A fishing boat named Alcatras has been stopped outside Kos
First responders claim its' cargo is missile systems or arms for Turkey
Alcatras has asked for help from the Turkish Coast Guard even though it's greek waters
Greek Navy is about to intervene
Could a good habbiding end glorious 2016?

Other urls found in this thread:

>ouside Kos
>Or some say, Kosm...

violation mean military intervention. In this case it is fishing ship that carries weapons


The boat is The Rock?

funny thing is that the boat actually hit a Rock

k keep me posted

Why are weapons carried in a fishing boat? Turkey can buy weapons legally. Or are they sent outside Turkey?

Likely to avoid inspection. What makes us so sure these weapons were meant for the Turkish government and not Kurdish rebels?

I am used to government sending arms to foreign rebels. You are right.

This has happened before near crete but then it was turks sending arms from Constantinople to Libyan jihadists and the news just called them smugglers and moved on
It's probably arms smuggling for jihadists again

You play Runescape? lol

lol NATO vs NATO.... great alliance you got there, only US petrodollars and lies keep you together

absolutely this. greece only joined NATO as a deterrent to Turkey's plan

best of luck, greekbros

pay debts first then you might dream about becoming our enemy.

NATO is to keep the turks from straight up invading you dumb cyka
If you open a map we happen to share a border
If you open the news they happen to have a revisionist megalomaniac in power

Not paying the denbts is the ultimate redpill you fuckin roach.

this is why I love bulgaria, a buffer zone with turkey

also that is why I love hungary, new buffer zone with new turkey from up northwest

I thought greeks still hated turks, but they send those turkish coup soldiers back to turkey....

Still listening to the sultan after 600 years

Oy vey!

>implying Amerifats will do anything! Be a good goyim and keep paying your rabbi tax, suckers!

>Not paying the denbts
Oy vey, oy gevalt

sorry mate, german taxpayers got their money back, but the jewish banks will never.

We are waiting the result of areopagus (supreme court)
We haven't sent them back yet
The trial is literally harsher diplomatic pressure on an already isolated country vs saving a few soldiers from getting brutally tortured back home

we won't send them back. We simply want to trigger Erdogan into attacking us and reclaiming Constantinople. It's part of our plan