So I went to their sleeping place in the morning to check how their second day would start.
They are with their morning announcements on the picture. Looks like only about 70 people left. About two dozen later joined at the trainstation.
Most notable, nearly all Arabs were gone.
March for Aleppo, day 2
Didn't they only make it only 13km out of the 3500km total yesterday? Are they just lazy or something?
They're just getting started. Give them time. They're doing more for Aleppo than you are anyway.
You can see how much smaller the group is.
Anna did some announcement, that they had a lot of discussions with the Syrians in the group last evening. They were waving Syrian flags yesterday despite the organizers only wanting white flags. Also some media used the images as propaganda for revolution. So they couldn't agree and in the end the Syrians all left. I could only find two Arabic looking guys in the group today.
>Syrian flags
Legit ones or terrorist (See: FSA) flags?
Is that police car going to follow them all the way to Aleppo?
thanks for the update. good if we could keep getting these updates day by day.
These people are more or less asking for intervention in Syria, intervention that will ensure the continuation/extension of fighting there. I would say these people are doing Syria a dis-service.
I can't wait until all those nu-males are forced to watch their gfs and wives forced into sexual slavery
This can't be true. Isn't it just two hours of walking? You Germans are lazy as fuck.
Why do some people wear backpack if other don't?
We can't just watch innocent people die though. Intervention would be best.
3500km? Aleppo will have been rebuilt by then.
I just want to say, you're doing God's work. Thank you for this, it's exactly as hilarious as I thought it would be.
Yesterday there was Berlin police, today it is Brandenburg police. I guess they have to declare it as political protest and so will be guarded by police, at least in Germany.
With the much smaller group, they were asked by the police to only occupy parts of the street though and to later walk on the sidewalk. So not sure how long they will actually have protection.
Can't these bitches just post on craigslist if they want to get raped? Seems like a far walk.
Why do they have to walk on the road?
Why not on the footpath?
>autism bedroll
Sounds about right.
I wish this march had been huge. Would have made this much funnier when they got to poorer countries not to mention turkey
It's just going to fizzle out, to my disappointment. I wish they actually got there, just in time to get beheaded by ISIS.
Like, these cucks are going to give up. You can see that they can't go the distance. I wanted the Children's Crusade MK II, not a hipster footrace.
It will take them fucking months to get to syria. This shit is pointless. Virtue signaling will only get them so far.
Has anyone told them Aleppo has been liberated yet?
Nothing against americans but when has the west's intervention in the middle east ever result in less innocent people dying? We don't have a good track record really.
Hey CIA. How are things?
>we cant just watch a few innocent people die, lets kill them all!
Seems kind of useless to me.
why do you think they are doing this? Without the liberation they had no chance to reach it.
>2 posts from this ID
Please fuck off and die. It's their problem not ours.
The west were the ones that wanted to arm and support what the press called "moderate rebels".
You know, the ones causing the issue, formed of Isis and al qaeda and slaughtered thousands of civilians just because he's not Assad.
Intervention is the last thing needed if it's to support these.
Its like feminism and intersectional feminism all over again. Great, many keks will be had.
That one, I guess.
Iraq. It stopped a dictator from committing human rights abuses.
That's a horrible thing to say.
If something bad is happening, we have a moral obligation to stop it.
They still have to go through Nusra held areas to reach it... unless they're going through ISIS held territory
Well, we need someone from Zossen for this afternoon or tomorrow morning then. I'm not going to take the train down there just for some pictures...
I hope these fucking white cucks get skinned alive and made into burkas.
I wonder if the beta males getting executed and the women being raped to death will be the ISIS movie of the week.
Cause that is what they are walking into.
To be fair, a protest march is going forward much slower than regular walking. Also there were a lot of kids with them yesterday.
weak bait
I noticed that right away as well. Face it, we're on the spectrum too.
they can go through kurdish controlled area, but there is no way these idiots even make it past Germany.
I really really want them to enter Nusra controlled area and see how tolerant and vibrant it is there.
Then go do something about it rather than shitpost on a Mongolian sheet music forum, I won't stop you. I have absolutely no reason to give a fuck about Syrians so I don't have any obligation to do anything.
Be the change you want to see in the world, or whatever Marxist quote that applies to you.
>To be fair, a protest march is going forward much slower than regular walking. Also there were a lot of kids with them yesterday.
Children crusade 2.0?
Will they go through albania?
Just admit you're going to Aleppo with them you faggot.
This is the thing. Don't they have jobs? Do they have wealthy parents supporting them? Are they richc enough not to have to worry about work?
Any one of the above would mean their world view is very naive, isolated, distorted and generally ignorant. Classic case of rich white liberal having a boner over multiculturalism because they don't see it up close
Also they're basically calling for intervention. Are they really this fucking dumb? Liberals have been against EVERY middle eastern intervention up until now. Why should we start our own wars? More people will die. Assad is winning the Syrian civil war - let him win rather than let a thousand different rebel groups fight each other for primacy. How the fuck can they think that is a good idea? Syria will turn into Libya. Jesus christ this makes me mad.
This march is great actually, it's a major redpill to expose the falseflag that is the war in Syria
I already donate to a local organization that's working to help stop things like this.
nah. its possible to reach allepo via govs or 'opposition's territories
>They're doing more for Aleppo than you are anyway.
Going kamikaze?
All they are doing is a second childrens crusade.
B-but they are civilians fleeing the tyrant Bashar, they are moderates
Terrorist flags. Checks out. Fucking hell Germany.
>Support terrorists in Syria to destabilize the country for Qatari oil interests
>terrorists use women and children as shields and have them in the same building they lob bullets, bombs and rockets out of
>building gets hit
End your life.
Can't wait for the rekt vids.
>it's not enough that euros invite the muzzie horde into their countries to breed their women
>now they are delivering white pussy directly to them, in the middle of a warzone
Do you know that polish girl is behind this march?
(You) are a liar. Weak bait
>I donated
Fucking lol
Nope, but you are. I witnessed someone from France calling, asking for directions to join them. Guess that was you then.
>End your life.
That's screwed up. You don't have the right to tell anyone to commit suicide. It's a very serious subject.
They're bring much needed attention to the problem at hand.
shes not polish desu
Right? When Bashar captures 10 or more of these protestors, the CIA will have the perfect excuse to negotiate a defeat they want and don't currently have the political will to negotiate
Top kek
An optimistic estimate: they'll give up after two weeks
Around Sup Forumsax never relax!
Nice bait my man.
So, they told those to go away.
They won't get far if they keep walking 13km each day and without having proper backpacks and shoes
Sad that we may not see the syrian "moderates" greeting them with some sharia
More coverage will attract similar groups to join in. Need to report how few people bother and have a photogenic sjw plea for people to join the walk even for a day or 2. Once the parasitic groups see a host they will flock
Probably because if they brought those terrorist fucksticks and their flags with them they'd get leveled by the Syrian Army.
What do you think MSM has been doing for the last couple of years?
>If something bad is happening, we have a moral obligation to stop it.
that can also be seen as interfering. Some people don't want your help.
Sorry, but I will meme here.
Everyone bashes Cuckopean politicians for letting in rapefugees and not doing enough to stop t****s attacks.
I've been living in Cuckermany for all of my life with my adopted sand-niggers babies. Yes, there is rape and crime and peace trucks happening here and in the rest of Europe. Like everywhere else.
As to the rapefugees , of course they are an incredible burden for Germany white females' vagina. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the zipper(see the youPorn theatrical re-enactment version, stay tune). In my opinion, you can't fight back or just let them read the "no-rape" bracelets on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as fuck, forcing them to learn our language. The girls (as young as 10) have the vaginal capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most hugh mugus and brown members in our whole society. And if other EU countries, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Germany took in, Prophet Muhammad would be proud of the global caliphate.
And what about the t****s? First off, the majority of t****s aren't rapefugees. You can not rape when you are driving your peace trucks. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like, for "road heads". Most of them are r*****d at home or in the Sup Forums. And those who came as rapefugees would have found another broad, no doubt. It's easy to invade Europe. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot build a wall, unlike the United Statesof America. As many of you might know from Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis , "I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.”
So for god's sake let these people live here, let us deal with islamistic hotspots and the real culprits, but don't blame an entire group that is 0.999% peaceful .
I hope HBO makes a good movie about this disaster. Is this atrocity being well-documented by concerned and/or gleefully amused acquaintances of the soon to be dearly departed? Anyone know?
Danke für die Berichterstattung. Wirklich interessant zu sehen, was diese Knilche machen.
rly git muh braen wurkin
If you aren't a troll you are honestly one of the most retarded pieces of unintelligent shit out there and should move to mexico
>Marching to Aleppo doesn't do fucking shit when Assad freed his people from radical, violent terrorist
>We put Saddam in power you pathetic excuse for a human and gave him the supplies to make chemical weapons
They could go through SDF controlled, then try to get to SAA controlled Aleppo.
>if someone has a different opinion, it must be bait
Assad wouldn't want our help because he's the one causing all the problems.
They weren't arrested.
Meanwhile, you can get arrested for displaying the German flag of a few decades ago.
this march is taking far too long, can the german government pls charter a flight for these guys
Why pick on the white helmets? Thise pics prove literally nothing.
>If you aren't a troll you are honestly one of the most retarded pieces of unintelligent shit out there and should move to mexico
I'm not a troll, and my grandparents are from Mexico you asshole.
>>Marching to Aleppo doesn't do fucking shit when Assad freed his people from radical, violent terrorist
They're not radical, they're moderate.
>We put Saddam in power you pathetic excuse for a human and gave him the supplies to make chemical weapons
Things were different then.
Where do they spend the nights?
In the streets or in nice comfy hotels?
Where do they shit and shower?
>If you aren't a troll
>Just Dumb.jpg
reddit pig go home
Oh btw, I checked for her kids. (They were the only real children left today.) I talked to her husband (between the girls on pic). They plan to take the girls for the week and then he will most likely drive home with them. Also her polish mother is with them.
That's probably not a dumb or inaccurate way to frame this, actually.
At least she's already taking a few of them home.
The white helmets are just another moderate beheader group.
They're literally a front for Al-Qaeda you moron
>Financed by some British foreign intelligence officer
>Not Syrian
>Only operate in """"Rebel""""" held areas
>Carry weapons
>Always at any terrorist rally
>Frequently seen carrying Shahada flags.
>Always on hand for body bagging when jihadists execute someone
Since you're actually sticking around this your bait let's see what answers you can pull our your ass.
What would you replace Bashar with? Do you think that we would actually improve these people's lives by destroying their government. It would be just like Libya all over again.
You need to fuck off with this piss poor bait. Seriously man, it might work on Sup Forumseddit, but Sup Forums isn't that stupid.
>the muslims left the march
Of course, even they know better than to go into a war zone.
>moderate terrorist
>oh you see we are moderate terrorists, we don't do beheadings that's too radical. We only blow ourselves up and wage jihad against the infidel, gosh learn the difference shitlord
>They're doing more for Aleppo than you are anyway.
yes they'll make excellent target practice for young inexperienced jihadists and great propaganda video for ISIS as they turn them into examples for the west.
well stop fucking replying to him
Let's have a /pool/ when it ends, your last 3 digits determine the day they quit
It's not bait, you just have a hard time believing someone else doesn't follow the Sup Forums hivemind. And they would just democratically elect someone else.
It's perspective. I'm sure the people who resisted the Nazi occupation were perceived as terrorists.
Kek give me 004.
Reminder that the couple adopted a 50yo refugee, and that said rapefugee will be staying with the girls while their parents walk to Syria. Merry Ficki Ficki to all!
Last night they were sleeping in a gym. Some brought tents. They have some team left in Berlin that phones the towns on their route asking for sleeping accommodations. That will probably work in Germany.