Why the Fuck is an AMERICAN NIGGER Piked as th face of The Great European War?

I'm trying to find stats on this. First of all, Americans in General didn't enter the war until very, very late. Of the Americans who fought in WW 1, no niggers allowed to serve in Marines, or Navy...even the Oxford entity on this (which days is essentially "we wuz kangz" admits that, of the negroes who went to Europe "the overwhelming majority worked in supply companies.

Also know for a fact that a group of US niggers who were allowed to serve under the French (you'd think they'd have learned from Haiti...you'd be wrong) were horrible rapists to the point where French women could not leave the house after dark.

So who does EA (owned by a Jew) pick to make a game about the GREAT EUROPEAN WAR? A cucked Swede (who also did not fight in war) and they have a NIGGER on the fucking cover of game.

Roughly 38 million casualties, an entire generation of European men wiped out, and they pick a NIGGER to represent the "average fighting man?" Was just setting this up for my cousin today and trying to play a few rounds until it made me sick. Luckily, you can switch storylines, but honestly the game fucking sucks.

So want a better game? Try "Call of Duty Advanced," where you ge too fight a war in South Korea. Sounds fun right? No. You aren't ALLOWED TO SEE THE GOOK FACES (!!!) on the enemy, I kid you not. Face it, we lost GG. They ruined vidya games. And this can't go in Sup Forums for obvious reasons. One last thing we had, they took. Next on their last is anime and then we have fucking nothing left.

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Also, in France this is a big deal (or was before we were flooded with shitskins. Ever commune (there are something like 40k of them) have their dead listed on some memorial. In all of France, I think only 3 communes did not lose someone.

Do they have any fucking idea how insulting this is to French? I only live here part of the year, seeing family for the foliday, but jesus christ, seeing the nigger as The Face of The Great War, it's like we're in a 1984 world. They're just changing history now to suit their own agenda.

Just play Battlefield Bad Company 2 if you want a good Battlefield game, it's the best of the whole lot.

Face it, blacks are the new europeans.

Don't expect anything else from Sweden.

BF1 is terrible, anyway.
All maps are basically operation metro, a retarded clusterfuck.
And bullets don't go where you're aiming. Magical guns with magical bullets.

Best BF game is Bad Company 2.
God tier shooter.

LOL why did you even buy the game?

>Battlefield Bad Company 2
This is a retard level question, but can I get that on a console? Refuse to get a gaming PC because then I'd never get fuck all done as far as work. I know the day I step into the abyss of a good gaming PC, it's over for me, will end up like one o those nips passed out at my computer with a stroke after 72 hours straight of playing.

This is not only..I'm not being a turd here, but this is fucking offensive. Great grandfather blown to bits in France, Grandfather grew up selling pencils door to door to pay for younger sister's polio treatment.

Entire generations of Euro men were wiped out, and these fucking cuckolds..the nigger has no history, they never invented a written language. And the history they have acquitted since the White man began writing it down for them has been a rather inglorious one. Can you imagine in 500 years, if the Jews get their way? ALL our history will be rewritten. That's why, NEVER throw out your books, eco history books and keep in good condition and pass down to kids..

>hy did you even buy the game?
I was getting up nephew's system, it came with the system. Think my sister knows any fucking better?

>getting up

You can probably still get it for PS3, I'm playing it right now on PS3 and the online still has some decent activity.


Because the game is made by a Swedish developer.

Sweden didn't even fight in WW1. They are literally using the bloodbath of our ancestors to push their cuck diversity agenda.

Fuck Sweden.

Are you the last real Frenchman?

I feel.... Genuinely sorry for you. Must be a terrible time to live in.

My Great uncle died at the Battle of the Somme so some kikes could one day lie about history.


I spent the last six weeks in Belgium and France touring Great War sites. Ypres, Vimy Ridge, Hill 62, etc. Just in time for the centennial of The Somme. It was an incredible experience marching through the remnants of old trenches. And EA, from the deepest cloisters of their synagogues, made a mockery of the whole war by sacrificing its memory on the altar of multikulti and kangz.

He looks like an ordinary Frenchman to me..

Becaus America has a large population and would be the biggest market. America also fucking loves niggers, everything is nigge.. sorry, n word this and n word that, black on white interracial couples on tv ads, music videos, porn, so so much interracial porn, of which Americans are the biggest consumer, nigger luvin schools.

Americans really love niggers.

Yeah it pisses me off that they're trying to push this bullshit, and yeah there are also some more generic complaints I have about the game, but it's pretty fun.

I can see some people having their knowledge and beliefs of ww1 being subtly changed though, especially young kids and people who know nothing about it.

Anyway, hopefully they make a patch where you can customize your soldiers actual appearance in some way so I don't have to play as a non European in the European theatre of war.

What pisses me off, with the graphics they have now, if things didn't have to be so fucking PC, imagine how cool games could be fighting the Muslims at Tours or in Spain? OR driving them off from Veinna with Winged Hussars? The strange thing to me is, the Jews MUST know that their refusal to make shit their audience actually wants to see is going to eventually put them out of business.

I never liked GTA, but shit at least it wasn't PC, although I felt like it was making fun of you for playing it. With graphics now, imagine fighting the Persians off as Spartans or the Athenians fleeing to ships and fighting them on the sea?

Nope, can't have any of that, not PC. Instead, weird shit with the same ugly fucking aliens.

Skin color only matters if you're racist.Hitler was a jewish mixed black-asian muslim atheist.

Those Jews in the mid 19th century foresaw this opportunity and acted upon it.


kek, shit taste man

>America also fucking loves niggers, everything is nigge.
This is simply untrue. You can tell this is untrue by ales of COD then and now. The "diversity" bullshit is actually HURTING their sales. Niggers make up..what, 13% of their pop? How many do you think have shekels for this kind of system? That's the cray part with games like this and films like "ghostbusters."

The Jews KNOW it's going to cost them money, but keep trying to stuff a round peg into a square hole anyway. Even without the nigger, the gameplay just isn't that great. Reminds me of....fuck, what was that first "Realistic" ww 2 game set in France that was decent but not really good?

I mean, think how cool a game would be of..SAS, SEALS, and Delta force going in and killing ISIS (realistic or not) and fighting with the kurds, etc..? THAT kind of thing would sell. But the Jews just won't make it.

THAT is what tells me the Jews care more about their own tribe even than their shekels.

No, it's literally you with shit taste.

Wanna know the real reason about darkie being a posterboy for that game? Its free market capitalism, dumbass.

Blacks are playing more games and so the game companies think.. "hmmm.. blacks are probably not really interested in WW1 so maybe we should put some black guy on the game cover to get em to play it"

Its really as simple as that. Go on, blame the jews and blame the leftists.. free market is your enemy

Most niggers in the US just collect welfare and play video games, and try to think up alternate histories where they were actually relevant. Why not combine the two?

Don't be surprised if the sequel comes with a bag of crack.

Because the game was developed in Sweden.


Even USA didn't want them in their armies, so they fought in French battalions.

>America also fucking loves niggers, everything is nigge.
>This is simply untrue
Riiiiiight. So it's pure coincidence that all modern music is niggerfied? It's pure coincidence that kids hang around and act like niggers because "black people are cool"? It's pure fucking coincidence that every American on pol is super duper touchy about being called a nigger or women who are deemed "coalburners"?

Muricans are obsessed with niggers.

Really makes me think...


Because it's a videogame that gets the majority of its sales from black Americans.

Mfw poltards care about the historical accuracy in fucking battlefield,probably some nigger on the design team thought it looked cool and rolled with it.Its a fucking video game might as well complain about police brutality being flanderized in GTA

I don't KNOW, but it pisses me off to no END! Why are there blacks in this VIDYA.


what is this? what are they supposed to be doing, whats the purpose?

>letting Swedes make a game

why are you getting blown out about a shitty shooter franchise?
This is like getting pissed off about anything in a COD game
All it really does is show you have plebe taste in games

Swedes, thats why.

It was the last good BF game, but it's nowhere near "the best", this faggot is probably underage and it was probably his first BF.


I remember British Indians on western front from Junger's book, but never heard anything about Africans from German colonies being sent to fight in Europe.

>free market is your enemy

Free market makes no sense as a reason for it. The near entirety of the market for these games is the US, Canada, Australia, the Southern Cone nations, Brazil and Europe. Of all these locations, the US is the one that has by far the largest black population at 13%, with no other surpassing 5%.

Even Brazil, which is the least white of all these nations at just under 50% white, has the near totality of those who can afford to play such games be white. So yes, pandering to niggers makes no sense when they make up a tiny fraction of the market and you NEED to have an almost entirely white player base to brake even on such high budget games.

Even Brazil, which has

But bf2 was great....

And so is bf1, i've playing shit out of it lately. Finally people really use some strategy in the game. Smokes, medics, they all work now unlike in bf4 and bf3

Because the game was developed in Sweden.

>Muricans are obsessed with niggers.
Obsession doesn't mean love. Young people like to rebel, and there's no better way to rebel then to be a dirty nigger. This has been true for decades, which is why the young like nigger music but by the time they're in their mid 20s it's no longer the case.

Their message isn't very clear and it just comes off as disrespectful and I can't help but notice everyone is dressed atrociously. Modern casual wear is kinda trash.

While it's a game and I hate the black person being on the front and them pushing all the ethnic soldiers, even in the Europe maps, I was really annoyed they didn't include Russia or France, especially since both lost the most people

I'm pretty sure I read them trying to use the fact that it's late in the war, but that doesn't explain why France still isn't in, why trade France for America? it's fucking annoying, they are omitting one of the key countries that made up the Triple Entente, and are apparently selling France as a country to play down the line

Bullshit, given the numbers and the socioeconomic situation of different races by country I'd bet 100$ that there where more white Canadians who bought it then American niggers.

this is why i have a select tpye of indie games i like to play

niche stuff

you know the real reason... they are saving the french and ruskies for costly DLC...

We're fucking drowning in PC and don't worry, in 20 years there won't be anymore white americans to ridicule, because we'll be a husk of what was once a world power. Vines, YouTube, rap music have captured the teenagers and teen pregnancies are reaching a record high MTV is promoting this Disney is promoting this EVERYONE is promoting this, to ACT like niggers, and now people are mixing with NIGGERS, and even mixed babies can be saved by breeding with whites over and over until black genes are gone, but they consider themselves NIGGERS because its cooler, so they'll also mix with NIGGERS but its only a matter of time before we BECOME niggers, no NOT mixed races, NOT asians, NOT latinos, NOT mudslimes, NIGGERS. THEY GET PAID MORE MONEY EVERY MONTH AS LONG AS THEY KEEP HAVING CHILDREN. ITS BEING FUCKING ENCOURAGED.

serious question when america falls who do you think will replace them (besides russia)

What did you really expected from Swedes?
That's already a miracle that BF1 gameplay isn't 75% sucking black dicks

that explains why they hired snoop dogg to promote the game

>Expect BF1 to be historically accurate

When you play as British it's hard to pick someone not Indian

There were a black soldiers in the German Army on the Austro-Hungarian front according to DICE. Enough to feature them in the game.

Game is fucked, isn't even that fun. If you think it's at all historically accurate, play the campaign.

The guns are "experimental".

Honest to God if you think any part of this game is supposed to be historically accurate you should receive a bayonet in the face.


Holy R A R E *saves flag*

Holy N E W *sends back to rebbit*

>German snipers are black
>soldiers in the traditional ANZAC uniforms are black

Genuine question: How did this meme start?

>A Celebrity was used for the marketing, that means that basic economics doesn't apply

Top Kek

Which is disgusting when you think on it

Saving one of the Triple Entente just to have people pay to see the army defaced and commercialised


Fuck me, his fingers are like sausages, I wonder if the phone has the 'push all buttons at the same time' function?

The thing about it is that the blacks don't even really feature in any of the campaigns, they're just in the prologue and never heard from again.

But honestly, nothing compares to how unbelievable it is that they made the German sniper class black. The Germans had something like 2 black army musicians in all of the European theatre and that's it.

Maybe you should, you know, grow up and stop playing with toys...

If they take your video games and anime from you maybe then you fucking NEET fags will finally go outside and do something about it.....although i doubt it since you are all a bunch of cunts.

It's just a game OP, there are bigger concerns.
Besides it's a fun game I don't really care about some inaccuracies.

Can I be a rare flag too, plebbitor-kun?

Making a war game about WWI, spouting their entire marketing on historical accuracy of battles and then pulling shit like "Tyrone Jamal Dindu - German Commander" is not only disrespectful from Swedes to the rest of Europe, it's also a good way to change history considering the amount of kids playing war games.

If they made a fictional or parody world it would be fine but here that's history we are talking about.

What is a plebbetor?

Arent the Servers offline?

It was decent and definately more fun than 2142, at least on PC

Gears of War 4 was the only redpilled game of this year.
>White male protagonist
>White female deuteragonist
>A black guy that's actually a good character and wasn't shoved in for muh diversity
>Excellent story
>The Swarm are genuinely scary enemies
They don't make games like this anymore, we should enjoy it while it lasts.

Because they are afraid of GamerGate. Also, they want blacks to buy their product.

That's all it is. By putting a black on the cover, they get a minority as their centerpiece to deflect the hardcore feminists, and they invite blacks to buy the product.

And that's why japanese games will ALWAYS be superior.

It's not some random inaccuracy. They are trying to rewrite history bit by bit so that eventually people think that multiculturalism was always the case and that Europe has always been swarming with niggers who rightfully belong just like the Europeans.


They're even doing it with medieval shows.

It's that Sarkeesian bitch and Five Guys Burgers and Fries.

They do stuff like this because heeeheeehawhaw it pisses off dah white man.

Meanwhile we will keep fucking their political world up because they couldnt leave our video games alone.

Because that was the Hellfighter edition of the game?

>They're even doing it in medieval shows
Which shows exactly?

this, they are slowly moving everything from fact to assumption based on popular belief

history, language, law etc

One of our jewned online game review mentioned the B1 Italian front was exciting, killing Austro-Hungarian forces was """""so enjoyable """""""


Yeah it was like a fucking theme-park.

Imagine being so fucking autistic that you get mad over the skin color of a virtual character

Imagine being so myopic and self serving that you laughed at people that took notice when overt displays of politically motivated historical revisionism was placed front and centre of one of the largest propaganda mediums for youth today

Cause it's made by Swedecucks

I can at least respect the blacks that fought though, fighting for foreign allies all while being called a nigger at home.

Had all blacks in America had the upbringing and moral fortitude those men had our crime and murder rate would be next to nil in major cities outside of Commiefornia

A show, I forgot what it was called, features a nig as one of the main characters in medieval England


just play Verdun

The niggers are barely a part of the game you autistic sperg. You play some dindu for a tiny part of the prologue and that's it.

You spend the majority of the campaign as Commonwealth soldiers.

Ah, that's where you are wrong. It is indeed made by Swedish DICE but it was not until DICE was bought by American EA Games that they introduced cuck porn into their games, it was the only way they were allowed to continue make games.

If you judge whether or not you are an adult based off of your methods of entertainment then you are still stuck in highschool.

Maybe don't play video games.
P.s. Sup Forums is 18+

>Had all blacks in America had the upbringing and moral fortitude those men had our crime and murder rate would be next to nil in major cities outside of Commiefornia

Bullshit cunt. Niggers would have nigged regardless.

The BBC has been putting niggers in historical dramas and pretending it's fact.

you nigger


Dice is owned by Americans (EA) who call the shots Dice just makes the game.
It is not the only game EA has ruined with their SJW bullshit.

I really do love niggers. Entertaining as fuck, I want no where near them but I like to seem them hit each other on Sunday through a screen.

Dont try to push the blame back on us sven, your country loves the cultural enrichment.

It seems we have the same interest then

downgraded battlefield for console babies

I find that unnerving...
Like the kids are being trained to die for some cause others dream up.

That literally doesn't make any sense. I don't even see the point of this blatant lie.