin wasn't me!
>the attention whore is still pushing his shitty meme from the last thread
>quoting 10 posts in one reply in capslock
>now the reddit fags are forcing le epic maymay and taking screencaps
>Sup Forums isn't about anonymous shitposting anymore
please kill yourselves you fucking faggots
i want to meet Azasuke
Obama is a fucking egomaniac and I relish watching his legacy get trashed.
Toph best western 2D girl.
>all those votes for putting your pups in the wolfgirl
i'm proud
whens morning joe
not until Jan. 2nd
Nobody knows.
He certainly loves himself some plump 2A women.
holy fuck it's 3 in the morning and I didn't even notice, good night amigos.
How was Joe yesterday?
here's another favourite of mine
>Even Kim Jong-un punked Obama out
Buenos noches
ebin meme :^)
I wonder how will "Thanks Trump" memes look like.
The leaf has a point.
Why does this picture make me hard?
morning joe is right now
Sleep tight, Mexibro. We will return your countrymen to you shortly.
It has three.
wait morning joe without joe or mika
is there a stream? hulkusc keeps shitting out on me
No Joe or Mika, but it is a new episode.