What does pol think of Aruba?
>Former Dutch colony
>Highest standard of living in the region
>Politically stable
>World class drinking water
>Wonderful mix of Dutch, Spanish & South American women
>People speak 4 languages
>No muslims
What does pol think of Aruba?
>Former Dutch colony
>Highest standard of living in the region
>Politically stable
>World class drinking water
>Wonderful mix of Dutch, Spanish & South American women
>People speak 4 languages
>No muslims
There's a Sup Forums Arubian shitposter, I like it
The dutch are the saltiest people on earth. Anytime you see their flag on Sup Forums they are angry at America. The netherlands will never be as relevant as the U.S, China, or other European powers. Their "golden age" is represented by conquering what is now indonesia, an island country with hundreds of ethnic tribes, none of which have ever accomplished anything significant. As much as people laugh at France for being surrender-monkeys, remember that the Dutch are just a welcome mat on France's doorstep in the eyes of Germany. Even the lost British and French empires have done everything 10 times better than you. You are dirt. No, you are less than dirt. You are a dog's filth left on the bottom of a dead kraut's boot. You ridicule all countries above you because you think that your words are worth something, that nations of all sizes which can trample you in an instant might hear your pathetic shrill all the way up on their world's stage. Windmill niggers are the betas of western europe. Kill yourself, but before you do that, tell everyone in your god-forsaken country to do the same.
Entirely depending on our taxes in our to maintain their corrupt business. The only regulation comes from our soil whilst they are too lazy to get things going
Pretty sure you're talking about Curacao
inb4een pot nat
Haha why even triggered? He is talking about an island.
Also: learn your history because a lot of your inventions and discoveries vome from Dutch people. America also has a lot of Dutch roots which you can already discocer by surnames
its probably a very nice place but I bet the Internet sucks there
>Falling for copypasta bait
Thanks for proving the point
>The dutch are the saltiest people on earth
Why are the Dutch perpetually angry?
Also why is Belgium a country?
>15% Black
>75% Mestizo
>Wonderful mix of Dutch, Spanish & South American women
Pasta's a bit stale if you ask me.
Good holiday destination
Yup, al die eilanden zijn wat dat betreft hetzelfde. Jammer, want het zijn hele mooie eilanden.
I love the U.S. but you sir are a cunt. Also, your view on Dutch history is tainted by your clear hatred for our people.
Or you're just shitposting.
don't forget
>cucks in the netherlands call our traditional holiday "sinterklaas" racist for having black servants
>black people on arabu celebrate sinterklaas and don't cry muh racism
theres also a shitposter on/sg/ from aruba who's a bretty cool guy
Aruba is brotier/10 island
Was there on vacation, probably not as good as Finnish internet, but I had a stable 15-20 mbps, similar to my connection here in the Netherlands desu
>inb4een pot nat
Seriously what exactly is the difference?
I genuinely have no idea.
fuck i meant curacao, but i imagine aruba is similair
Some islands shitpost with the Dutch flag, other islands with their own fllag
Arulco? A nice place if you're a mercenary I suppose.
>>cucks in the netherlands call our traditional holiday "sinterklaas" racist for having black servants
not "for having black servants" but because it derives from Saint Nicolas.
Your country was created to oppress and chain a dutch majority by a French minority. Why are you shittalking your homeland?
Unless you're a Walloon, but frenchies dont'celebrate sinterklass do they?
I misread my bad
Dit lijkt godverdomme wel een NEDERDRAAD
Hebben ze ook hagelslag?
I have actually been to Aruba, it is essentially a tourist colony
We have good reason to be angry at you, you fuck up everything you touch and dragged everyone into pointless wars since WW2.
Why dont you all kill yourselves, it would solve atleast 3/4th of the worlds problems.
>Your country was created to oppress and chain a dutch majority by a French minority
We're an anglo creation to fuck with the germans,mostly
>Unless you're a Walloon, but frenchies dont'celebrate sinterklass do they?
Ben vlaming, maar de walen vieren ook sinterklaas alleen zit hij daar op een ezel in plaats van een paard
Were going to Aruba
>de walen vieren ook sinterklaas alleen zit hij daar op een ezel in plaats van een paard
Armoede lol
Aruba is generally a lot more white than Curacao, maybe 15% black vs 85% black respectively
Jazeker, alleen wat duurder vergeleken met Nederland
pics related
>What does pol think of Aruba?
opening of a beach boys song
Aruba, jamaica..
Paid for by the Aruban government of course
Would holland have been better off just being pro nazis had they won?