Sup Forums btfo

Leader of alt-right Alex jones shills for Israel

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They're turning the frogz gay guys!

Im not sure if this is good or bad. Does Sup Forums want land to go to terrorists or kikes?


Pol is pro Israel you donkey in the poo fucker

His followers are turning against him. Kike love by Drumpf and him has me worried desu

Alex's jew wife
>Honey will you tell them they're wrong about the jews
>Will I get another BJ if I do?
Alex's jew wife
>You don't think I'll jew you again, do you?!

>shill for jews
>shill for mudslimes

OR just don't be a shill

Fuck off mountain jew

He isn't the leader of the alt-right I am

Is Alex'a wife really Jewish?

t. (((Melon Pan)))

No I'm spartacus

The only Indians against Israel are Mudslimes. Can't wait until Modi will massacre you again.

Hello Paki

Alex Jewnes

that is cause Alex is still blue pilled poopy


>calls anyone who's against jews paki

Palestinians aren't terrorist they are a bunch of smelly goat fuckers and olive pickers

Prove it

hmmmm I wonder who this is


It is so fucking ironic how right-wingers are supporting Israel when Israel is the country who causes them problems and frustration.


Fuck Alex Jones. He's lost the plot.

Mark Dice is the only real respectable alt-right youtuber. He's not getting paid to shill like Jones.

When in doubt, just nuke both.

gotta love the liberal interviews he does

We've always been a Zionist board. There is literally nothing wrong with Jewish Nationalism. I hope Trump BTFO those Palesturdnian shits


pol is pro-Israel and anti-mudslime

>Palestinians aren't terrorist

pol will always be against jews

LOLNO. Trump is President now boy, Sup Forums is official Zionist territory.

You mad Shillary lost?

Trump's already destroyed Israel you moron. Do you believe shills when they tell you this shit? Look at the facts, by not getting involved in Syria Trump has basically guaranteed that Israel will face nuclear annihilation within our lifetimes.

They NEEDED that war and they aren't going to get it. Trump's outkiked the kikes.

>TFW the alt right now loves jews more than the SJWs

How did this happen?


Wow, couldnt people guess that he was a sell out with all the shit products he sells?

Trump is the worst thing to happen to Israel since the last allergy season.

Believe it or not, but the UN jews are worse than the Israeli jews

Why should i care about both?
Oh and fuck the Holohoax
Jones made a Video lately, dropping some redpills on jews and the double standard on gun Control.

Why Jews get so much triggered by Palestinians?
Everything is a joke until you start talking about them

Fucking newfags... Get out please and never come back

Paraphrasing Jones here.

'We need to deal with the muslims before we can deal with the Zionist. '

His complains are aimed more at the fact that the left is trying to start as much shit before Trump takes office.

B-b-but Trump loves the jews Sup Forums the Democrats are your real allies!

>Leader of alt-right
Alex jones is controlled opposition.

>Karen Sobek
>Richard Gazlay
Good Goys, Mudshits are the Problem and not People that steal their Land.

>We've always been a Zionist board.
JIDF places Settlements on Sup Forums
Someone Call the UN.




How can they give what they don't possess? The UN is a bad joke that should have ended a long time ago.

They are Shias. Since kike-controlled Sunnis rule right now, giving Shias more power will be good because it pits muds against each other.

Yeah right... as if Trump surrounds himself with Jews in his family and his business and political relations, AND he's repeatedly rattled the saber against Iran, but he's secretly planning to put Israel down. Bit hard to believe

Nationalist Israeli Jews would be fine with me if they stopped pulling the holohoax bullshit all of the time. I can't really blame them though since it's so effective.



t.muslim in muslim land

Sup Forums is and always was a pro-israel board

So can we finally put this to bed and stop saying alt-right is code for Nazi?

>Trump is the worst thing to happen to Israel

Who do you think you're fooling?

Alex jones is our water filter merchant not our leader

SJWs always hated us

>the UN and Obama attack Israel

wtf I love globalists now #RefugeesWelcome #NoToNationalism #BordersArentReal

Are shias, dare I say, "our guys"?!

>oppose the sovereignty of ethnonatonalist states and defend Muslims and globalist institutions like the UN

ha ha, yeah Achmed, the UN will NEVER condemn European nations for dealing with Muslims in the future, this totally isn't a precedent of globalist meddling to defend Muslims

Seems that the DNC's new plan is to divide the alt right and stop people from supporting Trump by saying he's a Jew lover, and it looks like it's working. Pretty smart tbqh.

I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that a lot of our coalition is not radical enough. The initial euphoria is over and now I see myself surrounded by degenerates.

No, they're not. In fact, they are the ones who came up with the concept of Taqiyya to fight Sunni oppression.

But right now, they are by far lesser evil than the Sunnis, less radicalized and, most importantly, weaker, so what we want to do is create a worthy opponent for Saudi-led religion of pieces.

But make no mistake, Shias want the world to become Muslim as much as Sunnis.

Our list of allies grows thin. Also fuck off India

Someone post the "anime is real" webm

The Globalist Nazis are the leader of the Alt Right!

Ty for the pills orthobro

Somebody edit that into
>weimar republic flag
>the treaty of whichever it was has officially given every inch of danzig to the polish


just doing my part f@m

>Alex jones
>shills for Israel

>(((alex jones)))
>(((alt right)))

pick one

If nu pol and plebbitors fell for "it's the jews or the mudlims " meme, shame on them