Why are Socialists retarded?

Why are Socialists retarded?

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I don't know ask Croatians.

You have to break their funny fuse. A group of people has to laugh at a joke and they have to be isolated, fully alone in their offence. This needs to occur once every one to two weeks.

It would only make sense to require a mental illness to support a mentally retarded ideology.

I always knew those tards were autistic

Americans talking about autistic words is funny.

Nothing wrong with the word comrad even if these cunts are deluded

It's not the word it's the way they use it.

You mean why are MARXISTS retarded, right?

NATIONAL SOCIALISTS are master race, famalam.

I didn't say National Socialists, but Socialists.

I know a lot of reasons, as I'm living in a Socialist post-Communist shithole, but this is a rhetorical question.

I was pointing out at a fact that these cretins actually think mentally handicapped & vegetables are actually worthy comrades.

National socialism is a vague ideology with no specifics apart from popular appeal as a reaction to leftist ideologies (which it itself is one also). National socialism is even more retarded than communism



Yeah, socialism is totally a right wing ideology.

It's not right wing if they do it. You are debating politics with room temperature iq humanlikes.

Falou, seu neocon sionista bolsolixo liberotário endoutrinado pelo Bostavo do Caralho.

>equating the EU with fascism
>implying fascism is a bad thing
Another dumb neocon detected.

If they start making fun of retarded people in their party there won't be anyone left

Nazism is socialism. It's far-left.


I'm sorry to break it to you, but Sup Forums is not nazi anymore. Sup Forums is now conservative, right-wing, individualist and Christian. The "JIDF" meme has died and we now know that Jews are our allies and the true enemy is the mudslimes. We support Trump, the Republican party and Israel and want the death of Iran and the head of terrorist Al Assad. Now fuck off whence you came, you're not welcome here anymore. Go to 8gag/pol or something.

Leftism = collectivism.
Rightism = individualism.

The EU is fascism. Protectionism, cronyism, state involvement into practically everything, shrinking personal freedoms and all the degeneracy you can wish for. It's a gulag for European empires to die in. The socialist rot that has infected the continent is gnawing away unchecked, only morons deny it. It's going to collapse soon under its own exuberance.
> dumb neocon
Third world will be third world I guess. Btw. say hi to Chile.

jel ti zivis pod kamenom? hdz je na vlasti

It's still the same people in relevant positions that were there 30 years ago.

no it's not...? not at all

top kek

Go away, dumbass.

>nemam argument
svaki put.

I'm talking judges, professors, policemen and other state servants, not top level politicians. If some have gone, they were replaced with commie loyalists.

are you just pulling this out of your ass? why do you think you know what happens in my country?

>comrades with mental disabilities

Libertard detected.

Nothing to do with fascism, read a book once in your life.

>state involvement into practically everything
That's only bad if the state is wrong. Not when the state is defending the nation, its race and its soil.

>shrinking personal freedom
You must be kidding. The liberal ideology that permeates the European Union is soaked in the noxious notion that personal freedoms must be maximized. Freedom to be gay. Freedom for women to work. All that shit. That is diametrically opposed to nazism and its defence of tradition.

>Third world will be third world I guess
Europe will be cuck I guess.

Need to keep a close eye on a neighbour.

you might be the most autistic person i've met this week
but at least we can agree on slovenia

>not top level politicians
Top level politicians as well. You have to have the right pedigree to control any important function in the country. As an example, minister of interior was a captured enemy (Yugoslav army) low level officer during the war. But that's just a millimeter tip of the iceberg.

Cmon you turkish rape baby, stop crying kebabs

Lay off the cocaine Novos

> That's only bad if the state is wrong
> if the state is wrong
topkek, enjoy your irredeemable third world shithole.
> he liberal ideology that permeates the European Union is soaked in the noxious notion that personal freedoms must be maximized.
Even better kek. Why do you think they "fight raycissm"? Why do you think police visits people who post edgy shit on facebook? You are a funny jungle monkey.
> Europe will be cuck I guess.
Yes. This is what socialism does to you.
> Nothing to do with fascism
Go read a non meme book yourself. Wherever an organization didn't have incentives to be efficient with resources, corruption and cronyism is encouraged and tolerated. No surprise niggers crave


nice try leftypol.
Now fuck off back to cripplechan.


>derides comrades with mental disabilities
so all of them?

We got the moneys, you got each other.

Because wanting free shit and not a system that encourages people to be good means you don't have the ability to delay gratification which is closely linked with low IQ


I'm out of tito memes unfortunately.

don't worry i have many
but the pic you posted triggers me, don't make fun of victims of the muslim monsters pls

>ta slika
top keeeeeeeeeeek
jugoslavija i ex-yu drzave nakon juge prikazane u jednoj slici


Some deserve it senpai. You're right tho, the Russian didn't deserve it.

>enjoy your irredeemable third world shithole.
Except Hitler brought Germany back up from the ashes and turned it again into a superpower.

>Wherever an organization didn't have incentives to be efficient with resources, corruption and cronyism is encouraged and tolerated.
That's exactly what fascism is about, you fucking moron: not letting corporations loose like capitalism does, but forcing them to serve the country and not only their own best interests. You're a cuck if you think businesses are conservative, they'll stab you in the back with immigrants the minute that means lower wages for them to pay.

Now fuck off, you bluepilled neocon.

what does the pic say? i can take 3 refugees?

But nazism and fascism fought degeneracy, user. And neoliberalism on the other hand encourages it.

They sure are going to start a "revolution" altough they can't even handle an insult, fucking bitches

Nationalist Socialists are retards just like the goddamn commies are.

Anyone who needs an authority figure to tell them how to think instead of thinking for themselves is retarded both by choice and by necessity.

> not letting corporations loose like capitalism does,
You mean not allowing them to fail and bailing them out, which leads to inefficiency and corruption. Go somewhere else with your meme economic degree.
> not letting corporations loose like capitalism does,
More memes.
> ou're a cuck if you think businesses are conservative
Lol. Businesses are primarily human and prone to bad decisions. You need to reward good decisions and punish bad ones and you do it where it matters, namely the balance sheet.
> with immigrants
What kind of negroid are you. That is an actual field where the state has a role to play, but you don't need socialism for that. You need accountability so the officials do what they are supposed to do. Let me guess, next thing you'll tell me is that the corporations and the jews that control them let the niggers in.

yeah, Sup Forums is a civic nationalist board now you evil nazis!

I can accomodate three of refugees. The wordplay is on accomodate / fit in.

civilisations BTFO by Americans

>You mean not allowing them to fail and bailing them out, which leads to inefficiency and corruption.
You're thinking of capitalism, not fascism. According to you, 2008 happened because America is too nazi. Wow, before the Internet was invented, what did you use to do to embarrass yourself in public?

>Businesses are primarily human and prone to bad decisions.
That's a truism, you're not saying anything intelligent. But you're failing to see that they have power too. And plenty of it.

>That is an actual field where the state has a role to play, but you don't need socialism for that.
Of course. How about gay "marriage"? How about feminism? How about all kinds of degeneracy that business encourages because it sells or because it increases cheap workforce supply? You're a blithering fool.

You still need a shred of human decency to keep your oaths and you're set for life.

>unironically defending thought diversity
Nice multiculturalism, you fucking relativism. Take your subjectivism elsewhere, you libcuck. A nation is made of unity, not your bleeding heart "we must accept muslims too, who are you too tell them how to think?" bullshit.

The problem with mudslimes is precisely that they have an authority figure to tell them how to think, namely "god". All religion is anti-freedom and neutering.

Wake up, the French Revolution and the American Revolution have already taken place. We live in a modern world now. Freedom is the only god. Reason is the way, not theocratic medieval obscurantism.

It's amazing what's happened to that place. I remember when it wasn't completely retarded.

It all started going to shit about 2010.

> Of course. How about gay "marriage"? How about feminism? How about all kinds of degeneracy that business encourages because it sells or because it increases cheap workforce supply? You're a blithering fool.
> le führer will prevent it
lmao. The individual needs to reject those, not the state and certainly not the corporations. Welcome to the real world where people take advantage of you. Yes, some will fall for it, and when they chop off their dicks, they regret it and commit suicide. Natural selection works wonders. No surprise socialists are afraid of it.
> But you're failing to see that they have power too
You are as retarded as the commies. Maybe even worse. Companies server one purpose only, sell their shit to gullible people. If you fall for their shit it's your problem. Yours alone, not mutti, not the kaiser and not even the Führer will save you from it. If you are responsible for your own decisions, you'll make sure you make the best ones for yourself. If you don't have responsibility, you'll indulge in "degeneracy" to no end. Your nigger version of communism is equally encouraging degeneracy.
> According to you, 2008 happened because America is too nazi.
It literally happened because of dem programz for the niggers. The state "made corporations work for the nation" and made them hand out mortages to people who couldn't repay them. As a consequence, the banking system failed and because the deal they made included state security, the state bailed the banks out. So yes, the whole fiasco was because banks didn't have incentives to make good decisions.

>derides comrades with mental disabilities

So all comrades?

Especially national socialists

>it's your fault if you're being taken advantage of
Nice victim blaming, you retard.

>Natural selection works wonders.
Capitalism doesn't believe in natural selection. It believes in economical selection. Money, rather than DNA. Nazism believes in natural selection.

>If you fall for their shit it's your problem. Yours alone
Victim blaming again.

>If you don't have responsibility
Literally anyone can fall for a scam. No matter how responsible or clever. Stop acting superior.

Intelligent people have believed and will believe in wrong ideologies. The Devil is more intelligent than any man, and yet he believes in lies. It's the state's duty to ban marxism and degeneracy. That's what it has been created for: to protect the nation from enemies foreign and domestic.

>programz for the niggers is working for the nation
You're a pigeon playing chess.

>the whole fiasco was because banks didn't have incentives to make good decisions
No, banks defrauded people. You obviously know nothing of economics, you just repeat what you overhear around.

>If you fall for their shit it's your problem.
No it isn't, because corporations have power. They lobby strongly using their money for legislation that goes patently and blatantly against the population's own values, because it will be good for profits.

You admitted it here that corporations and jews control the officials. But apparently you don't think it's their fault somehow. Your thought process is disconnect. People are force-fed degeneracy, but it's the people's fault.

You are a Jew.


Same socialist policies, same brutal bureaucracy, nepotism, brain drain, panem et circenses, etc. etc. etc.

You are fucking retarded. Go back to Imotski or kill yourself.

> ur a joo
Hi controlled opposition. Better screencap this because your owners need proof that pol is a rayciss board you nigger.
> victim blaming
> ableism
> "you're elitist"
Wtf are you, some sjw mutation? Did you read what you posted or is it straight from Tumbler.
My point still stands, you learn from your mistakes or perish. The world is a harsh place, only the ones who learn and adapt survive. Better get that into your skull.

Daily reminder that if you need a state to take care of you and "protect you from the evil mudslimes" you are a fucking subhuman retard and deserve to die.

True men don't need a big daddy state to protect them.

You're not attacking socialism. You're attacking nationalism. Because you're claiming it's not up to the nation to defend itself, but only to the individual.

> nationalism == collectivism meme
A nation is something individuals feel loyalty to trough culture and bloodlines. Nothing more, nothing less. It's an idea, not an institution. It doesn't require a state to enforce loyalty to it. After WW1 the commie cancer found out that national loyalty trumps socialism every time. They tried to circumvent the problem in two ways: Cultural marxism with the Frankfurt school aimed at destroying nationalism. National socialism aimed at harnessing the loyalty for socialist ends. Both are cancer on human society and psyche.

>a nation doesn't need to organize itself to repel things that destroy it
Nice try, rabbi.

theyre mentally ill

All those socialist subreddits are full of tankies.

>a nation doesn't need to organize itself to repel things that destroy it
> better hand over defence and additional power to institutions full of jews and prone to jewish invasion
What's the next step of your master plan, controlled opposition?


Both shit. Better be right in the middle.


Classical liberalism, anarchism, neoliberalism, libertarianism, capitalism, democracy and republicanism are exactly what make those institutions prone to jewish invasion. And that's precisely what you're defending in lieu of nationalism, you cuck. So good job, you let three hostages wearing bags on their heads in your plane without checking their identities first.

>a nation isn't a collective
Damn son, just stop posting already. You're but embarrassing yourself!

>Classical liberalism, anarchism, neoliberalism, libertarianism, capitalism, democracy and republicanism are exactly what make those institutions prone to jewish invasion
Lol no. Democracy lets the people on top who the nation thinks is necessary at the time. Classical liberalism permits ideas to be sampled, tested and selected according to their merit. Libertarianism makes the degenerates remove themselves from the genepool. neoliberalism is a strawman. Republicanism makes sure officials are held accountable. It comes down to selection for the fittest, something you commies aren't too fond of, as we have established. Don't give me that social Darwinism meme, its western socialist propaganda.
Socialism and its variants just ensure eventual jewish takeover without anyone being able to do something about. Good job pulling a mask on the pilot as well. You are useful opposition and nothing more, you undermine nationalism with your socialist shit in order for the semites to invade and take over actual civilizations. Now go into the jungle and kys you pathetic cuck.

>almost all of those things are staples of western society
What do you suggest we do to keep the jews out, cheif?

Wow, you two just threw the entire Middle Ages away. Enjoy the fruits of your modernist ideologies, you cucks.

What, being private property of a class of drooling inbreds is the solution now? You forgot the entire modern epoch with the exception of the period between 1930-1945.

>le middle ages were dark ages meem
The more I make you speak, the more you show your true colours.

This is fun after all.

>I don't know history: The Post
Western Civilization (re)started with the Enlightenment, you dumbass.

Yes they are. No lustration cucked us politically. Just look who is teaching politics in our colleges and you will understand why so many young people are brainwashed commies.

Complete nonsequitur. Also, please entertain us: What do the middle ages have to do with the present problem of socialism? Were the canterbury tales too degenerate or did joan of arc cuck you with a nigger?

>implying it wouldn't apply to ALL the comrades