Serbia Greece

Everybody else on the Balkan Peninsula is a non-nation. Shill and hate all you want.

tri moreta

actually 0 moreta + greece's 2 moreta is still 2 moreta.

Counting the Black Sea, it's more like
>one lake

>be serbia
>be enslaved by east romans
>get no help from greece in ww1
>greece still a NATO member even after bombing of yugoslavia
>greece still hasn't gotten you in the EU, and not in any relevant union with you
>go to greece to slave away for them, picking berries and shit
>"oh greace we are such big ally"
what a joke

>get no help from greece in ww1
I see someone is still salty from being BTFO at the Salonica Front.
Anyway, how about sheltering the entire exiled Serbian army on Corfu?

"EU is helping resolve the conflict in syria by taking in refugees"

greece had a pact with you to send troops, they didn't
but noo~ that's not backstabbing

That's really no comparison.

So, who made Bulgaria upset again?

This is true. Srbija and Greece are the only places in the Balkans I'd cal countries. Everywhere else is just a field populated by gypsies.

>serbo-greek friendship thread
>3 serbs
>0 greeks

You're the only Bulgarian here, samefag.

>when your gf suggests lets go to the seaside
>you ask her to which one of the three

make that one

the fire is rising

i think Bulgaria is jealous

We lost touch with the Serbs due to the cold war and then EU cucking us sadly
Stupid fuck we nearly had a civil war between Republicans and royalists over sending the army to help the serbs, our German King even declined anatolian land and Cyprus when offered by the perfidious ones to join in, that's how much of a German cuck he was
You weren't the only ones fucked by inbred German royalty
We got 3 moreta actually

We Macedonians are accepting slaves from tataria shiptaria gayreek and kebabia
Every single country belongs to us and Alex was Macedonian

you mean Alexovich

Alexander was an Illyrian (Albanian)

>Be Greece
>Be NATO member
>NATO goes to war with Serbia
>99,9 of the population from right wing to left wing agrees Serbia did nothing wrong
>Send volunteers to fight for Serbia instead

>be alternate history
>be serbia
>just formed yugoslavia
>become the 6th great power
>highest standard of living
>suddenly you get a formal request from Albania
>read this
wat do?

Hit the refuse option with the force of a thousand supernova

Kosovo je Srbskie