what did wikipedia mean by this?
what did wikipedia mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>mods delete EWO thread
>80% of the board is filled with bullshit slide threads
pure coincidence
Looks like they missed the worst: PATRIARCHY
I'd fuck it
men get fibromyalgia too, nerd
you're literally a mangina if you do
literally masturbated to completion to those fine-ass baps.
Only whiny bitches imagine they have this. Mostly for the free sheckles.
Some background for newfags
Trolling fakedisease is fun and pisses fat slobs off
Those are some nice tits desu senpai
I have a long term pain in the muscles of my abdomen, its been diagnosed as fibromyalgia. I assure you its real. the muscles knot up and form painful spots
and yes I'm a man
what? explain this thread
Use to work with a girl who had fibro and about 3-4 other "diseases" along these lines. She always complained about it during work and never had any energy. That is until she got off of work, then she would go out and get wasted. Can't believe Obama increased my health insurance so that these hoes can go out and destroy their lives.
What's the best cut of meat on a woman's body, anyway?
Everyone I've met who's claimed to have fibromyalgia is kind of a shiftless hypochondriac. I give them the benefit of the doubt that they aren't lying but I do think it's psychosomatic.
Too much alien estrogen intake.
Too much cukery
Too much fat
Can turn your physical traits
And even your genetic data
Into a more female version of its previous self.
(Obese men literally turn into female-like blobs of fat degeneracy)
My mom used to say she had this. Found out pretty quick it was actually withdrawals from the extra strength pain mess they had her on after her spinal surgery. So rather than help her detox off the shit, her doctor just kept giving her stronger shit until she was literally taking morphine daily. Thankfully she's clean now, for the most part.
Can't read, (((jeff))) ?
the ass, but I'd recommend you cook it in a slow cooker for several hours first to melt the fat
mods are jews, have been since moot sold out
still this board is working much more effectively after years of this clampdown than i ever thought it could
so yeah iono if they censor pizzagate now but they have allowed it for a long time and that's to their credit
Was just about to post that I think the disease is psychosomatic. When you look at fibromyalgia cases, some ridiculous % has depression as a co-morbidity.
It probably needs to be treated with Therapy (like CBT) and not drugs.
Fibromyalgia is real, we just don't know what causes it yet.
Morgellon's syndrome is the New Age made-up disease.