Things that don't exist,i'll start
>gay conservatives
Things that don't exist,i'll start
>gay conservatives
Milo doesn't count as a conservative to you?
He's not very conservative
An attractive woman with such large tits
>non-degenerate anime watchers
I watch anime and I have a gf and a job
a skinny American
White supremacy
I don't know, most conservatives seem pretty fucking closet homo.
>being a wagecuck
>based jews
Watching anime itself is degenerate. Stop watching cartoons, grown man.
Thanks for ur opinion
Im gay and conservative.
>literally being a bum
Get executed.
Then what are catholic priests?
He's """culturally""" conservative.
Frankly I just think he finds fatherly figures in suits to be hot.
jaja! I knew it! ONLY IN PUERTO RICO!
>mispelled "degenerate fuck"
>not being a conservative(male)
It's not opinion. It's a fact.
I know US education sucks but damn you're stupid.
god damn, no woman will ever be this thicc, why even live?
oh, and
>traditional white women who are also not religious
But it's me.
This is true. Dropping the whole marriage thing, if we can't do away with marriage altogether, would bring a lot of people back over the aisle simply because they are holding out on this one issue. Conversely for example, If Democrats gave up on gun control they might do better among southern whites.
t. kike brainwashed finngol
jew fears the samurai, anime is the only thing not infected with western degeneracy.
>misusing the term degenerate
Tut tut little boy.
>he has a job
>he thinks he's white
>lefties who would be willing to die for their people/country
So you're not a conservative?
>he thinks his work matters
Gay as fuck.
Voted Trump.
Hate shillary.
And I absolutely demonstrate to young liberal guys how to enjoy yourself ;)
People know how I really feel. I've been described as the most savage individual at work. I make people laugh more than anything, though.
I know I'm rare as fuck but what can you do except be yourself.
dont you have a leghista frocio neightbour pham? not very common i admit, but i have a couple kinda near my home
Thanks for the cringe, autist.
>tries to take a girl home
>"eww user there's jizz stains"
At least mom gives you tendies.
>Lindsey Graham, shit for brains. Damn near ALL prominent Republicans are gay or pedos or both.
what is commie guerrilla
a girl that will love me
Does voting right, hating leftists and pride parades constitute being conservative?
I am a conservative. There's no conservative Republicans that have reached the top. They're all big governments spending hacks crying about gay wedding cakes instead of conserving anything.
Republicans can't win any culture war because of how closely tied to the religious nutjobs they are.
Eventually not even the electoral college will stop California from dictating the president every election.
Republicans haven't conserved a damn thing in decades, how can they be called conservatives.
Whites (by Sup Forums standards) clean their jizz stains
Welcome to America. The current Republican party is a clown show and I don't care about
>m-muh hillary
I didn't vote for the cunt
Trump is going to have a tough time leveling shit out, especially since he's now in bed with long-time republiniggers.
They did a good job conserving their inane little fantasies about America. That is until Trump shattered that by calling them trash like everyone thinks they are.
>implying some neet fuck is going to clean his jizz stains
Part of the insult user.
>peaceful muslims
>A man fucking another man's botthole
>Pretty sure it's called degeneracy in my book
and I aint no boi
Were do they legally allow electro therapy on gays for gayness?
Holy fuck, that gif is sick.
Only nigger neets wouldn't clean their jizz stains, is what mean
Your source has citations, but they are in no way listed beyond the image. Please back up what you say. Also Info Wars doesn't count.
> I S R A E L
>white Argentineans
Does it have to be a girl?
No user...
here you can get them drugged heavily if you pay, maybe some places still offer the good old crispy healing. nothing wrong with it after all, it just corrects the currents used by neurons to comunicate faggyness
Yes. If we didn't, there'd be cum all over our walls
I'm pretty sure there is.. such is the life of a neet.
Interestingly enough Republican's before Reagan had a progressive streak to them. Look Nixon who started the epa. Nixon wouldn't be caught dead in today's Republican party I believe.
Milo claims to be a Libertarian.
No, I always clean
Why don't you just cum in your boxers and call it a day?
They're dying for their retarded ideas not for their country.
I don't want to get my clothes dirty like a degenerate
It's cleaner to just cum at the walls since they don't stain like cloth or carpet.
I'll be honest, I've considered it.
>Libertarian Socialiats
>Liberal democrats
fiji bringing the bantzi
Are you male? Are you gay?
If yes to the first, you can get a good girl. If yes to both, you can be me six nine rabbit. If no to either, or if you're not clean (which I expect of all neets) kill yourself my dudeo
>hasn't read Way of Men
If the cum boxer rag isn't up your alley and you only blow your load once or twice just do it on the boxers you're wearing for extreme convenience.
I am literally laughing, I wish there were spoilers on this board.
TIL not voting republican makes you conservative. Even Bernie is considered liberal across the pond.
I'm not a faggot, so yes
(It would have been perfect)
Too bad
Might I add north-western EU is culturally liberal but economically conservative
My gay friend is the president of the conservative liberal university group.
Alright, I literally mean I do actually do so every so often. Also I chronically shitpost, sorry user.
Intellectual Property
"culturally conservative" can't be an attention whore on internet. Actually they shouldn't really use internet at all.
A cat?
A robot?
A tulpa?
Might as well go straight to a goddess.
Well, some japanese cartons are pretty great and redpilled if you know how to find gems like pic related
I also recommend Blame! , it's the most fucked up cyber dystopia ever.
a good muslim
A modern-day faction of the Klan that actually poses a legitimate threat to anyone
Same to both.
Global Intelligence
>posts that gay conservatives don't exist
>literally on a gay conservatism board
That guy from Ghibli literally said anime was a mistake, and he is basically the number one authority on the subject.
Get fucked, slav.
Traditional white women was enough to be eligible actually
you need to go back
I fucking hate my degenerate non-country
USA should annex whatever is left of us already
mexican intellectuals
do you take it up the arse or just the eternal teasing sissy?
too late for that, senpai. we've been a US territory for a long time. kek
besides, if anything they'd let us go. we're fucking scum everywhere we go. i bet they're pretty tired of our shit already.
> Tolerant muslim countries
An actual White person on Sup Forums
a future worth living
Black Santa Clause
decent Malaysians.
Some refuse to eat.
>>gay conservatives
Front national score better among gay than heterosexual