As a centrist, is there a way for me to logically debate politics with people, or am I doomed to either be called alt-right or a libcuck by both sides for eternity?
As a centrist, is there a way for me to logically debate politics with people...
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>As a centrist
whatever the fuck that means nowadays
Assholes who sit in the middle of the road get run over.
It means I borrow heavily from each side of the coin. I'm a well-off straight white male gun owner that is mainly fiscally conservative. I believe in small government & less taxation in most matters besides education, which I think is woefully underfunded.
On the other hand, I don't give two shits who pees next to me, I'm pro-choice, think that minorities sometimes get the short end of the stick, and would be for loosening immigration laws so people can come to the US legally and clean up some of this shit show.
SJW shit and alt-right shit both make me roll my eyes.
>things not to discuss with people:
because determinism: humans cannot stray from their programmed paths.
You're not alone friend
as a "centrist" you are by definition "alt-right"
"alt-right" are logical reasonable compromising people, who the radical leftwing progressives character attack in order to discredit very common and valid viewpoints that dont fit with the liberal agenda
>economic conservative
>loosening immigration laws
>hink that minorities sometimes get the short end of the stick
Yeah you're a cuck and not a centrist, you're a free-choice libertarian.
Being a centrist is every bit as gay as being a leftist or a right-winger.
Enlightened people simply avoiding the subject of politics altogether.
You are doomed to be called alt-right or a libcuck by both sides for eternity.
>tfw radical centrist
Centerists are just too retarded to actually make up their own mind about something. They're like women trying to buy literally anything.
And education isn't underfunded, it's squandered on useless and retarded things. Schools don't need more money, they need better allocation and budgeting.
My mind is made up on the issues. I feel how I feel about specific things and can back up why I feel that way. Completely different than wanting to make both sides happy.
>tfw have extreme views but from all ends of the political spectrum
legalize child porn and genocide pitbulls NOW
sort of off topic but there is this video that perfectly show the example of radical left wing people
This post gave me a hearty chuckle, thanks user.
>Enlightened people simply avoiding the subject of politics altogether.
That's not enlightened, that's apathetic.
How the hell is that possible? Politics affects you wether you like it or not, you can't just ignore it. The problem in the modern era though, is that everyone seems to think that politics are just theories rather than survival tactics.
Nearly every political issue stems around the allocation of provisions, income, and safety. This is why Trump's platform was the most sane one we've had in years because he's the only dumbass out of American politics who actually focuses on real political issues, Wall Border control & Muslim vetting (Safety), Taking jobs back from overseas (Income), More income means more food.
Most other canindates were either insane when it came to income like Bernie Sanders who only talked about how to allocate funds but not how to create, or they didn't give a shit about national safety at all like Hillary Clinton
You know someone is a dumbass when their idea of politics stems around nothing more than identity politics because identity politics have nothing to do with security or resources. It's just narcissistic bullshit. This is why I do not respect Leftists at all. They waste so much time on irrelvant bullshit like Tranny-normalization which does nothing for the eccnomy or the country's survivability.
You sound like a typical Cuckservative. You should've voted for your president, Marco Rubio or Yeb Bush.
Your political views really aren't that different from the likes of Steven Crowder, who's also just a big cuck. The weird part is how people like him get grouped up with the Alt-right when he's just the Cuck-right.
When you're smart enough to gather info and make your own mind up about things, don't expect groupthink idiots to support you.
Work on getting thicker skin because we need more independent thinkers.
Sometimes, if you're debating one side it helps to throw some criticism of the other side in with it.
as a centrist you should kill yourself
OP here. I've generally voted democratic over the past few years - so you pegged me wrong.
I didn't make this thread to debate specific policies or candidates really, but I will say that I felt Trump's positions on trade were miserably shortsighted and I think too many of his supporters want to deny the inevitability of globalism rather than be the ones to pioneer our way into that shit and be the best.
You're not a centrist; you're a hypocrite.
>the inevitability of globalism
That won't happen while sand niggers are still around.